Ruby on Rails CourseClosed

Course Details:

Length: 2 days

Price: Private Group Training Only

Group Price: Request Quote

Training Reviews

Course Features:

Live Instructor Teaching

Certificate of Completion

Digital Badge

Courseware: Print

Free 6 Month Online Retake

Hands-On Learning?: Yes

Software Lab Included?: Yes

Delivery Methods:

Live Online

Group Teams
@ Your Location

Onsite for Teams

Group Teams
@ Your Organization

This is an instructor-led course. It is taught by an instructor live online or at organizations for groups.
For team training, we can teach onsite at your office or private live online.


Course Overview

Learn to build Rails-based web applications using all the latest features offered in Rails 5.2. Rails is a robust, flexible development platform that lets you build complex websites quickly. Major websites like GitHub, Hulu, and Twitter have run Rails under the hood, and if you know just enough HTML and CSS to be dangerous, Ruby on Rails will teach you to harness Rails for your own projects and create web applications that are fast, stable, and secure.

First, you'll learn Ruby and Rails fundamentals and then dive straight into models, controllers, views, and deployment. Then, you'll take your skills to the next level as you build a social networking app with more advanced Ruby tools, such as modules and metaprogramming, and advanced data modeling techniques within Rail's Active Record.

Whether you’re completely new to Ruby or you’ve been mucking around for a bit, Ruby on Rails will take you from the basics to shipping your first Rails application.

What You Will Learn

  • Craft persistent models with Active Record
  • Build view templates with Embedded Ruby
  • Use Git to roll back to previous versions of your code base
  • Deploy applications to Heroku
  • Implement an authentication system to identify authorized users
  • Write your own automated tests and refactor your code with confidence
  • Maximize performance with the asset pipeline and turbolinks
  • Secure your app against SQL injection and cross-site scripting
  • Set up a server and deploy applications with Capistrano
  • Discover many Rails secrets and tips

Course Notes

Knowledge Prerequisites

Ruby Programming

Course Topics

Course FAQs

What Are the Available Class Formats?

This course is taught by a live instructor and is available for private corporate teams only upon request:

  1. Live Online for Private Groups
  2. Onsite for Private Groups

What Are Ruby Fundamentals?

Ruby fundamentals are the building blocks of the Ruby language. They include basic concepts like variables and data types, as well as more advanced elements such as classes, modules, and exceptions. Knowing these concepts is essential for applying Ruby in real-world situations. Fundamentals are also important for allowing developers to create efficient code that can be adapted and maintained. By understanding the fundamentals of Ruby, developers can create applications that are reliable, secure, and perform well. They can avoid common pitfalls and debug code more efficiently. Mastering the basics of the Ruby language is essential for creating successful programming projects.

What Are Ruby on Rails Fundamentals?

Ruby on Rails (or “Rails”) is a popular web application framework built with the Ruby programming language. It provides developers with useful tools and libraries to make web development simpler, faster, and more efficient. To gain a comprehensive understanding of Rails and its features, an individual must first be familiar with the fundamentals of the framework.

The core of the Ruby on Rails framework is based on four distinct components: Model, View, Controller (MVC), and Active Record. The Model component corresponds to the data connected to a web application; it includes information such as user accounts, blog posts, and product catalogs. The View component is responsible for displaying this data in a way that makes sense to the user. It includes things like HTML and CSS, as well as JavaScript code for interactive web pages. The Controller component works to handle user input; it handles requests to create or update data, as well as any special instructions needed by the application. Finally, Active Record is an object-relational mapping library that helps developers store and manipulates data in a database.

By being familiar with the fundamentals of Ruby on Rails, a developer can utilize the framework more effectively and efficiently. For example, understanding MVC allows developers to better segment their code into different components and help them keep their application organized. As well, familiarizing oneself with libraries and frameworks can help make the web development process more effective, as developers can quickly incorporate existing code into their projects.

Understanding the fundamentals of Ruby on Rails is essential for any developer hoping to create a successful web application. By taking the time to learn and understand these components, a developer will be able to make more informed decisions when creating and developing an application. With this knowledge, developers can confidently build applications that will perform optimally and efficiently to meet their users’ needs.

What Are Ruby on Rails Models?

Ruby on Rails models is a type of application programming interface (API) used for the development of web applications. The model layer is an integral part of the Rails framework, as it provides an abstract representation of all data stored in databases. Models allow developers to easily manipulate, store and retrieve information from their databases without having to write complex SQL queries. Models are also used to define relationships between various data elements, such as tables and columns. By using models, developers can easily maintain data integrity, enforce business rules, and simplify the development process. Ruby on Rails models offer a powerful way to manage data in web applications. They provide developers with greater control over their databases and help them create faster, better applications.

What Are Ruby on Rails Controllers?

Ruby on Rails controllers are the logical center of a web application. They provide structure to an otherwise chaotic system, allowing developers to focus on creating a great user experience. Controllers handle requests from the browser, retrieve information from the database, and render pages for the user. They are responsible for passing data between the view and model, as well as performing any necessary business logic. Controllers also provide an interface to access specific functionality, such as creating new posts or approving comments. By separating this logic into individual controllers, developers can keep their code DRY (don't repeat yourself) and structure their applications for the user to view. They also manage the data flow between models and views. By using controllers, web applications can be organized into components that are easier to maintain and debug. Controllers help to ensure that users always interact with the application securely. This is because controllers are designed to filter user input before it reaches the models or views. By doing so, they can prevent malicious code from executing on the server. Controllers also provide an easy way to access different areas of the application, allowing developers to quickly create site maps and routing tables. Controllers are a powerful tool for developing robust web applications that are secure, efficient, and reliable.

What Are Ruby on Rails Views?

Ruby on Rails views is an integral part of the Rails web application development framework. Views control how information is presented to users in a browser, from displaying data from models and controllers to formatting user input. As such, they are an essential component in most Ruby on Rails applications, allowing developers to create sophisticated interactive websites with ease. In addition, views are used to link the model and controller layers, which helps keep the codebase organized and manageable. By leveraging views, developers can take advantage of powerful features like AJAX and object-oriented programming to create dynamic applications that not only look great but also respond quickly and effectively to user requests. Views are an essential part of Rails development and are often the first port of call for developers when building an application. With views, developers can quickly and easily present information to users in a variety of formats. This makes it easy to create sophisticated and visually appealing websites with minimal effort.

What Is Ruby on Rails Deployment?

Ruby on Rails Deployment is the process of deploying a Ruby on Rails application from the development environment to the production environment. It involves creating an executable package, setting up hosting, configuring and optimizing databases, installing third-party components and libraries, and other tasks that can help make sure your web application runs smoothly for users. With proper deployment, you can ensure your application is secure, reliable, and easy to maintain. It also provides developers with an opportunity to move quickly from development to deployment without any manual configuration changes. Deploying a Ruby on Rails application requires some technical knowledge and experience but it can save time in the long run for businesses that want to create high-quality web applications efficiently.

What Are Ruby on Rails Advanced Active Records?

Ruby on Rails advanced active records are powerful tools for managing data within a web application. They provide conveniences such as simplified database queries, validations, and migrations. Advanced active record features make it easier to control how data is stored and retrieved from the database, while also providing better protection against malicious data manipulation. By leveraging these advanced features of Ruby on Rails, businesses and developers can more effectively manage their data, enabling them to better serve customers and create higher-quality web applications. Advanced active records are great for optimizing database performance and reducing the risk of data loss or corruption. Ruby on Rails advanced active records offer a comprehensive set of features to help developers produce high-quality web applications that are safe and reliable.

What Is Ruby on Rails Authentication?

Ruby on Rails authentication is a powerful web application framework that allows you to quickly and securely manage user authentication. With its intuitive tools, you can easily control who has access to your web application, as well as which areas they have access to. Ruby on Rails authentication also offers robust security features such as encryption and hashing algorithms, two-factor authentication, and account lockout mechanisms. By leveraging the features of Ruby on Rails authentication, you can ensure that your web application remains safe and secure at all times. These tools make it easier to manage user accounts, allowing you to quickly add or remove users as needed. With Ruby on Rails authentication, you can efficiently control access while keeping your web application secure.

What Is Ruby on Rails Testing?

Ruby on Rails testing is an essential part of software development when using the popular open-source web framework. It helps to ensure quality and performance by providing you with automated testing tools that test your application both initially and functionally. Unit tests are used to verify small, isolated pieces of functionality within an application, while functional tests are designed to simulate a user's interaction with the application and check for desired outputs. Ruby on Rails testing tools is designed to make it easy to write automated tests quickly, allowing faster development cycles with fewer bugs and less time spent debugging. This can help you deliver a higher-quality product to your users, while also reducing costs associated with manual testing. By leveraging these powerful tools, you can ensure your Ruby on Rails applications are robust, reliable, and perform well.

What Is Ruby on Rails Security?

Ruby on Rails security is an important component of web application security. This framework provides a secure and reliable environment for developing feature-rich applications that protect against malicious attacks. It uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption to ensure data is transmitted securely between the browser and server, authentication mechanisms to prevent unauthorized access, and a wide variety of other features to strengthen security. It is also compliant with various international standards such as OWASP and PCI-DSS to ensure data safety. Ruby on Rails security is essential for any application that processes or stores sensitive user information, and should be implemented during the development process for maximum protection. By using this framework, developers can create robust web applications that are secure and reliable.

What Is Ruby on Rails Performance?

Ruby on Rails performance is a measure of how well an application or website runs using the Ruby on Rails framework. It takes into account factors like the response time for page requests, database queries, and other operations. With careful development and optimization techniques, it is possible to improve the performance of an application dramatically. Developers must consider factors like code structure, caching, and database indexing to ensure maximum performance. With the right combination of these techniques, applications can be scaled to meet increased demand or handle more complex operations without sacrificing speed or reliability. There are many tools available that can help developers monitor performance and identify potential bottlenecks in an application or website's architecture. It is up to the developer to ensure that the application meets performance expectations and remains reliable over time. Improving Ruby on Rails performance can help to improve user experience, increase customer satisfaction, and boost revenue.

What Is Ruby on Rails Debugging?

Ruby on Rails debugging is the process of identifying and correcting errors in the application code. It involves reviewing the source code, running tests to identify problems, and then making changes to fix them. Debugging Ruby on Rails applications can be a time-consuming and challenging task, but it is essential for ensuring that your application works correctly. To simplify the debugging process, Ruby on Rails provides various tools such as loggers and debuggers that can help to pinpoint errors quickly. Many best practices can be used to ensure that your code is robust and error-free. By understanding the basics of Ruby on Rails debugging, you will be able to develop more reliable applications in less time.

What Are Ruby on Rails Web APIs?

Ruby on Rails web APIs are a powerful way to create custom web-based applications. By leveraging the full potential of Ruby on Rails, developers can build RESTful APIs that enable clients to interact with their products and services easily and securely. Utilizing the latest features of Ruby on Rails such as ActiveRecord, ActionMailer, ActionCable, and more, developers can create robust web APIs with a wide range of functionalities. With the help of these tools, Ruby on Rails web APIs allows developers to quickly develop powerful applications that are secure, scalable, and highly interoperable. They enable faster development cycles as changes can be deployed much faster than traditional methods. By leveraging the power of Ruby on Rails, developers can create secure and user-friendly APIs more efficiently. This makes it easier to integrate with existing applications as well as create new ones. With the help of Ruby on Rails web APIs, developers can bring their products and services to life quickly, securely, and at lower costs.

What Is Ruby on Rails Custom Deployment?

Ruby on Rails custom deployment is a software development process that enables developers to deploy applications quickly and efficiently. It is based on the popular Ruby programming language which provides an easy-to-use syntax for writing code. The Rails framework makes it easy to structure data, define interactions between objects, and control the flow of an application within a web server environment.

By using the Ruby on Rails custom deployment process, developers can create applications quickly and efficiently. This process is designed to make the development of complex applications significantly easier for experienced developers while providing novice developers with a jumpstart into the world of web application development. With its simple syntax, powerful tools and libraries, and community-driven resources, developers of all skill levels can quickly learn how to use the framework and create great applications.

Related Ruby Information:

How Much Do Ruby Programming Training Courses Cost?

Self-Paced Ruby Programming eLearning courses cost $475 at the starting point per student. Group purchase discounts are available.

What Ruby Programming Skills Should I Learn?

A: If you are wondering what Ruby skills are important to learn, we've written a Ruby Skills and Learning Guide that maps out Ruby programming skills that are key to master and which of our courses teaches each skill.

Read Our Ruby Programming Skills and Learning Guide

Is Ruby hard to learn?

A: No, Ruby is not hard to learn. In fact, it's been described as fun and easy to use. Ruby on Rails, the web application framework written in Ruby, is also relatively easy to learn. If you're interested in learning Ruby, we recommend taking our online Ruby training self-paced class. Our classes are taught by experienced instructors who can help you get up to speed quickly.

How can I learn Ruby?

A: There are many ways to learn the Ruby programming language. You can find online resources, such as tutorials and articles, or you can attend a training course. There are also many books available on the subject. Whichever method you choose, make sure you have a good understanding of the basics before moving on to more advanced concepts.

If you are looking for online resources, a good place to start is the Ruby on Rails Guides. These guides provide an excellent introduction to Ruby and Rails, and they cover a wide range of topics. You can also find many helpful tutorials on the official Ruby website.

If you would prefer to attend a Ruby training course, Certstaffix Training offers both individual online and group corporate onsite courses. Our classes are led by experienced instructors who can answer any questions you have.

Whatever method you choose to learn Ruby, make sure you take your time and practice regularly. With a little effort, you'll be writing Ruby code in no time!

Is Python or Ruby better?

A: There is no clear answer to the question of whether Python or Ruby is better. Both languages have their pros and cons, and which one is ultimately better for a given person or project depends on a variety of factors. That said, there are some general trends that can be observed in terms of each language's strengths and weaknesses.

On the whole, Python tends to be more widely used in large-scale projects and for more general-purpose programming, while Ruby is more popular for web development and smaller projects. This is likely due to a number of factors, such as Python's clear and concise syntax (which can make code easier to read and understand) and its extensive standard library (which provides a wealth of ready-made functions and modules). Ruby, on the other hand, is known for its "magic" methods and metaprogramming capabilities (which allow for more flexible and creative code), as well as its focus on simplicity and readability.

Ultimately, the decision of whether to use Python or Ruby (or any other language, for that matter) should be based on the specific needs of the project at hand. If you're not sure which language is right for you, it might be helpful to try out both and see which one feels more natural or intuitive. Whichever language you choose, just remember to have fun and enjoy the coding process!

What are the top Ruby Programming skills?

A: There are a few key skills that are necessary for anyone looking to become a proficient Ruby programmer. Here are some of the most important ones:

Top Ruby Programming Skills

1. Object Oriented Programming – This is the fundamental skill that all Ruby programmers must master. Ruby is an object-oriented language, which means that everything in Ruby is an object. In order to write effective Ruby code, you need to be able to understand how objects work and how to create and manipulate them.

2. The Ruby on Rails Framework – Ruby on Rails is a popular web application framework written in Ruby. If you want to be a Ruby programmer, it is essential that you have a good understanding of the Rails framework.

3. Web Development – Since Ruby is often used for web development, it is important that you have some experience with web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

4. Databases – Another common use for Ruby is interacting with databases. If you want to be a proficient Ruby programmer, you need to know how to work with databases such as MySQL, SQLite, and PostgreSQL.

5. Gems – Ruby gems are packages of code that can be used to add functionality to your Ruby applications. If you want to be a proficient Ruby programmer, you need to know how to use and install gems.

These are just a few of the most important skills that all Ruby programmers should master. If you want to become a proficient Ruby programmer, it is essential that you take the time to learn and practice these skills.

Where Can I Learn More About Ruby Programming?

Ruby Programming Blogs

Ruby Programming User Groups

Ruby Programming Online Forums

Explore Ruby Training Classes Near Me:

Certstaffix Training provides Ruby classes near me or online, depending on the number of students involved. We offer online courses for individual learners, as well as in person classes at your office for corporate groups. Our trainers are highly experienced professionals with the expertise necessary to help you gain a thorough understanding of Ruby concepts and tools. With our courses available online for individuals or in person for corporate groups, it's easy to develop your Ruby skills. Start learning today and see how Certstaffix Training can help you reach your goals.


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