Salesforce Power User for Sales (Lightning) Course

Course Details:

Length: 1 day

Price: $510/person (USD)

Group Price: Request Quote

Training Reviews

Course Features:

Live Instructor Teaching

Certificate of Completion

Digital Badge

Courseware: Print

Free 6 Month Online Retake

Hands-On Learning?: Yes

Software Lab Included: N/A
Cloud Based (requires trial or license)

Delivery Methods:

Live Online

Individuals and Groups
@ Your Location

Onsite for Teams

Group Teams
@ Your Organization

This is an instructor-led course. It is taught by an instructor live online or at organizations for groups.
For team training, we can teach onsite at your office or private live online.


Course Overview

This class is delivered by a live instructor and is specifically designed to teach sales people the more advanced sales and activity management features of Salesforce.

A student in this class will learn how to configure some of the advanced functionality within Salesforce including the user interface features and search settings. Students will also set up and use advanced email features, Chatter, Opportunity features such as tracking competitors, contact roles, partners, and setting up and utilizing Price books and Products. Finally, participants will learn how to create and utilize views, reports and the Activities Tab.

Register Early: Registration Deadline is 2 Weeks Prior to Class Start.

Course Notes


Sales people with a very good understanding of Salesforce sales basics who want to utilize more of the power that Salesforce can provide.

Knowledge Prerequisites for Sales Representatives (Lightning)

Course Topics

Course FAQs

What Are the Available Class Formats?

This course is taught by a live instructor and is available in two class formats:

  1. Live Online for Individuals
  2. Onsite/Online for Private Groups

What Is Salesforce User Interface Setup?

Setting up the Salesforce user interface is the process of customizing how users interact with the Salesforce platform. This includes adjusting the layout of pages, creating custom fields and objects, setting up page layouts, and more. It also involves deciding which functionalities are available to users in different areas such as customer service, marketing, or other departments.

The user interface is the window into Salesforce and a key factor in making it easier for users to find what they need and quickly complete tasks. By setting up an effective user interface, organizations can ensure that their employees have an easy time working with Salesforce. The goal of the user interface setup is to make everything flow smoothly so that users can quickly and efficiently complete their tasks. This can help an organization save time and money by streamlining processes and improving user experience. Taking the time to set the user interface up correctly will ensure that users get the most out of Salesforce and make it easier for them to do their jobs.

What Are Salesforce Search Settings?

Salesforce search settings allow administrators to optimize the search functionality across various Salesforce organizations. With these settings, admins can configure the settings for their specific organization's needs. This includes setting up filters, controlling how many results come back for each search query, and defining which data fields will be searched in addition to providing additional customized options. Search settings can also be used to create custom search filters that are specific to the organization, allowing more precision and accuracy. By taking advantage of these settings, organizations can ensure they are getting the most out of Salesforce's search capabilities. With the right setup, admins can quickly find the data they need, saving time and improving overall productivity.

What Are Salesforce Advanced Email Features?

Salesforce's advanced email features offer several powerful capabilities that can help businesses maximize their email outreach efforts. These features allow organizations to create personalized, targeted emails with tracking functionality to understand who is engaging with the content, when they are engaging and how to optimize future email campaigns. With these advanced email functions, businesses have access to a comprehensive set of tools to measure engagement, segment contacts, and customize messages.

Salesforce's advanced email features include:

- Automated workflow with triggers and rules to automate the sending of emails based on specific criteria.
- Pre-built templates for personalizing emails quickly and easily.
- Contact segmentation so that you can target specific audiences with the right messaging.
- Advanced reporting to monitor and measure email performance.
- Testing tools to ensure your emails are serving their purpose effectively.
- A/B testing to optimize future campaigns by testing different variations of the same message.

With Salesforce's advanced email features, businesses have the power to amplify their outreach efforts and ensure their emails have the maximum amount of impact. By leveraging these features to create personalized, targeted messages and tracking results, businesses can maximize their ROI from email marketing.

What Is Salesforce Chatter Set Up?

Salesforce chatter is a powerful solution that allows organizations to collaborate, communicate and connect with their customers and employees. With it, teams can exchange ideas and stay informed on the latest developments in their company. It also provides an environment for secure data sharing, making it easier for teams to collaborate on projects or tasks. Chatter makes it easy for organizations to set up a secure, collaborative environment that helps drive business success. With its intuitive interface and drag-and-drop features, users can quickly create powerful workflows and customize their setup with the click of a button. Salesforce chatter also allows organizations to easily integrate with other enterprise applications, such as Microsoft Office, Salesforce CRM, and Box. By leveraging the Chatter platform, organizations can improve their workflow and increase efficiency across departments. With this comprehensive feature, organizations can better manage their customer relationships, increase collaboration and productivity, as well as reduce risk.

What Are Salesforce Advanced Opportunities Features?

Salesforce advanced opportunities are a set of features that help streamline the selling process. With these tools, organizations can quickly identify new opportunities, track and manage deals more efficiently, and drive better results from their sales teams.

The Salesforce Opportunity Management module provides users with the means to create customized opportunity pipelines for tracking leads across different stages of the sales process. It also offers insights into prospect data and provides users with a range of forecasting tools to help predict future performance.

The Salesforce advanced pricing engine allows organizations to quickly calculate quotes, margins, and discounts for individual deals, while the Quote-to-Cash functionality enables them to better manage their quotation and invoicing process.

Advanced collaboration features, including Salesforce Chatter and Quip, provide users with the ability to effectively communicate and collaborate within their team, regardless of location. This helps ensure all stakeholders remain up-to-date with the latest deal developments.

Finally, Salesforce’s advanced analytics capabilities offer in-depth insights into all aspects of the sales process. This includes real-time visibility into individual performance and teams, enabling organizations to make better decisions when it comes to resource allocation and personnel management.

What Is Creating and Working With Salesforce List Views?

Salesforce list views are a powerful tool for managing large amounts of data. With the use of list views, users can quickly find and filter records from an object or related list, helping them to work more efficiently. List views also offer a way to save customized views of data that are tailored to individual user preferences. This makes it easy to access important data quickly, saving time and increasing productivity. By working with list views, users can have a better understanding of their organization's data and performance metrics.

What Is Creating, Customizing and Running Salesforce Reports?

Creating, customizing, and running Salesforce reports allows users to analyze customer data and make decisions based on that information. This process is essential for any business that wants to stay ahead of its competitors in the ever-evolving market. Reports provide insights into user behavior, customer feedback, sales performance, product adoption rates, and more. With Salesforce, users can quickly and easily create reports that are tailored to their specific needs. The platform allows for customizing the report criteria, data source, chart type, sorting order, filters, and more. Once created, these reports can be run on-demand or scheduled for automated delivery.

Reports generated from Salesforce allow organizations to make better decisions and develop strategies to increase customer engagement and drive sales. With the ability to create, customize, and run reports in Salesforce, businesses can stay informed and make decisions that will help them succeed.

What Is Salesforce Activity Management?

Salesforce activity management is a powerful tool for businesses. It helps organizations gain better control over their data, automate mundane tasks and streamline processes. With Salesforce activity management, users can manage customer relationships, track leads and opportunities, schedule appointments, monitor critical tasks, and much more. Salesforce's integrated cloud-based platform enables organizations to easily track progress and maximize efficiency. Additionally, the system provides valuable insights into customer behavior and trends, helping organizations make informed decisions.

By using Salesforce activity management, businesses can remain agile and stay ahead of the competition. They can maintain better relationships with their customers as well as increase productivity and efficiency through automated processes. Companies can leverage Salesforce activity management to streamline operations, gain greater visibility into customer relationships, and drive sales growth.

Related Salesforce Information:

How Much Does Sales Force Training Cost?

Public instructor-led Salesforce course prices start at $510 per student. Group training discounts are available.

Self-Paced Salesforce eLearning courses cost $650 at the starting point per student. Group purchase discounts are available.

What Salesforce Skills Should I Learn?

A: If you are wondering what Salesforce skills are important to learn, we've written a Salesforce Skills and Learning Guide that maps out Salesforce skills that are key to master and which of our courses teaches each skill.

Read Our Salesforce Skills and Learning Guide

Take Training for Salesforce With Certstaffix Training

At Certstaffix Training, we offer a comprehensive training for Salesforce with both end user and Administration courses. We offer a Salesforce certification course for Administration designed to prepare you sit the Salesforce exam and equips you with the necessary Salesforce skills. Our Salesforce certification courses and end user courses provide three distinct ways to learn, ensuring that everyone can access our quality Salesforce certification training.

1) Live Online Classes: This Salesforce training program is tailored to suit the needs of both beginners and professionals seeking to fine-tune their skills and wish to interact with a live instructor and other students.

2) Self-Paced Online eLearning: We understand that some prefer to learn at their own pace, and that's why we offer self-paced online Salesforce trainings in our program offerings.

3) Onsite in-person courses for corporate groups: We offer in-person training for Salesforce to corporate groups, providing onsite courses designed to enhance proficiency and operational skills in Salesforce with a face-to-face instructor.

Begin your journey today with our Salesforce training for beginners or advance your knowledge with our extensive Salesforce courses.

What Is Salesforce Training, and How Are Certifications Obtained?

A: Salesforce, a customer relationship management (CRM) platform, provides a cloud-based solution to employees and business owners who want to manage all aspects of their customer connections. This powerhouse platform allows individuals to use the cloud to handle many different business tasks, including sales, marketing, commerce, and productivity, but its complexity and feature-rich design lead many employees to seek formal online and instructor-led training, which we offer at Certstaffix Training. Taking courses can prepare you for certification exams, which can be scheduled through the Salesforce website.

More Information on Salesforce Training and Certifications

What Are the Basics of Salesforce Administrator Training?

A: Becoming a Salesforce administrator can be a career upgrade and financial boon for some employees. This career choice, however, can come with a significant investment of time and money for those who are paying for training out of pocket. Some individuals can spend a year and thousands of dollars taking preparation courses. Studying for a Salesforce administrator certification can be simplified by taking training courses specifically designed to cover the job’s fundamentals. Signing up for classes taught by a live instructor can increase your chances of understanding the software and the specific duties associated with becoming an administrator.

More Information on Becoming a Salesforce Administrator

How Difficult Is it to Become a Salesforce Administrator, and Is it Worth It?

A: The difficulty of becoming a Salesforce administrator can depend on many factors, including your existing knowledge and experience and whether you want to earn a basic or advanced administrator certification. While preparation for administrator certification can require intense study and hands-on experience, most employees find the prospect of a significant pay increase after earning the credential worth it. Most beginners can expect months of study, practice, and preparation for the exam, including taking Salesforce admin classes. This effort can significantly reduce the difficulty of passing these exams; many students fail in their first attempt, so good preparation is crucial.

More Information on Becoming a Salesforce Administrator

How Can I Get a Salesforce Developer Certification, and How Much Does it Cost?

A: Employees who want to become a certified Salesforce developer have a number of options. While preparation for this profession can vary between individuals in terms of education, experience, and skills, obtaining an official Salesforce developer certification can position any employee on the path to stepping into this respected role. Taking training courses that teach basic and advanced aspects of a Salesforce developer role can adequately prepare individuals for the certification exam. The cost for the certification exam is $200, which is relativity low compared to similar certifications.

More Information on How to Get a Salesforce Developer Certification

How Can I Best Learn Salesforce?

A: Since Salesforce can be challenging to master, it's important to choose the appropriate training method based on your preferences, needs, learning style, and budget. Traditional classes can appeal to student groups, while online courses are perfect for individuals who want a self-paced option. Supplemental resources, like tutorials, guides, and videos, can introduce students to Salesforce but rarely give individuals the expertise required to perform specialized roles like Administrator. While Salesforce may offer its own training, signing up for instructor-led classes can ensure that students learn everything that they need to know with the support of a knowledgeable teacher.

More Information on How to Learn Salesforce

How Long Does Salesforce Training Take?

A: The amount of time that's required to learn Salesforce can depend on a number of factors, including your prior knowledge of Salesforce concepts, the particular role that you want to pursue, and the educational option that you choose. Traditional courses can last weeks or months, with more study time required for advanced credentials. But our accelerated courses take far less time. Generally, those who pursue Administrator training can expect to learn the role's fundamentals in a few weeks, unless they take an accelerated course, which can be completed in just a few days.

More Information on How Long it Takes to Learn Salesforce

Which Class Is Best for Those New to Salesforce?

A: When determining which Salesforce course is best to take, novices will need to consider their professional goals, interests, and skill set. Generally speaking, those new to Salesforce should target entry-level courses and certifications. Exceptions can be made for specialized roles that don't have prerequisites. Most beginners choose to pursue a Salesforce Administrator class and certification because of the general skills that they can gain, but higher-level certifications, like Service Cloud Consultant, may also be pursued by those who want to start facing clients. Beginners can also take classes that teach new versions of Salesforce, like Lightning.

More Information on Which Class Is Best for Those New to Salesforce

Should I Get a Salesforce Certification?

A: Since Salesforce is a leading customer relationship management (CRM) program that corporate entities and small companies use to maintain important connections, earning a Salesforce certification can be worth your time and financial investment. In addition to demonstrating your proficiency with the platform and its latest iterations, certification can increase your pay and allow you professional mobility. To get the most out of a credential, choose the right certification to pursue and keep it valid with re-certifications as needed. Relatively low-cost courses are available at Certstaffix Training, which can be completed in a few days.

More Information on Whether Salesforce Certification Is Worthwhile

How Much Does it Cost to Get a Salesforce Certification?

A: If you want to earn a Salesforce certification, factors like the type of Salesforce role that you want to pursue, your current skill level, and the training that you choose can influence how much you'll spend. Different certification exams have different costs, and so do the courses to prepare you for them. Choosing the right training option can help you maximize the value of this investment and reduce the odds that you'll need to pay for the exam more than once.

More Information on How Much it Costs to Get a Salesforce Certification

How long will it take me to learn Salesforce?

A: Salesforce is a powerful CRM tool, and learning how to use it can take some time. Depending on your level of experience and how much time you can dedicate to learning, it could take anywhere from a few weeks to a couple of months to become proficient in Salesforce. A formal Salesforce course by Certstaffix Training is 1 to 5 days in length and can get you Salesforce skills quickly.

Once you have learned the basics, you will be able to salesforce more efficiently and effectively, saving you time in the long run. With Salesforce, you can customize your sales process, automate tasks, and keep track of your sales pipeline, making it an essential tool for sales professionals. If you are looking to improve your sales skills and efficiency, learning Salesforce is a great place to start.

Is Salesforce easy to learn?

A: Salesforce is a powerful CRM platform, but it can be challenging to learn if you're not familiar with CRM software. The good news is that there are plenty of resources available to help you get up to speed quickly. There are Salesforce training courses available online and in person that make it easy to learn Salesforce, as well as tons of helpful articles and videos for self-learners. With a little bit of effort, you can be up and running with Salesforce in no time.

Does Salesforce require coding?

A: Salesforce does not require coding, but it helps to have some coding knowledge. There are many Salesforce training options available to help users get up to speed. Having some coding skills can make working with Salesforce easier and more efficient. However, it is not required to use Salesforce.

What are Salesforce courses?

A: Salesforce courses are designed to help sales and customer service professionals learn how to use the Salesforce customer relationship management (CRM) system. Courses cover topics such as creating and managing sales opportunities, tracking customer interactions, and generating reports. Salesforce Administrators can also take courses tailored for those performing administrative tasks like instance setup & configuration. Salesforce courses can be taken online or in person (for groups) with Certstaffix Training.

What are options to learn Salesforce?

Are you looking to improve your Salesforce skills? You have come to the right place! Certstaffix Training offers a variety of Salesforce training options that can help take your knowledge and expertise to the next level. Our training programs are designed for Sales reps, administrators, and anyone interested in mastering the world's #1 customer relationship management platform.

Salesforce Training for Sales Reps

We have Salesforce training courses specifically tailored to meet the needs of Sales reps. We understand that as a salesperson, time is of the essence and you need quick and effective training solutions. Our courses cover all aspects of Salesforce – from lead management to customer retention – in an interactive and hands-on manner. With our training, you will learn how to leverage the power of Salesforce to increase your productivity and drive more sales.

Sales Force Training Near Me

We understand that convenience is important when it comes to training. That's why we offer in-person training courses at locations near you for corporate groups at your office. Our aim is to make sure our clients have access to top-notch Salesforce training without having to travel long distances. With onsite training when you have a corporate group, you can easily attend our courses and get trained by experienced professionals.

Salesforce Certification Classes

Earning a Salesforce certification is a great way to showcase your expertise and stand out in the job market. Our Salesforce Admin certification class prepares you for the official Salesforce exam and provides you with all the necessary knowledge and skills to pass them with flying colors. Our trainers have years of experience in the field, ensuring a high-quality learning experience.

Salesforce Admin Course Near Me

If you're looking to become a Salesforce administrator, we offer a course that cover all the essential skills and knowledge needed for this role. Our admin course will give you an in-depth understanding of how Salesforce works, as well as the technical abilities to configure and maintain the platform.

Sales Force Class Online

Our Sales force class online offerings cover all aspects of Salesforce – from the basics to advanced topics. Whether you're new to Salesforce or looking to expand your knowledge, our course is designed for individuals of all levels. Our experienced trainers will guide you through the platform, ensuring that you have a thorough understanding of Salesforce and its features.

Salesforce Training Seminars

We offer seminars and workshops on specific Salesforce topics. These seminars are perfect for those who want to enhance their skills in a particular area or stay up-to-date with the latest Salesforce updates. Our seminars are led by industry experts and provide valuable insights, tips, and best practices. Contact us today to set up a Salesforce training seminar at your organization.


With our various training options, we are confident that you will find the perfect fit for your learning needs. Don't miss out on the opportunity to improve your Salesforce skills and boost your career. Enroll in one of our courses today and take your first step towards becoming a Salesforce expert. So, whether you are looking for Salesforce training, Salesforce Training near me, Salesforce Certification Classes, or even a Sales Force Class - we have got you covered! Our seminars and workshops are designed to help you become the best version of yourself in the world of Salesforce. Don't wait any longer -register for one of our Salesforce classes today!

What are the top Salesforce skills?

A: There are a number of skills that are important for Salesforce professionals. One of the most important is the ability to configure and customize Salesforce applications. This includes being able to create custom objects, fields, workflows, and validation rules. Another key skill is understanding how to use Apex code to extend the functionality of Salesforce applications. Additionally, it is important to be able to integrate Salesforce with other systems using APIs. And finally, being able to effectively use Salesforce reports and dashboards is also critical. By possessing these skills, Salesforce professionals can be sure to be in high demand.

What are the top Salesforce skills?

1. The ability to configure and customize Salesforce applications. This includes being able to create custom objects, fields, workflows, and validation rules.

2. Understanding how to use Apex code to extend the functionality of Salesforce applications.

3. Being able to integrate Salesforce with other systems using APIs.

4. Being able to effectively use Salesforce reports and dashboards.

By possessing these skills, Salesforce professionals can be sure to be in high demand.

Where Can I Learn More About Salesforce?

Salesforce Blogs

Salesforce User Groups

Salesforce Online Forums

Explore Salesforce Training Classes Near Me:

Certstaffix Training provides Salesforce classes near me or online, depending on the number of students involved. We offer online courses for individual learners, as well as in person classes at your office for corporate groups. Our trainers are highly experienced professionals with the expertise necessary to help you gain a thorough understanding of Salesforce concepts and tools. With our courses available online for individuals or in person for corporate groups, it's easy to develop your Salesforce skills. Start learning today and see how Certstaffix Training can help you reach your goals.


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Online Class

Registration Deadline - 07/28/2024


9/26/2024 10:00:00 AM
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Registration Deadline - 09/10/2024


11/14/2024 10:00:00 AM
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Registration Deadline - 10/29/2024

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