Advanced Statistical Analysis using SPSS Course

Course Details:

Length: 2 days

Price: $1,265/person (USD)

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Training Reviews

Course Features:

Live Instructor Teaching

Certificate of Completion

Digital Badge

Courseware: Digital

Free 6 Month Online Retake

Hands-On Learning?: Yes

Software Lab Included?: Yes

Delivery Methods:

Live Online

Individuals and Groups
@ Your Location

Onsite for Teams

Group Teams
@ Your Organization

This is an instructor-led course. It is taught by an instructor live online or at organizations for groups.
For team training, we can teach onsite at your office or private live online.


Course Overview

In this two-day seminar you will consider in depth some of the more advanced SPSS statistical procedures that are available in SPSS. You'll take a look at several advanced SPSS statistical techniques and discuss situations when each may be used, the assumptions made by each method, how to set up the analysis using SPSS and how to interpret the results.

Register Early: Registration Deadline is 2 Weeks Prior to Class Start.

Course Notes

Versions That Can Attend: SPSS Version 19 and newer can attend
Course Taught With: SPSS Version 29
Please note, there is no training manual for this class.

Target Audience

Anyone who has worked with SPSS for Windows and wants to become better versed in the more advanced statistical capabilities of SPSS for Windows. Anyone who has a solid understanding of statistics and wants to expand their knowledge of appropriate statistical procedures and how to set them up using SPSS.
On the job statistical experience or completion of the Statistical Analysis using SPSS and/or Intermediate courses. Advanced statistical knowledge or at least two college level courses in Statistics. SPSS for Windows Base System, SPSS Advanced Statistics, SPSS Professional Statistics.

Knowledge Prerequisites

Data Management & Manipulation with SPSS
Introduction to SPSS
Introduction to Statistical Analysis using SPSS

Related Certifications

SPSS® Certified Base Programmer for SPSS® 9 Certification

Certification Notes: Certification exams are administered by third party testing companies. Our courses prepare you for the certification exam, which is an additional fee paid to the testing provider. You must contact the corresponding testing provider to take a certification exam.


Course Topics

Introduction and Overview
•Goals of the Course
•Taxonomy of Methods
•General Approach

Discriminant Analysis
•How Does Discriminant Analysis Work?
•The Elements of Discriminant Analysis
•The Discriminant Model
•How Cases are Classified
•Assumptions of Discriminant Analysis
•A Two-Group Discriminant Example
•Checking Variance Assumptions
•Running a Discriminant Analysis
•The Discriminant Coefficients
•Classification Statistics 2- 18 Prediction
•The Assumption of Equal Covariance
•Modifying the List of Predictors
•Casewise Statistics and Outliers
•Adjusting Prior Probabilities
•Validating the Discriminant Model
•Stepwise Model Selection
•Three-Group Discriminant Analysis

Binary Logistic Regression
•How Does Logistic Regression Work?
•The Logistic Equation
•The Elements of Logistic Regression
•Assumptions of Logistic Regression
•A First Example of Logistic Regression
•Interpreting Logistic Regression Coefficients
•Making Predictions
•The Accuracy of Prediction
•Estimated Probabilities
•Checking Classifications
•Residual Analysis
•Stepwise Logistic Regression
•Appendix: Comparison to Discriminant Analysis

Multinomial Logistic Regression
•Multinomial Logistic Model
•Assumptions of Multinomial Logistic Regression
•A Multinomial Logistic Analysis: Predicting Credit Risk
•Interpreting Coefficients
•Classification Table
•Making Predictions
•Appendix: Multinomial Logistic with a Two-Category Outcome

Survival Analysis (Kaplan-Meier)
•What is Survival Analysis
•What to Look for in Survival Analysis
•Survival Procedures in SPSS
•An Example: Kaplan-Meier

Cluster Analysis
•How Does Cluster Analysis Work?
•Types of Data Used for Clustering
•What to Look at When Clustering
•Distance and Standardization
•Overall Recommendations
•Example I: Hierarchical Cluster Analysis
•Cluster Results
•Obtaining Mean Profiles of Clusters
•Relating Clusters to Other Variables
•Summary of First Cluster Example
•Example II: K-Means Clustering
•Running K-Means Clustering

Factor Analysis
•Uses of Factor Analysis
•What to Look for When Running Factor Analysis
•The Idea of a Principal Component
•Factor Analysis Versus Principal Components
•Number of Factors
•Factor Scores & Sample Size
•An Example: 1988 Olympic Decathlon Scores
•Looking at Correlations
•Principal Components Analysis with an Orthogonal Rotation
•Principal Axis Factoring with an Oblique Rotation

Loglinear Analysis
•What are Loglinear Models
•Relations Among Loglinear, Logit Models and Logistic Regression
•What to Look for in Loglinear and Logit Analysis
•Procedures in SPSS that Run Loglinear or Logit Analysis
•Example: Analysis of Location Preference (Model Selection)
•Running the Analysis
•Significance Tests
•Coefficient Interpretation
•Appendix: Logit Analysis with Specific Model (Genlog)

Multivariate Analysis of Variance
•Why Perform MANOVA
•Assumptions of MANOVA
•What to Look for in MANOVA
•SPSS Version 7 Differences
•An Example: Memory Influences
•Examining the Output
•Post Hoc Tests
•Appendix: Post Hoc Testing of Means

Repeated measures Analysis of Variance
•Why do a Repeated Measures Study
•The Logic of Repeated Measures
•Example: One Factor Drug Study
•Examining Results
•Further Analysis
•Planned Comparisons
•Appendix: Ad Viewing with Pre-Post Brand Ratings
•Examining Results
•Tests of Assumptions
•Profile Plots

Course FAQs

What are the available class formats?

This course is taught by a live instructor and is available in two class formats:

  1. Live Online for Individuals
  2. Onsite/Online for Private Groups

What is SPSS discriminant analysis?

SPSS Discriminant Analysis is a tool used to analyze the differences between groups of data. It is typically used in market research or social sciences where it can be used to identify relationships between sets of variables and groupings of individuals from those variables. The output from the analysis provides a measure of how well each variable separates the studied groups and can be used to classify new data records into the appropriate group. The results are also helpful in determining which variables best explain or predict the observed differences between groups. Using SPSS Discriminant Analysis, researchers can gain insights into how different groups differ and how they overlap, enabling them to make better decisions about marketing campaigns, product launches, customer segmentation, and more.

What is SPSS binary logistic regression?

SPSS Binary Logistic Regression is a statistical technique used for predictive analysis. It uses binary variables to predict a specific outcome based on the presence or absence of certain characteristics. By using data from past observations, logistic regression models can determine a relationship between predictor variables and an outcome variable while controlling for other factors. This allows businesses to develop models that can forecast future outcomes and make better-informed decisions. SPSS Binary Logistic Regression is a powerful tool for predictive analytics and can be used to gain valuable insights into customer behavior, product trends, and marketing strategies. With the help of this technique, businesses can maximize their potential by making informed decisions based on data-driven forecasts.

What is SPSS multinomial logistic regression?

SPSS multinomial logistic regression is a statistical technique that can be used to predict the probability of categorical outcomes. This type of analysis is useful when there are more than two response options, such as in surveys or customer segmentation. Unlike binary logistic regression which only considers two possible outcomes, multinomial logistic regression evaluates the probability of more than two outcomes. The model estimates the relationship between a set of independent variables and multiple dependent variables, producing probabilities that can be used to identify which outcome is most likely. By predicting these probabilities, multinomial logistic regression allows for greater insight into underlying relationships between independent and dependent variables. This type of analysis is often used in marketing and healthcare research. It can also be used to determine the probability of a customer selecting one product over another, allowing businesses to target their products and services to customers.

What is SPSS survival analysis?

Survival analysis through SPSS provides powerful tools to explore and analyze data from a variety of sources, including complex clinical trials and epidemiological studies. The software is designed to help researchers easily perform complex analyses with a wide range of data types and formats, allowing them to quickly identify key factors associated with survival outcomes in their populations.

Survival analysis is a statistical method used to analyze data in which the outcome variable is time until an event occurs. It can be used to determine how long a particular population or sample will survive before experiencing a certain event, such as death, relapse, or recurrence of disease. Survival analysis can also be applied to study the occurrence of events such as marriage, job promotion, or the onset of a new disease. This technique is useful for understanding why certain events occur in a given population and to make predictions about future outcomes. By analyzing the data from past events, researchers can gain insight into which factors may predict better survival rates or longer times until an event occurs. By understanding these factors, researchers can better plan interventions, treatments, and prevention strategies that could improve the outcomes of future events. Knowing what factors are associated with increased or decreased survival is also useful for providing support to those who may be at greater risk for an event occurring earlier than expected.

What is SPSS cluster analysis?

SPSS cluster analysis is an unsupervised machine learning technique used to analyze data in the form of clusters. It can be used to identify patterns, trends, and natural divisions that are not immediately obvious from looking at individual data points. The data points are grouped based on their similarity, which helps identify relationships between them. Cluster analysis also enables data to be classified into groups, allowing for more targeted analysis. This allows for the identification of characteristics that are associated with each group, as well as insight into how the different clusters interact and impact one another. With this information, organizations can make better decisions about marketing strategies, product development, and customer service initiatives. In short, SPSS cluster analysis helps organizations gain a better understanding of their data and how it can be used to effectively support them in achieving their organizational goals.

What is SPSS factor analysis?

SPSS Factor Analysis is a data reduction technique used to identify the underlying structure of observed variables. It helps explain relationships between the variables and reduces them into fewer representative components. The resulting components can be used as predictors or classifiers in further analysis, such as regression or clustering models. In addition, SPSS Factor Analysis can be used to detect outliers or test measurement reliability. This technique is useful for identifying important factors in complex datasets and reducing the data into meaningful components which can be analyzed further. It is a powerful tool for researchers and data scientists who want to better understand the structure of their data, detect correlations, and extract relevant features that are predictive of outcomes. With the right approach, SPSS Factor Analysis can help unlock crucial insights from even the most complex datasets.

What is SPSS loglinear analysis?

SPSS Loglinear Analysis is a powerful tool for analyzing co-occurrence data. It enables users to explore relationships among variables and make predictions about how changes in one variable affect other related variables. This type of analysis can be especially useful for understanding associations between different aspects of behavior or social activity that may not be easily observed. With SPSS Loglinear Analysis, researchers can identify patterns and relationships in data that may not be seen with other methods. Additionally, SPSS Loglinear Analysis can help better inform decisions by providing a more comprehensive view of the underlying processes at work. This type of analysis is also useful for forecasting future trends or predicting how changes to one variable could impact other related variables. With this powerful tool, researchers have a greater opportunity to make more informed decisions and better understand the underlying relationships driving their data.

What is SPSS multivariate analysis of variance?

SPSS Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) is a powerful and versatile technique for analyzing multiple dependent variables simultaneously. It allows researchers to examine the relationships between two or more independent variables and two or more dependent variables while controlling for other factors in the data set. MANOVA can be used to test hypotheses about how different levels of independent variables affect the mean values of dependent variables. It also enables researchers to examine interactions between independent and dependent variables, as well as identify which groupings of subjects are similar or different from one another based on multiple data points. By using MANOVA, researchers can gain insight into the relationships between and among their study variables, helping to guide decisions about future studies. With its wide range of capabilities, MANOVA is a key tool for exploring complicated relationships between dependent and independent variables.

Additionally, MANOVA can be used to compare the means of two or more groups on multiple dependent variables in an analysis known as multivariate analysis of variance (ANOVA). This technique allows researchers to test hypotheses about how different levels of independent variables affect the mean values of dependent variables. By analyzing multiple response variables at once, researchers can gain a more comprehensive understanding of their data set than with traditional ANOVA. Additionally, MANOVA provides an opportunity to identify and control for interaction effects between independent and dependent variables. This technique is particularly useful in research projects that involve a variety of different responses or dependent variables.

What is SPSS repeated measures of analysis of variance?

SPSS Repeated Measures of Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is a statistical technique used to compare the means of two or more groups when observed on multiple occasions, or repeated measures. This type of ANOVA can be used both by researchers who are looking to understand the differences between variables over time and by those looking to measure the effect of a treatment given in multiple trials. It is particularly useful when the number of observations taken per group is different, as it can still be used to measure the same outcome from all groups. This type of ANOVA allows for a more accurate comparison between groups by taking into account any individual variances in performance, which helps reduce errors and increase the accuracy of the results. By using SPSS Repeated Measures ANOVA, researchers can easily quantify and compare the differences between means and identify if any significant change has occurred over time.

Related SPSS Information:

How Much Do SPSS Training Courses Cost?

Public instructor-led SPSS course prices start at $1,265 per student. Group training discounts are available.

Self-Paced SPSS eLearning courses cost $300 at the starting point per student. Group purchase discounts are available.

What SPSS Skills Should I Learn?

A: If you are wondering what SPSS skills are important to learn, we've written a SPSS Skills and Learning Guide that maps out SPSS skills that are key to master and which of our courses teaches each skill.

Read Our SPSS Skills and Learning Guide

How long does it take to learn SPSS?

A: The answer to this question depends on a number of factors, including your prior experience with statistical software, your learning goals, and the amount of time you are willing to dedicate to learning SPSS. Generally speaking, it will take most people several weeks to become proficient in using SPSS for basic data analysis tasks. However, if you want to learn more advanced features and functions, it could take several months or longer. The best way to estimate how long it will take you to learn SPSS is to try it out for yourself. You can sign up for a free trial of the software and start working through some of the tutorials available online. With a little time and practice, you should be able to get a good sense of how long it will take you to become proficient in using SPSS.

If you're interested in taking an online or schedule a corporate onsite course to learn SPSS, Certstaffix Training offers both options. Our SPSS courses are either live online or self-paced, while our group onsite courses are offered for corporate clients at their offices. Contact us today to learn more about our SPSS training courses and how we can help you achieve your learning goals.

Can I learn SPSS Online?

A: Yes - you can learn SPSS online. In fact, many students find that learning online is more convenient and flexible than attending traditional classroom-based courses.

Certstaffix Training offers a variety of online SPSS courses that are designed to fit your schedule and learning style. You can attend either our live online instructor-led SPSS classes or register for a self-paced SPSS course to master the software.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced user, we have an online SPSS course that's right for you. So why not get started today and see how easy it is to learn SPSS online!

What is an SPSS course?

A: An SPSS course is a class that teaches you how to use the software program SPSS. This software is used for statistical analysis, and the course will teach you how to properly use it in order to get accurate results. The class will cover topics such as inputting data, running tests, and interpreting results. If you are looking to learn how to use this software program, then an SPSS course is the perfect option for you.

Browse the available SPSS courses from Certstaffix Training now.

What are options to learn SPSS software?

If you are looking to improve your skills in using the popular statistical software, then enrolling in an SPSS training course is a great option. This type of course can provide you with valuable knowledge and hands-on experience that can benefit you both personally and professionally.

About SPSS Software Course

SPSS or Statistical Package for the Social Sciences is a software application that is widely used for statistical analysis in various fields such as social sciences, business, and healthcare. It was originally developed by IBM in 1968 and has since become one of the most popular tools for data analysis.

What to Expect from SPSS Training

During an SPSS training course, participants can expect to learn about the different features of the software, including data entry and manipulation, descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing, and visualization. Through hands-on exercises and real-world examples, participants will gain a better understanding of how to use SPSS effectively for their specific needs.

Benefits of SPSS Coaching

Those who are new to SPSS or need a refresher on the software can greatly benefit from one-on-one or group coaching. A coach can provide personalized guidance and support, allowing individuals to learn at their own pace and ask questions as needed. This type of training can also be tailored to a specific project or research area for maximum relevance.

Live SPSS Certification Course Online

For those who are looking to gain recognition for their skills in using SPSS, there are various live online SPSS courses that prepare you for follow-on certification tests. These courses cover all the essential aspects of SPSS and often include hands-on exercises and quizzes to test your knowledge. Upon completion, individuals can obtain a certificate that showcases their proficiency in using the software.

Convenience of Self-Paced SPSS Online Course

One of the major advantages of a self-paced SPSS online course is its flexibility. Participants can access course materials and complete assignments at their own convenience, making it ideal for those with busy schedules. Online courses also eliminate the need for travel, making it a more cost-effective option. A SPSS online course with certificate may be an additional feature to look out for.

Stay Up-to-Date with an SPSS Refresher Course

As technology and software constantly evolve, it is important to stay current with the latest updates and features of SPSS. A refresher course can provide individuals with the opportunity to brush up on their skills and learn about any new updates or tools that have been added to the software.

Obtain a Certificate with an SPSS Class Online

For those who are looking for a formal recognition of their knowledge in using SPSS, an online class can provide the necessary training and instruction to obtain a SPSS certification. This type of course typically covers all the essential aspects of SPSS and includes hands-on exercises and assessments to ensure mastery of the material.

Wrapping Up

Enrolling in an SPSS training course can greatly benefit individuals looking to enhance their skills in using this powerful statistical software. With options such as coaching, certification courses, and online classes available, there is a training option suitable for everyone's needs and schedule.

Certstaffix Training offers instructor-led live online, face-to-face corporate and self-paced eLearning SPSS training options. Contact us today for more information on how to get started.

What are the top SPSS skills?

A: There are many different SPSS skills that can be useful for businesses and organizations. However, some skills are more commonly used than others. The following are some of the top SPSS skills that businesses often look for:

Top SPSS Skills

1. Data entry

2. Data analysis

3. Data interpretation

4. Report generation

5. Statistical modeling

6. Custom programming

7. Consulting services

8. Training and support

Each business or organization will have different needs when it comes to SPSS skills. It is important to assess the specific needs of your business in order to determine which skills are most important. Once you have identified the top SPSS skills that your business needs, you can begin searching for employees who possess those skills. Alternatively, you may also want to consider training existing employees on the necessary SPSS skills. Either way, ensuring that your business has the right SPSS skills can help to improve its overall efficiency and productivity.

Where Can I Learn More About SPSS?

SPSS Blogs

SPSS User Groups

SPSS Online Forums

Explore SPSS Training Classes Near Me:

Certstaffix Training provides SPSS classes near me or online, depending on the number of students involved. We offer online courses for individual learners, as well as in person classes at your office for corporate groups. Our trainers are highly experienced professionals with the expertise necessary to help you gain a thorough understanding of SPSS concepts and tools. With our courses available online for individuals or in person for corporate groups, it's easy to develop your SPSS skills. Start learning today and see how Certstaffix Training can help you reach your goals.



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