Increase, Update, and Maintain a Competent Workforce - eLearning Bundle Course

Course Details:

Length: 50 video lectures

Access Length: 6 months

Price: $1,425/person (USD)

Bulk Pricing: 10+ Contact Us

Course Features:

Instant Access After Purchase

Lecture by Recorded Video

Stop and Start as Needed

Certificate of Completion

Software Lab Included?: N/A

Delivery Method:

Self-Paced Online

Individuals and Groups
@ Your Location


Course Overview

Increase, Update, and Maintain a Competent Workforce - eLearning Bundle consists of 46 Video Lectures grouped in 7 topics:


Hiring and maintaining a quality workforce is one the most important processes for any organization. Finding and retaining top talent can be expensive and time consuming. In today’s job market, candidates are presented with more opportunities than ever before. Employers must arm themselves with the knowledge and tools to stay competitive. Recruiting top talent to apply is the foundation of the process but you can’t stop there. You must ensure that you and your management staff know how to legally interview candidates in a way that truly predicts future behavior. Once the staff is in place it is important to maintain a culture of learning and to always think towards the future.

Also Included - 4 Courses: An Essential Career Skills Pack with 4 courses in key areas for career management and growth, including Time Management, Digital Skills, Creativity and Soft Skills.

How it Works

This course is a self-paced learning solution to fit your own schedule. Certstaffix Training eLearning courses you take on your own schedule in a web browser.

  • Learn at your own pace - Start and stop as it is convenient for you. Pick up where you left off.
  • Lecture utilizing video and recorded screen shots
  • 6 month subscription length
  • Instant Access After Purchase

Have more than 10 students needing this course? Contact Us for bulk pricing.


Course Topics

RECRUITING - 2 hrs 45 min

  • Talent Acquisition: Recruiting
  • The Top 10 Best Hiring and Recruiting Practices for Performance-based hiring
  • Recruiting: Probing in Interviews
  • Recruiting: Listening to the Candidate
  • Recruiting High Achievers
  • Improving the Interview Process


INTERVIEWING - 2 hrs 6 min

  • Becoming an Effective Manager: Reducing Rater Bias
  • Questionable Interview Questions
  • Effective Interviewing
  • Selecting New Employees: Interview Methods and Avoiding Mistakes (Global)
  • Interview Communication (Global)
  • Interviewing with a DEI Focus



  • TrainingBriefs®: Behavior-Based Interviewing - Seeking Contrary Evidence
  • TrainingBriefs®: Understanding Behavior-Based Interviewing
  • Talent Acquisition: Behavioral Interviewing
  • Management Skills: A Question of Evidence - The Behavioral-Based Interview
  • Behavioral Interviewing: Selection Interviews


HIRING - 7 hr 31 min

  • Talent Acquisition: Selection
  • Legal Aspects of Interviewing and Hiring
  • Hiring Right
  • Hiring Practices
  • Successful Hiring
  • Creating a Culture to Attract & Retain Employees
  • Improving the Hiring Process
  • Completing the Hiring Process
  • Introducing Performance-based Hiring



  • The Growth Mindset: 01. The Growth Mindset - Embracing Yet
  • Growth Mindset: Practical Tips
  • Developing Your Culture: 03. Developing a Learning Culture
  • Support Employee Development
  • Finding Employee Development Opportunities
  • Becoming a Continuous Learning Organization
  • AMA-CPM™ 08/16: Delegation for Growth and Development


FIRING & DOWNSIZING - 2 hrs 16 min

  • Legally Firing
  • The Termination Meeting
  • Management Coach: Termination Due to Downsizing
  • Company Layoffs and Downsizing
  • Successful Termination



  • Succession Planning: The Importance of Succession Planning
  • Succession Planning: Identifying HiPos
  • Succession Planning: Retaining and Developing HiPos
  • Succession Planning: Creating a HiPo Policy
  • Succession Planning: The Steps to Succession Planning
  • Becoming a Competent Leader: Building an Effective Leadership Succession Plan
  • Succession Planning and Talent Review
  • Developing the Succession Plan

Essential Career Skills Pack:

Productivity and Time Management - 30 minutes

It seems that there is never enough time in the day. But, since we all get the same 24 hours, why is it that some people achieve so much more with their time than others? This course will explain how to plan and prioritize tasks, so that we can make the most of the limited time we have. By using the time-management techniques in this course, you can improve your ability to function more effectively – even when time is tight and pressures are high. So, by the end of the course you will have the knowledge, skills and confidence to be an effective manager of your time.

Basic Digital Skills - 13 minutes

With the rise of digital transformation and technology, having a basic digital literacy is essential for all types of jobs, regardless of the industry. To stay competitive and be successful in the workplace, enhancing your digital skills should be a top priority.

4 Ways to Boost Creativity - 30 minutes

The digital economy is opening up ways for everyone to be creative. It doesn’t just mean being artistic – it’s more about ideas, solutions, alternatives, incremental improvements. Peter Quarry and Eve Ash discuss ways that mental capacity can be developed, perspectives changed, group power leveraged and making things actually happen.

The 11 Essential Career Soft Skills - 1 hour 10 minutes

Soft Skills are the traits, characteristics, habits, and skills needed to survive and thrive in the modern work world. Soft skills aren't usually taught in school, but you will learn them all here in this course. Are you someone that other people in your organization and industry like to work with, collaborate with and partner with? Are you seen as a valuable asset to any new project that comes along?

This soft skills training course will teach you how to develop the skills that can make the difference between a lackluster career that tops out at middle management versus one that lands you in the executive suite. Or to wherever you define career success. So many soft skills seem like common sense at first glance, but they are not commonly applied by most workers. This soft skills training course will give you an edge over your competitors. It will also make your job, your career and your life more rewarding and enjoyable.

Course FAQs

This training is a self-paced eLearning course that you have access to for 6 months after purchase.

Related Business Management Information:

Self-Paced Business Management eLearning courses cost $200 at the starting point per student. Group purchase discounts are available.


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