This foundational course equips you with the knowledge and skills to identify, prevent, and mitigate common hazards on construction sites. You'll delve into the psychological and behavioral foundations of safety, understand your workers' rights, and learn practical strategies for preventing accidents and injuries.
Course Duration - 50 min
This CLS: Safety Awareness—CLS Framework course is a prerequisite course that lays the foundation for each of the other CLS: Safety Awareness hazard courses. In this course, we teach the psychological and behavioral foundation of the Construction LifeSaver approach to safety on the job site. Students will learn about how the brain works and how it shapes the ways we make both conscious and subconscious decisions. We also cover the commitments we expect CLS: Safety Awareness students to make throughout their careers. Topics include the fast and slow brains, the habit cycle, the OODA Loop (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act), and situational awareness.
After completing this course, students will be able to take other CLS: Safety Awareness courses where they will learn how the CLS Framework applies to specific hazards in construction.
Course Objectives:
- Describe the CLS approach to training and safety in construction
- Explain the differences between the fast brain and the slow brain
- Talk about how both the fast and slow brains can contribute to safe and unsafe actions
- Name the three steps of the habit cycle and explain how to build new habits or change old ones
- Name the four steps of the OODA Loop and describe what happens in each step
- Recite the twelve safety promises CLS: Safety Awareness requires course-takers to make
Additional Language Information:
- Course Text: N/A.
- Audio: N/A.
- Subtitles (Closed Caption): American English.
Detailed Course Outline:
What is CLS: Safety Awareness?
Fast Brain
Slow Brain
Checking the Fast Brain
Situational Blindness
Unfamiliar Situations
The Habit Cycle
Building Habits
Breaking Habits
Habits & Your Brain
OODA Origins
Building the OODA Habit
Commit to Safety
Wrapping Up
What Did You Learn?
Course Duration - 15 min
This CLS: Safety Awareness - Workers' Rights course teaches workers about their right to a safe workplace. Starting with the signing of the Occupational Safety and Health Act in 1970, we cover how the US government has passed laws to protect workers and established the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to enforce those laws. Topics include rights protected by law, reporting unaddressed hazardous conditions anonymously, procedures for refusing unsafe work, personal protective equipment, and training requirements.
Course Objectives:
- Explain why the Occupational Safety and Health Act was passed
- Describe the rights that workers have under OSHA
- Explain how to refuse unsafe work in a way that is protected by law
- Describe both employers’ and employees’ responsibilities regarding personal protective equipment
- Name the types of PPE that employers are required to provide to workers
- State why employers are required to train workers
Additional Language Information:
- Course Text: N/A.
- Audio: N/A.
- Subtitles (Closed Caption): American English.
Detailed Course Outline:
OSHA & Safe Workplaces
Your Rights
Refusing Unsafe Work
What Did You Learn?
Course Duration - 25 min
This CLS: Safety Awareness—Caught-Between Hazards course trains workers on how to use the OODA Loop to protect themselves and their coworkers against potential caught-between hazards on construction job sites. As they become more familiar with the four steps of the OODA Loop, workers will learn to **Observe** the work area for signs of caught-between hazards, **Orient** to hazards and ask themselves how they can mitigate them, **Decide** on the safest course of action, and **Act** to eliminate any risk. Topics include working around mobile equipment, near rotating parts in tools and equipment, and by lift procedures.
At the end of the course, workers will put their learning to the test by entering our OODA Loop simulator, where they will go through each step of the OODA Loop to find and mitigate hazards in a 3D construction environment.
Course Objectives:
- Use the OODA Loop to recognize and mitigate caught-between hazards
- Identify common caught-between hazards related to working around mobile equipment
- Describe how to avoid getting caught in the rotating parts of tools and equipment
- Name at least two ways to keep workers from entering pinch points
- Assess if they are at risk when handling loads or assisting with a lift
Additional Language Information:
- Course Text: N/A.
- Audio: N/A.
- Subtitles (Closed Caption): American English.
Detailed Course Outline:
Worker Caught in Trencher
Mobile Equipment
Rotating Parts
Distance & Barricades
Material Handling
Stuck in the Middle
What Did You Learn?
Course Duration - 25 min
This CLS: Safety Awareness—Mobile Equipment course trains workers on how to use the OODA Loop to protect themselves and their coworkers against potential hazards when working with and around mobile equipment on construction job sites. As they become more familiar with the four steps of the OODA Loop, workers will learn to **Observe** the work area for signs of mobile equipment hazards, **Orient** to hazards and ask themselves how they can mitigate them, **Decide** on the safest course of action, and **Act** to eliminate any risk. Topics include working on foot near equipment, inspecting equipment, climbing equipment, ROPS, seat belts, operating equipment, and transporting workers.
At the end of the course, workers will put their learning to the test by entering our OODA Loop simulator, where they will go through each step of the OODA Loop to find and mitigate hazards in a 3D construction environment.
Course Objectives:
- Use the OODA Loop to recognize and mitigate hazards related to mobile equipment
- Map out if they're in a dangerous position relative to mobile equipment
- List what operators should inspect before operating
- Describe how to properly climb in and out of equipment
- Discuss ROPS and the importance of wearing a seat belt when operating equipment
- Explain the hazards on a construction site of which operators must be aware
Additional Language Information:
- Course Text: N/A.
- Audio: N/A.
- Subtitles (Closed Caption): American English.
Detailed Course Outline:
Worker Thrown from Compactor
Workers on Foot
Inspecting Equipment
Climbing Equipment
ROPS & Seat Belts
OODA for Operators
Transporting Workers
Building a Foundation
What Did You Learn?
Course Duration - 30 min
This CLS: Safety Awareness—Securing Loads course trains workers on how to use the OODA Loop to protect themselves, their coworkers, and the public against potential hazards when transporting materials and equipment to and from construction job sites. As they become more familiar with the four steps of the OODA Loop, workers will learn to **Observe** the work area for signs of load securement hazards, **Orient** to hazards and ask themselves how they can mitigate them, **Decide** on the safest course of action, and **Act** to eliminate any risk. Topics include vehicle inspections, loose materials and debris, basic load securement requirements, shifting loads, and unloading materials.
At the end of the course, workers will put their learning to the test by entering our OODA Loop simulator, where they will go through each step of the OODA Loop to find and mitigate hazards in a 3D construction environment.
Course Objectives:
- Use the OODA Loop to recognize and mitigate hazards related to securing loads
- Name at least four dangerous consequences of driving with unsecured loads
- Discuss what to look for during a vehicle inspection
- Describe how to protect other drivers from dirt and debris flying off loads
- Explain basic load securement requirements
- Explain why loads shift in transit and what to do to keep loads from falling when unloading them
Additional Language Information:
- Course Text: N/A.
- Audio: N/A.
- Subtitles (Closed Caption): American English.
Detailed Course Outline:
Pipe Falls Off Truck & Kills Worker
Vehicle Inspections
Loose Materials & Debris
Load Securement
Shifting Loads
On the Road Again
What Did You Learn?
Course Duration - 30 min
This CLS: Safety Awareness—Hazardous Energy course trains workers on how to use the OODA Loop to protect themselves and their coworkers against potential hazards when working with various forms of energy on construction job sites. As they become more familiar with the four steps of the OODA Loop, workers will learn to **Observe** the work area for signs of hazardous energy, **Orient** to hazards and ask themselves how they can mitigate them, **Decide** on the safest course of action, and **Act** to eliminate any risk. Topics include electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, chemical, and thermal energy, as well as gravity-related hazards, and Lockout/Tagout procedures.
At the end of the course, workers will put their learning to the test by entering our OODA Loop simulator, where they will go through each step of the OODA Loop to find and mitigate hazards in a 3D construction environment.
Course Objectives:
- Use the OODA Loop to recognize and mitigate hazards related to energy sources
- Describe safe practices when working with electrical tools, excavating near underground utilities, or using equipment near overhead power lines
- Discuss how to protect themselves from the moving parts of tools and equipment
- Explain how hydraulic fluid can injure workers
- Explain the importance of inspections and using whip checks or cable chokers when working with pneumatic tools and equipment
- Describe some of the basic protections available for dealing with chemical hazards
Additional Language Information:
- Course Text: N/A.
- Audio: N/A.
- Subtitles (Closed Caption): American English.
Detailed Course Outline:
Forklift Operator
Electrical Energy
Mechanical Energy
Hydraulic Energy
Pneumatic Energy
Chemical Energy
Thermal Energy
Sawing Logs
What Did You Learn?
Course Duration - 35 min
This CLS: Safety Awareness—Excavations course trains workers on how to use the OODA Loop to protect themselves and their coworkers against potential hazards when working in and around excavations on construction job sites. As they become more familiar with the four steps of the OODA Loop, workers will learn to **Observe** the work area for signs of hazards related to excavations, **Orient** to hazards and ask themselves how they can mitigate them, **Decide** on the safest course of action, and **Act** to eliminate any risk. Topics include soil inspections, protective systems, trench collapse risks, and other risks related to trenches.
At the end of the course, workers will put their learning to the test by entering our OODA Loop simulator, where they will go through each step of the OODA Loop to find and mitigate hazards in a 3D construction environment.
Course Objectives:
- Use the OODA Loop to recognize and mitigate hazards in and around excavations
- Explain who should perform soil tests and when they should perform them
- Define the four soil classifications
- Recognize signs of soil instability and cave-ins
- Describe safe practices for sloping, benching, shoring, and shielding a trench
- Identify risk factors that could make work inside a trench unsafe
- Explain how excavations can damage utilities, create fall hazards, and contain hazardous atmospheres
Additional Language Information:
- Course Text: N/A.
- Audio: N/A.
- Subtitles (Closed Caption): American English.
Detailed Course Outline:
Trench Collapses on Worker
Trench Inspections
Sloping & Benching
Excavation Hazards
Utilities, Falls & Atmospheric Hazards
Eight Feet Under
What Did You Learn?
Course Duration - 30 min
This CLS: Safety Awareness—Struck-By Hazards course trains workers on how to use the OODA Loop to protect themselves and their coworkers against potential struck-by hazards on construction job sites. As they become more familiar with the four steps of the OODA Loop, workers will learn to **Observe** the work area for signs of struck-by hazards, **Orient** to hazards and ask themselves how they can mitigate them, **Decide** on the safest course of action, and **Act** to eliminate any risk. Topics include situational blindness, PPE, falling objects, flying objects, swinging and slipping objects, mobile equipment, and working near roadways.
At the end of the course, workers will put their learning to the test by entering our OODA Loop simulator, where they will go through each step of the OODA Loop to find and mitigate hazards in a 3D construction environment.
Course Objectives:
- Use the OODA Loop to recognize and mitigate struck-by hazards
- Define situational blindness and explain why it is a common problem
- Name pieces of PPE that are critical to protecting workers from struck-by injuries
- Describe ways to protect workers from falling objects
- Identify potential sources of flying objects
- Talk about how to prevent getting hit by loads during lift operations
- Explain how to navigate a job site without putting themselves in the way of mobile equipment
Additional Language Information:
- Course Text: N/A.
- Audio: N/A.
- Subtitles (Closed Caption): American English.
Detailed Course Outline:
Truck Runs Over Spotter
Fighting Situational Blindness
Falling Objects
Flying Objects
Swinging & Slipping Objects
Mobile Equipment
Work Zone Safety
Cloudy With a Chance of Bricks
What Did You Learn?
Course Duration - 35 min
This CLS: Safety Awareness—Working at Heights course trains workers on how to use the OODA Loop to protect themselves and their coworkers against potential hazards when working at heights on construction job sites. As they become more familiar with the four steps of the OODA Loop, workers will learn to **Observe** the work area for signs of fall-related hazards, **Orient** to hazards and ask themselves how they can mitigate them, **Decide** on the safest course of action, and **Act** to eliminate any risk. Topics include guardrails, personal fall arrest systems, scaffolds, aerial lifts, ladders, holes, leading edges, and falling objects.
At the end of the course, workers will put their learning to the test by entering our OODA Loop simulator, where they will go through each step of the OODA Loop to find and mitigate hazards in a 3D construction environment.
Course Objectives:
- Use the OODA Loop to recognize and mitigate hazards when working at heights
- Identify how many feet off the ground someone must be in order to be considered working at heights
- Determine if guardrails meet OSHA requirements
- Explain what elements make up a PFAS and when to use a PFAS
- Describe fall-related hazards associated with scaffolds and what to inspect before climbing one
- Identify fall-related hazards associated with aerial lifts and explain how to avoid them
- Determine which ladders to use in different situations
Additional Language Information:
- Course Text: N/A.
- Audio: N/A.
- Subtitles (Closed Caption): American English.
Detailed Course Outline:
Worker Falls Through Roof
Fall Hazards
Aerial Lifts
Unprotected Edges
Falling Objects
What Goes Up…
Cloudy With a Chance of Bricks What Did You Learn?
Course Duration - 35 min
This CLS: Safety Awareness—Confined Spaces course trains workers on how to use the OODA Loop to protect themselves and their coworkers against potential hazards when working in and around confined spaces on construction job sites. As they become more familiar with the four steps of the OODA Loop, workers will learn to **Observe** the work area for signs of hazards related to confined spaces, **Orient** to hazards and ask themselves how they can mitigate them, **Decide** on the safest course of action, and **Act** to eliminate any risk. Topics include confined space permits, hazardous atmospheres, ventilation, rescue plans, and common confined space hazards.
At the end of the course, workers will put their learning to the test by entering our OODA Loop simulator, where they will go through each step of the OODA Loop to find and mitigate hazards in a 3D construction environment.
Course Objectives:
- Use the OODA Loop to recognize and mitigate hazards in and around confined spaces
- Describe general requirements for entry into confined spaces
- Distinguish between a permit-required confined space and a non-permit-required confined space
- Describe the basic requirements for testing the atmosphere within a confined space
- Define the three forms of ventilation
- Explain when to use air-supplying or air-purifying respirators
- Recognize engulfment hazards and configuration/entrapment hazards
Additional Language Information:
- Course Text: N/A.
- Audio: N/A.
- Subtitles (Closed Caption): American English.
Detailed Course Outline:
Three Workers Die in Storm Sewer
Hazardous Atmospheres
Physical Hazards
Rescue Plans
The Air Down There
What Did You Learn?
Our Just-in-Time microlearning courses provide concise, targeted training on critical safety topics. These bite-sized lessons are designed to reinforce safety awareness and prevent accidents, ensuring a safer and more productive workplace.
It seems that there is never enough time in the day. But, since we all get the same 24 hours, why is it that some people achieve so much more with their time than others? This course will explain how to plan and prioritize tasks, so that we can make the most of the limited time we have. By using the time-management techniques in this course, you can improve your ability to function more effectively – even when time is tight and pressures are high. So, by the end of the course you will have the knowledge, skills and confidence to be an effective manager of your time.
With the rise of digital transformation and technology, having a basic digital literacy is essential for all types of jobs, regardless of the industry. To stay competitive and be successful in the workplace, enhancing your digital skills should be a top priority.
The digital economy is opening up ways for everyone to be creative. It doesn’t just mean being artistic – it’s more about ideas, solutions, alternatives, incremental improvements. Peter Quarry and Eve Ash discuss ways that mental capacity can be developed, perspectives changed, group power leveraged and making things actually happen.
Soft Skills are the traits, characteristics, habits, and skills needed to survive and thrive in the modern work world. Soft skills aren't usually taught in school, but you will learn them all here in this course. Are you someone that other people in your organization and industry like to work with, collaborate with and partner with? Are you seen as a valuable asset to any new project that comes along?
This soft skills training course will teach you how to develop the skills that can make the difference between a lackluster career that tops out at middle management versus one that lands you in the executive suite. Or to wherever you define career success. So many soft skills seem like common sense at first glance, but they are not commonly applied by most workers. This soft skills training course will give you an edge over your competitors. It will also make your job, your career and your life more rewarding and enjoyable.