First Aid (USA) eLearning Bundle Course

Course Details:

Length: 36 courses

Access Length: 6 months

Price: $300/person (USD)

Bulk Pricing: 10+ Contact Us

Course Features:

Instant Access After Purchase

Lecture by Recorded Video

Stop and Start as Needed

Certificate of Completion

Software Lab Included?: N/A

Delivery Method:

Self-Paced Online

Individuals and Groups
@ Your Location


Course Overview

Become a Lifesaver: Comprehensive First Aid Training

Are you ready to equip yourself with the skills to handle a variety of emergencies? Our First Aid (USA) eLearning Bundle is your ultimate resource for mastering essential first-aid techniques and gaining the confidence to respond effectively to medical crises.

Key Benefits:
  • Master essential first aid techniques: Learn how to assess emergencies, control bleeding, administer CPR, and treat injuries.
  • Real-World Applications: Apply your knowledge to practical scenarios and develop the skills to respond effectively in high-pressure situations.
  • Gain confidence in handling critical situations: Develop the skills to respond calmly and effectively under pressure.
  • Prepare yourself and your workplace for emergencies: Ensure you can provide immediate assistance.
  • Flexible Learning: Enjoy the convenience of self-paced online learning at your own pace and schedule.
Course Breakdown:
  • Introduction and Awareness: Build a solid foundation in first aid principles and workplace emergency preparedness.
  • Fundamentals: Master essential first aid techniques, including CPR, AED use, and bleeding control.
  • Allergic Reactions: Learn how to recognize and respond to allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis.
  • Assessing and Gathering Information: Develop the skills to evaluate emergency scenes and gather vital information.
  • Burns and Electrical Shock: Understand how to treat burns and respond effectively to electrical shock.
  • Choking: Learn the Heimlich maneuver and other techniques for handling choking emergencies.
  • CPR and AED: Master CPR and AED are used to save lives in cardiac and respiratory emergencies.
  • Environmental Emergencies: Learn how to respond to bites, stings, poisoning, and other environmental hazards.
  • Injuries: Understand how to treat broken bones, joint injuries, muscle strains, and other common injuries.
  • Medical Emergencies: Learn how to recognize and respond to medical emergencies like strokes, seizures, and diabetic crises.

Enroll Today and Become a Confident First Responder.

Also Included - 4 Courses: An Essential Career Skills Pack with 4 courses in key areas for career management and growth, including Time Management, Digital Skills, Creativity and Soft Skills.


Course Notes

eLearning Training Delivery Method

How It Works

This self-paced online course lets you learn independently at your own pace through Certstaffix Training's easy-to-use platform.

  • Learn at your own pace - Start and stop as it is convenient for you. Pick up where you left off.
  • Lecture utilizing video and recorded screenshots
  • 6-month subscription length
  • Instant Access After Purchase

Have more than 10 students needing this course? Contact Us for bulk pricing.

Target Audience
  • Workplace professionals: Employees in various industries can benefit from this course to learn how to respond to emergencies in the workplace.
  • Parents: Parents can use this course to acquire the skills to handle medical emergencies involving their children.
  • Individuals interested in first aid: Anyone who wants to learn first aid skills for personal or professional reasons can benefit from this course.
  • Those seeking certification: The course can prepare individuals for first aid certifications.
Learning Objectives
  • Master essential first aid techniques: Learn how to assess emergencies, control bleeding, administer CPR, and treat injuries.
  • Gain confidence in handling critical situations: Develop the skills to respond calmly and effectively under pressure.
  • Prepare for emergencies: Participants should be able to identify potential hazards, assess emergency scenes, and provide immediate assistance.
  • Understand first aid principles: This includes knowledge of basic first aid concepts, such as the ABCs of first aid (airway, breathing, circulation).
  • Learn to recognize and respond to specific medical emergencies: This includes allergic reactions, choking, burns, electrical shock, environmental hazards, injuries, and medical conditions like strokes, seizures, and diabetic crises.
Key Features
  • Audio Narration
  • Video
  • Inline Activities
  • Quizzes
  • Supplemental Resources
  • Post-Assessment
  • Audio/Video/Course Text: American English.
  • Subtitles (Closed Caption): Varies by course. Please refer to the individual course descriptions below for specific details.
Course Duration
  • First Aid (USA): 7 hrs 38 min
  • Essential Career Skills Pack: 2 hrs 23 min


Course Topics

Section 1: Introduction and Awareness - 2 Courses, 18 min

Are you ready to become confident and equipped to handle a variety of workplace emergencies? This section is designed to provide you with the necessary knowledge and skills to assist in critical situations immediately.

Key Benefits:
  • Master foundational first aid principles: Learn how to assess emergencies, prevent disease transmission, and provide basic care.
  • Gain confidence in handling workplace accidents: Develop the skills to respond effectively to injuries and illnesses.
  • Prepare your workplace for emergencies: Ensure your organization is equipped with the necessary resources to provide immediate assistance.

Section 1 Courses:

First Aid: Module 01. Introduction (US)
Course Duration - 9 min

When you provide first aid, it is important that you help both the victim and yourself. Take this module to find out how to avoid legal liability, prevent disease transmission and determine how and when to move victims. Ideal learners are employees who have already taken in-depth first-aid training.

Course Objectives:
  • Recognize the importance of obtaining consent before performing first aid
  • Identify what constitutes abandonment
  • Recall how to prevent the transmission of disease during first aid
  • Recognize situations in which it is acceptable to move a victim
  • Recall how to move a victim safely

Additional Language Information:
  • Course Text: N/A.
  • Audio: N/A.
  • Subtitles (Closed Caption): N/A.

Detailed Course Outline:
  • Introduction
  • Legal Aspects of Providing First Aid: Consent
  • Knowledge Check: Consent
  • Legal Aspects of Providing First Aid: Abandonment
  • Knowledge Check: Abandonment
Preventing Disease
  • Preventing Disease Transmission
  • Universal Precautions
  • Glove Procedures
  • Knowledge Check: Preventing Disease Transmission
Moving Victims
  • When to Move Victims
  • Knowledge Check: When to Move Victims
  • Guidelines for Moving Victims
  • Guidelines for Moving Victims with Help
  • Knowledge Check: How to Move Victims
First Aid: 01. Introduction to First Aid
Course Duration - 9 min

In First Aid: 01. Introduction to First Aid, you'll gain a basic overview of how to administer emergency care in the event of an accident or injury in the workplace. This is not meant to be a comprehensive safety course, but it does provide practical advice on how to help your organization keep its injured or sick employees safe until they can be seen by a healthcare professional. The course begins by reviewing what should be included in a first aid kit and where to store it. You’ll learn the steps that should be followed to ensure the safety of everyone, both the victim and the person providing assistance. You’ll also learn tips on what to look for and what to avoid in an emergency to prevent further harm.

This brief video course is part of our First Aid series. It includes a final exam and printable course document for easy reference.

Course Objectives:
  • Prepare your workplace for accidents by keeping a stocked first aid kit
  • Assess an accident by looking for clues in your surroundings
  • Provide treatment to a victim until medical help arrives

Additional Language Information:
  • Course Text: Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Simplified), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, & Latin American Spanish.
  • Audio: Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Mandarin), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, & Latin American Spanish.
  • Subtitles (Closed Caption): American English, Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Simplified), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, & Latin American Spanish.



Section 2: Fundamentals - 4 Courses, 3 hrs 10 min

Are you prepared to provide life-saving assistance in a crisis? This comprehensive section equips you with the essential knowledge and skills to respond effectively to various first-aid emergencies.

Key Benefits:
  • Master essential first aid techniques: Learn how to assess emergencies, control bleeding, administer CPR, and treat injuries.
  • Gain confidence in handling critical situations: Develop the skills to respond calmly and effectively under pressure.
  • Prepare yourself and your workplace for emergencies: Ensure you're ready to provide immediate assistance when needed.

Section 2 Courses:

First Aid (US)
Course Duration - 20 min

Knowing how to respond to an injury or emergency is an essential life skill. This interactive course outlines basic first aid procedures so you'll know how to act if you encounter burns, fractures and more serious injuries, keeping the victim safe until professional help arrives.

Course Objectives:
  • Stop the problem from getting worse
  • Provide help until qualified medical assistance arrive
  • Ease the victim's pain and anxiety
  • List the sequence of basic steps to take following sudden illness or injury
  • Recognize and avoid actions which could cause the situation to get worse
  • Determine the correct procedures for different situations
  • Accept your limitations and know who to contact for urgent assistance

Additional Language Information:
  • Course Text: N/A.
  • Audio: N/A.
  • Subtitles (Closed Caption): American English.

Detailed Course Outline:
Accidents and first aid
  • What is a first-aid responder?
  • What training is necessary?
  • How often is training necessary?
  • OSHA First Aid regulations
  • First aid notice
  • What we have to do
  • What’s in the first aid kit?
  • Your local first aid responder
Recording and reporting
  • What would you do?
  • How would you react?
  • First on the scene: key steps
  • What’s your first move?
  • Reporting accidents, incidents, and near misses
  • What should be reported?
  • What do we record?
  • Reporting accidents
First Aid : Basics (US)
Course Duration - 40 min

Incidents requiring first aid can happen anywhere and at any time. The first response to such an incident is the most important. First aid given at the scene can improve the chances of survival and recovery of a victim. This course presents ways to respond to basic first aid situations until the emergency medical services (EMS) personnel arrive. Ideal learners include all employees.

Course Objectives:
  • Explain when you might be held accountable for a victim's outcome
  • Assess scenes and victims before providing first aid
  • Provide valuable information to emergency medical services (EMS)
  • Recall guidelines about when and how to move victims
  • Recall basic first aid techniques for the treatment of breathing emergencies, choking, severe bleeding, shock, fractures, sprains and strains, and burns

Additional Language Information:
  • Course Text: N/A.
  • Audio: N/A.
  • Subtitles (Closed Caption): N/A.

Detailed Course Outline:

  • What Is First Aid?
  • Good Samaritan Law
  • Knowledge Check: Good Samaritan Law
  • Emergency Situations
Scene and Victim Assessment
  • Scene Assessment
  • Victim Assessment
  • Unresponsive Victim
  • Knowledge Check: What Would You Do?
  • Activating the EMS
  • Information for the EMS
  • Learning Activity: Talking to EMS
First Aid Basics
  • Basics of First Aid
  • Moving a Victim
  • Knowledge Check: Should You Move the Victim?
Breathing Emergencies
  • Responding to Emergencies
  • Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
  • CPR Steps
  • Knowledge Check: What Should You Do?
  • Choking – Conscious Victim
  • Choking – Unconscious Victim
  • Learning Activity: Choking
  • Bloodborne Pathogens
  • Types of Bleeding
  • Control the Bleeding
  • Knowledge Check: Bleeding
  • Pressure Points
  • Embedded Object
  • Internal Bleeding
  • Learning Activity: Controlling Bleeding
  • Shock
  • Treatment for Shock
  • Knowledge Check: Shock
  • Learning Activity: Choose the Treatment
Fractures, Sprains and Strains
  • Musculoskeletal Injuries
  • Bone Fractures
  • Knowledge Check: Bone Fractures
  • Splints
  • How to Splint an Injury
  • Slings
  • Head, Neck and Back Injuries
  • Knowledge Check: What Would You Do?
  • Dislocations
  • Sprains and Strains
  • Treatment Summary – Musculoskeletal Injury
  • Learning Activity: Recognizing Injury Types
  • Burns
  • Critical Burns
  • Chemical Burns
  • Electrical Burns
  • Knowledge Check: Burn Treatment
Emergency First Aid
Course Duration - 40 min

Do you know what to do in case of a medical emergency? Providing first aid could mean the difference between life and death, and the chance could arrive a lot sooner than you might think.

In this self-paced course, you’ll learn the signs of a medical emergency and how to provide immediate care until medical professionals arrive—tools that will prepare you for a variety of emergency situations that can happen at work or at home. The course also includes a brief intro into basic first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and universal precautions.

Course Objectives:
  • Recognize the signs of a medical emergency
  • Identify the specific characteristics of cardiac emergencies, breathing emergencies, soft tissue injuries, and injuries to the muscles, bones, and joints
  • Demonstrate how to care for these types of emergencies and injuries until medical help arrives

Additional Language Information:
  • Course Text: N/A.
  • Audio: N/A.
  • Subtitles (Closed Caption): N/A.

Detailed Course Outline:
  • This could happen to you
  • Facts and figures: Heart disease
  • Facts and figures: Cardiac arrest
  • Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA)
  • Facts and figures: All unintentional injury deaths
  • Learning objectives
  • Reasonable-care guidelines for first aid
Heart attack and cardiac arrest
  • Estimates of Americans with cardiovascular disease
  • Know the signs
  • What to do
  • Cardiac Arrest FAQ
Learning check 1

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
  • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
  • ABC vs CAB
  • How to perform CPR
  • Hands-only CPR
Automated external defibrillator (AED)
  • Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA)
  • Automated external defibrillator (AED)
  • How to use an AED
  • Other important considerations
Learning check 2

Breathing emergencies
  • What constitutes a breathing emergency?
  • Oxygen deprivation can cause brain damage.
  • Respiratory distress vs. respiratory arrest
  • How to respond
  • Signs of choking
  • First aid for choking victims
Soft tissue injuries
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Closed wound care
  • Types of open wounds
Learning check 3

Bloodborne pathogens
  • Bloodborne pathogens
  • Universal precautions when handling blood
  • Specific safety precautions when handling blood
  • Burns and burn categories
  • Burn treatment
  • Treatment for severe/extensive burns
Learning check 4

Muscle, bone, and joint injuries
  • Muscle, bone, and joint injuries
  • Muscle, bone, and joint injury categories
  • When to call for help
  • What to do until help arrives: RICE
  • Head, neck, and spinal injuries
  • Treatment guidelines for head, neck, and spinal injury
  • Signs of a concussion
  • Concussion: treatment
  • Signs of shock
  • How to prevent or treat shock
  • Conclusion
Final assessment
First Aid Basics (US)
Course Duration - 1 hr 30 min

First Aid Basics: Part I (US) is a refresher program for individuals who have completed First Aid Certification from a certified provider but wish to review this potentially life-saving information. you'll review how to properly and quickly respond to a variety of emergency situations, including breathing and choking emergencies, heart attacks and cardiac arrest, minor and severe bleeding, simple and compound fractures, and shock. The course offers clear instructions on how to assist the injured person during the emergency until medical help arrives. This interactive course includes quizzes, a final test, and additional resources to ensure your comprehension. This course is meant to supplement, not replace, your completed certified First Aid training. It is recommended that you take this program in the second and third year following your certified training. Take Part II in the series to complete your first aid training review.

Course Objectives:
  • Define the role of the first aid provider
  • Recall seven emergency action principles
  • Identify the type of breathing emergencies: respiratory distress and respiratory arrest
  • Explain the differences between rescue breathing techniques for a child and an infant
  • Recall the first aid techniques for choking including partial and full airway obstruction
  • List the steps of CPR
  • Recognize the role of the Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)
  • Describe how to treat minor cuts, lacerations, and severe bleeding emergencies

Additional Language Information:
  • Course Text: N/A.
  • Audio: N/A.
  • Subtitles (Closed Caption): N/A.

Detailed Course Outline:
  • The Role of the First Aid Provider
  • Key Points
  • Emergency Situations
  • The Importance of First Aid Training
  • Legal Issues of Providing First Aid
Emergency Action Principles
  • Breathing Issues and Choking
  • Breathing Emergencies
  • Rescue Breathing for Children and Infants
  • Choking
  • Choking – Partial Airway Obstruction
  • Choking – Full Airway Obstruction
  • Choking Children and Infants
CPR and AEDs
  • Heart Attacks and Cardiac Arrest
  • Heart Attacks - Symptoms and First Aid Techniques
  • Performing CPR
  • Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)
  • How to Use an AED
Bleeding Emergencies
  • Accidental Cuts and Lacerations
  • Nosebleeds
  • Treating Puncture Wounds
  • Bleeding
  • What Is a Fracture?
  • Simple and Compound Fractures
  • Fractured Ribs
  • Common Fractures
  • Handling Fracture Emergencies




Section 3: Allergic Reactions - 2 Courses, 15 min

Are you prepared to handle allergic reactions, including life-threatening anaphylaxis? This comprehensive section equips you with the essential knowledge and skills to assist in emergencies immediately.

Key Benefits:
  • Recognize the signs of anaphylaxis: Learn to identify the early warning signs of a severe allergic reaction.
  • Properly administer EpiPens: Master the technique for using EpiPens to treat anaphylaxis.
  • Provide adequate first aid for shock: Understand how to manage shock, a common complication of allergic reactions.

Section 3 Courses:

First Aid: EpiPens and Allergic Reactions
Course Duration - 7 min

First Aid: EpiPens and Allergic Reactions is an elearning course that shows you how to use EpiPens to treat mild to severe reactions. Some people react mildly to certain products or foods. Perhaps they're left with only a rash, or itching and hives. Others have serious reactions, like anaphylaxis, which if left untreated, can lead to death. How do you know if someone is experiencing anaphylaxis? What can cause it? What are EpiPens, and how do they work? That's what this program will teach you.

This course is from our First Aid series. It comes with a video with audio narration, downloadable materials, and a quick quiz. When you take this First Aid course along with others in the series, you’ll be equipped to handle various types of emergency situations when they arise.

Course Objectives:
  • Recognize the signs of anaphylaxis
  • Apply the correct usage of an EpiPen to treat allergic reactions

Additional Language Information:
  • Course Text: Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Simplified), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, & Latin American Spanish.
  • Audio: Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Mandarin), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, & Latin American Spanish.
  • Subtitles (Closed Caption): American English, Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Simplified), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, & Latin American Spanish.

First Aid: Module 05. Shock and Anaphylaxis Care (US)
Course Duration - 8 min

Do you know what it looks like when someone experiences shock and anaphylaxis? Do you know what to do? Take this course to find out what the signs and symptoms are and what first aid treatment you need to administer. Ideal learners are employees who have already taken in-depth first aid training.

Course Objectives:
  • Recognize the causes, signs and symptoms of shock
  • Administer first aid for shock
  • Recognize the causes, signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis
  • Administer first aid for anaphylaxis

Additional Language Information:
  • Course Text: N/A.
  • Audio: N/A.
  • Subtitles (Closed Caption): N/A.

Detailed Course Outline:

  • What Is Shock?
  • Signs and Symptoms of Shock
  • Knowledge Check: Causes, Signs, and Symptoms of Shock
  • First Aid for Shock
  • If Shock Victims Vomit or Drool
  • Knowledge Check: First Aid for Shock
  • Anaphylaxis
  • Anaphylaxis Signs and Symptoms
  • Knowledge Check: Causes, Signs, and Symptoms of Anaphylaxis
  • First Aid for Anaphylaxis
  • Knowledge Check: First Aid for Anaphylaxis



Section 4: Assessing and Gathering Information - 2 Courses, 11 min

Are you prepared to respond effectively to emergencies? This comprehensive section equips you with the knowledge and skills to assess emergencies, gather vital information, and provide appropriate first aid.

Key Benefits:
  • Learn to assess emergency scenes: Identify potential hazards and ensure your safety.
  • Master victim assessment techniques: Gather crucial information about the injured or ill person.
  • Understand the importance of recordkeeping: Comply with OSHA regulations for first aid incident reporting.

Section 4 Courses:

OSHA Recordkeeping: 03. First Aid
Course Duration - 4 min

When a work incident requires first aid, it is important to understand if you are required to report it to OSHA, which is the topic for the elearning course First Aid. In this course we will review OSHA's definition of first aid from a recordkeeping perspective and provide guidance on when an incident must be reported. We will review the extensive list of incidents that fall under OSHA's definition of first aid and discuss the line between it and medical treatment. Finally, we will look at some concrete examples of the differences between first aid and medical treatment incidents to give you a thorough understanding of OSHA requirements.

Part of the series, OSHA Recordkeeping, this course includes a video lesson, downloadable student materials and a short online quiz to check your comprehension of the course.

Course Objectives:
  • Identify the difference between first aid and medical treatment for recordkeeping
  • Familiarize yourself with OSHA's first aid list
  • Identify your responsibilities in first aid recordkeeping

Additional Language Information:
  • Course Text: Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Simplified), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, & Latin American Spanish.
  • Audio: Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Mandarin), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, & Latin American Spanish.
  • Subtitles (Closed Caption): American English, Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Simplified), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, & Latin American Spanish.

First Aid: Module 02. Finding Out What Is Wrong (US)
Course Duration - 7 min

You cannot begin to offer first aid to a victim until you know what is wrong. This module will remind you how to assess the scene and the victim and gather information that may be helpful to you and to emergency responders when they arrive. Ideal learners are employees who have already taken in-depth first aid training.

Course Objectives:
  • Recall what dangers to look for when you first arrive at a scene
  • Assess injuries or illnesses
  • Recall the SAMPLE information gathering process
  • Determine how to physically examine a victim

Additional Language Information:
  • Course Text: N/A.
  • Audio: N/A.
  • Subtitles (Closed Caption): N/A.

Detailed Course Outline:

Assess the Scene
  • Assess the Scene
  • Knowledge Check: Assess the Scene
Assess Victims
  • Assess Victims
  • Knowledge Check: Assess Victims
  • Gathering Information
  • Knowledge Check: Gathering Information
Physical Examination
  • Physical Examination – Head and Skin
  • Physical Examination – Chest and Abdomen
  • Physical Examination – Circulation and Bones
  • Knowledge Check: Physical Examination



Section 5: Burns and Electrical Shock - 2 Courses, 15 min

Are you prepared to handle burn and electrical shock injuries? This comprehensive section equips you with the essential knowledge and skills to immediately assist in these critical situations.

Key Benefits:
  • Identify and classify different types of burns: Learn to recognize first-, second-, and third-degree burns.
  • Provide appropriate first aid for burns: Master techniques to treat minor and severe burns.
  • Respond effectively to electrical shock: Understand the risks and take appropriate actions.

Section 5 Courses:

First Aid: 03. Burns
Course Duration - 4 min

The First Aid: 03. Burns course outlines how to assess and treat burns in the workplace, and what to do in the case of severe burns requiring medical attention. In this course, we’ll discuss the first, second, and third-degree burn categories and how to provide appropriate care for each. Learn how to cool and dress more minor burns, and how to handle an emergency burn situation.

The short narrated video walks you through a first aid approach to burns. Downloadable student materials and an online quiz come included for easy reference and review. This course is part of the First Aid series, which offers a selection of first aid training modules for employees.

Course Objectives:
  • Assess a burn to determine whether it is first, second, or third degree
  • Prepare to treat minor burns in the workplace
  • Respond quickly and effectively in the case of severe burns

Additional Language Information:
  • Course Text: Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Simplified), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, & Latin American Spanish.
  • Audio: Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Mandarin), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, & Latin American Spanish.
  • Subtitles (Closed Caption): American English, Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Simplified), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, & Latin American Spanish.

First Aid: Module 06. Burns and Electrical Shock (US)
Course Duration - 11 min

When someone has experienced a serious burn or electrical shock, the pain may make it impossible to think clearly. The victim is counting on you to know what to do. Take this training to refresh your memory about types of burns and how to administer first aid for them as well as first aid for electrical shock. Ideal learners are employees who have already taken in-depth first aid training.

Course Objectives:
  • Determine how to extinguish flames if you are on fire
  • Recognize first-, second-, and third-degree burns
  • Recognize heat, chemical and electrical burns and electrical shock
  • Recall first aid to administer for various types of burns and electrical shock

Additional Language Information:
  • Course Text: N/A.
  • Audio: N/A.
  • Subtitles (Closed Caption): N/A.

Detailed Course Outline:
  • Welcome
  • Introduction
  • Learning Objectives
  • Knowledge Check: Extinguishing Flames on Your Body
Heat Burns
  • Levels of Burn Severity
  • Knowledge Check: Heat Burns
  • First- and Second-Degree Heat Burn Treatment
  • Third-Degree Heat Burn Treatment
  • Knowledge Check: Heat Burn Treatment
Chemical Burns
  • Chemical Burns
  • Severe Chemical Burns
  • Chemical Burn Treatment
  • Knowledge Check: Chemical Burn Treatment
Electrical Burns
  • Electrical Burns and Shocks
  • First Aid for Electrical Burns and Shocks
  • Knowledge Check: Electrical Burns and Shocks



Section 6: Choking - 1 Courses, 2 min

Are you prepared to handle choking incidents in the workplace? This section equips you with the essential knowledge and skills to provide immediate assistance and potentially save a life.

Key Benefits:
  • Learn to recognize the signs of choking: Identify the signs of airway obstruction and differentiate between conscious and unconscious choking.
  • Learn the Heimlich maneuver: Acquire the proper technique for performing the Heimlich maneuver on both adults and children.
  • Understand the importance of CPR: Learn when and how to administer CPR if the choking victim becomes unconscious.

Section 6 Courses:

First Aid: 05. Choking
Course Duration - 2 min

The First Aid: 05. Choking course outlines steps to take when helping a choking victim so you can effectively prepare for this emergency situation in the workplace. In this concise course, we’ll cover how to assess for choking, what to do to try to clear the blockage, and next steps if the victim falls unconscious.

The short video provides an easy-to-follow first aid approach to choking. Accompanying student materials and an online quiz will help you review what you’ve learned. This course is part of the First Aid series, which contains a range of first aid training modules for employees.

Course Objectives:
  • Assess for choking to determine next steps
  • Assist a choking victim by administering first aid
  • Identify how to proceed if the victim falls unconscious

Additional Language Information:
  • Course Text: Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Simplified), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, & Latin American Spanish.
  • Audio: Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Mandarin), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, & Latin American Spanish.
  • Subtitles (Closed Caption): American English, Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Simplified), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, & Latin American Spanish.



Section 7: CPR and AED - 4 Courses, 45 min

Are you prepared to handle cardiac and respiratory emergencies? This comprehensive section equips you with the essential knowledge and skills to provide immediate assistance and potentially save a life.

Key Benefits:
  • Learn proper CPR techniques: Master the steps of CPR to maintain blood flow and breathing.
  • Understand the importance of AEDs: Learn how to use an AED to restore a normal heart rhythm.
  • Gain confidence in handling emergencies: Develop the skills to respond calmly and effectively under pressure.

Section 7 Courses:

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR): Overview
Course Duration - 5 min

This course presents an overview on responding to a cardiac respiratory emergencies with cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and an automated external defibrillator (AED) until emergency responders arrive on scene.

You'll learn how CPR procedures applied quickly can temporarily stabilize an unconscious victim's vitals until an AED is brought to the scene. CPR procedures are explained clearly. Your workplace should have an AED available for emergencies; we'll discuss how they work and how they are used.

Course Objectives:
  • Administer CPR correctly
  • Explain the exact purpose of an AED
  • Use an AED

Additional Language Information:
  • Course Text: N/A.
  • Audio: N/A.
  • Subtitles (Closed Caption): American English.

First Aid: AED Training
Course Duration - 6 min

First Aid: AED Training is an elearning course that shows you when and how to use an AED for emergencies. If you've ever watched a medical show on television, then you've likely seen a defibrillator in action. A defibrillator is used to shock a person's irregular heart rhythm back into normal rhythm. An Automated External Defibrillator, or AED, is a miniature version of that. AEDs are placed strategically in public places like schools, gyms and restaurants in case of emergencies. In this course, we'll identify when and how to use an AED. We'll go over who you can use an AED on and the steps to using one properly.

This course is from our First Aid series. It comes with a video with audio narration, downloadable materials, and a quick quiz. When you take this First Aid course along with others in the series, you’ll be equipped to handle various types of emergency situations when they arise.

Course Objectives:
  • Identify when and how to use an AED
  • Be prepared and know what to do ahead of an emergency situation

Additional Language Information:
  • Course Text: Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Simplified), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, & Latin American Spanish.
  • Audio: Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Mandarin), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, & Latin American Spanish.
  • Subtitles (Closed Caption): American English, Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Simplified), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, & Latin American Spanish.

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
Course Duration - 15 min

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, more commonly known as CPR, saves many lives each year. In this course, you'll learn how to perform CPR properly. We'll discuss each step in order, explaining how to perform chest compressions and how to check the victim’s airway and breathing. We'll go into detail about proper positioning for each step, clearly explaining why having the victim’s body angled correctly can be crucial to the success of your technique. In addition, we'll provide helpful scenarios to test your knowledge of how the technique is applied in the real world. We'll also teach you when and how to use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) to reestablish a regular heartbeat.

Upon successful completion of this course, you'll know how to administer potentially life-saving CPR in a cardiac or respiratory emergency situation.

Course Objectives:
  • Perform effective CPR on an unconscious person
  • Use an AED to reestablish a regular heartbeat
  • Familiarize yourself with the contents of your organization’s AED kit

Additional Language Information:
  • Course Text: Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Simplified), German, Latin American Spanish, & Thai.
  • Audio: Canadian French & Latin American Spanish.
  • Subtitles (Closed Caption): American English, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Simplified), German, Latin American Spanish, & Thai.

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Training (US)
Course Duration - 19 min

Incidents requiring CPR can happen anywhere and at any time. The first response to such an incident is the most important. CPR given at the scene can improve the chances of survival and recovery of a victim. This course will demonstrate how to recognize and respond to a severe life-threatening emergency until the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) personnel arrive.

Course Objectives:
  • Explain the purpose of CPR
  • Recall the critical first steps to take for administering CPR
  • Protect yourself while helping a person in need

Additional Language Information:
  • Course Text: N/A.
  • Audio: N/A.
  • Subtitles (Closed Caption): N/A.

Detailed Course Outline:

Assessing the Situation
  • Assessing the Situation
  • Protecting Yourself
  • Knowledge Check: Assessing the Situation
Purpose of CPR
  • What Is CPR?
  • What Does CPR Do?
  • Knowledge Check: The Purpose of CPR
First Steps
  • Early Defibrillation
  • Early Advanced Care
  • Compressions
  • Performing Chest Compressions
  • Knowledge Check: Compressions
  • Airway
  • Breathing
  • Obstructed Airways
  • Knowledge Check: Breathing
Recovery Position
  • The Recovery Position
  • Placing a Victim in the Recovery Position
  • Knowledge Check: Recovery Position
CPR Cycle and Alerting Officials
  • CPR Cycle
  • Knowledge Check: CPR Cycle
  • Alerting Emergency Officials



Section 8: Environmental Emergencies - 6 Courses, 1 hr

Are you prepared to respond effectively to environmental emergencies like bites, stings, and poisoning? This comprehensive section equips you with the essential knowledge and skills to immediately assist in these critical situations.

Key Benefits:
  • Identify and respond to various environmental hazards: Recognize the risks of venomous bites, toxic plants, and insect stings.
  • Provide appropriate first aid: Learn how to treat bites, stings, and poisoning effectively.
  • Protect yourself and others: Understand preventative measures to avoid environmental emergencies.

Section 8 Courses:

First Aid: 04. Bites, Cuts, and Scrapes
Course Duration - 7 min

Prepare to administer first aid to a person who has sustained a potentially dangerous bite at work with this first aid course, First Aid: 04. Bites, Cuts, and Scrapes. In this course, we’ll cover the specific protocols for dealing with insect bites and stings, animal bites, and human bites. We will also discuss how to handle more serious bites and puncture wounds to control bleeding and seek appropriate emergency care.

The short narrated video walks you through each bite scenario so you’ll know how to proceed with first aid. Accompanying student materials and an online quiz complete your learning experience. This course is part of the First Aid series, which contains a range of first aid training modules for employees.

Course Objectives:
  • Use the appropriate first aid protocols for cuts, scrapes and various bites
  • Manage serious bites by taking steps to control bleeding and call emergency services

Additional Language Information:
  • Course Text: Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Simplified), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, & Latin American Spanish.
  • Audio: Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Mandarin), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, & Latin American Spanish.
  • Subtitles (Closed Caption): American English, Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Simplified), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, & Latin American Spanish.

First Aid: Module 11. Cold and Heat Emergencies (US)
Course Duration - 8 min

Cold and heat are conditions we all encounter at some point. Take this module to learn how to prevent cold- and heat-related injuries and illnesses. You will also learn how to recognize symptoms of these emergencies and treat victims. Ideal learners are employees who have already taken in-depth first aid training.

Course Objectives:
  • Recognize the symptoms of medical conditions related to cold and heat
  • Follow the first aid procedures for hypothermia and frostbite
  • Identify the first aid procedures for heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke

Additional Language Information:
  • Course Text: N/A.
  • Audio: N/A.
  • Subtitles (Closed Caption): N/A.

Detailed Course Outline:

Cold Emergencies
  • Hypothermia Symptoms
  • Hypothermia First Aid
  • Frostbite Symptoms
  • Frostbite First Aid
  • Knowledge Check: Hypothermia First Aid
Heat Emergencies
  • Heat Emergency Symptoms
  • Heat Cramp First Aid
  • Heat Exhaustion First Aid
  • Heat Stroke First Aid
  • Knowledge Check: Heat Emergencies
First Aid: Snake Bites
Course Duration - 9 min

First Aid: Snake Bites is an elearning course that shows you how to identify and treat venomous snake bites. If you work outdoors, especially if you work with debris or moving rocks and logs, there's a chance you'll encounter a snake. You might even be bitten by one. Luckily, only 20% of snakes in North America are venomous. But if you do happen to get bitten by one of these, the results can be deadly. In this course, you’ll identify common types of dangerous snakes such as the pit viper, cottonmouth and coral snake. We'll discuss proper first aid procedure for a venomous snake bite, and which methods to avoid.

This course is from our First Aid series. It comes with a video with audio narration, downloadable materials, and a quick quiz. When you take this First Aid course, along with others in the series, you’ll be equipped to handle various types of emergency situations when they arise.

Course Objectives:
  • Identify common venomous snakes of North America
  • Assess symptoms and signs of venomous snake bites
  • Deliver proper first aid for a venomous snake bite

Additional Language Information:
  • Course Text: Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Simplified), European French, German, Japanese, & Latin American Spanish.
  • Audio: N/A.
  • Subtitles (Closed Caption): American English, Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Simplified), European French, German, Japanese, & Latin American Spanish.

First Aid: Toxic Plants
Course Duration - 10 min

First Aid: Toxic Plants is an elearning course that shows you how to identify poisonous plants and treat exposure to their toxins. If you work outdoors, you may have encountered toxic plants at some point. The kind that give you a rash and leave you with that terrible itch for a week. No one wants that. In this program, we’ll talk about the plants you should avoid, how to take precautions to avoid being harmed, and the first aid steps you should take if you or someone else is exposed to these plants.

This course is from our First Aid series. It comes with a video with audio narration, downloadable materials, and a quick quiz. When you take this First Aid course along with others in the series, you’ll be equipped to handle various types of emergency situations when they arise.

Course Objectives:
  • Identify common toxic plants of North America
  • Take protective measures to avoid contact with toxic plants
  • Treat toxic plant exposure with proper first aid procedure

Additional Language Information:
  • Course Text: Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Simplified), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, & Latin American Spanish.
  • Audio: Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Mandarin), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, & Latin American Spanish.
  • Subtitles (Closed Caption): American English, Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Simplified), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, & Latin American Spanish.

First Aid: Bug Bites and Stings
Course Duration - 12 min

First Aid: Bug Bites and Stings is an elearning course that equips you to handle common insect bites and stings. Whether you work inside or outside, dangerous insects can be found anywhere. It's important that you know what these bugs are, how they look, and where they reside. You should also be aware of the symptoms of their bites and stings, and how to administer first aid for them. In this course, we'll discuss some of the most common dangerous bugs in North America, and help you understand how to treat their bites and stings.

This course is from our First Aid series. It comes with a video with audio narration, downloadable materials, and a quick quiz. When you take this First Aid course along with others in the series, you’ll be equipped to handle various types of emergency situations when they arise.

Course Objectives:
  • Identify common dangerous bugs in North America
  • Treat venomous bites and stings effectively
  • Take preventative measures to avoid insect bites and stings

Additional Language Information:
  • Course Text: Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Simplified), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, & Latin American Spanish.
  • Audio: Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Mandarin), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, & Latin American Spanish.
  • Subtitles (Closed Caption): American English, Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Simplified), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, & Latin American Spanish.

First Aid: Module 10. Poisoning (US)
Course Duration - 14 min

If you are like most people, you have experienced some type of poisoning or bite in your lifetime, whether it is a mosquito bite or something more serious. Because they are so common, it is important that you are prepared to properly treat them. Take this module to find out how! Ideal learners are employees who have already taken in-depth first aid training.

Course Objectives:
  • Recognize when to call the poison control center or medical emergency number in cases of poisoning
  • Recall first aid steps for victims of swallowed or inhaled poisons
  • Identify what first aid steps to follow for victims of poison ivy, oak or sumac
  • List the first aid steps for a victim with bites or stings

Additional Language Information:
  • Course Text: N/A.
  • Audio: N/A.
  • Subtitles (Closed Caption): N/A.

Detailed Course Outline:

Types of Poison
  • Poisoning
  • When to Call for Help
  • Knowledge Check: When to Call for Help
  • Swallowed and Inhaled Poisons
  • Carbon Monoxide
  • Knowledge Check: Swallowed and Inhaled Poisons
  • Poison Plants
  • First Aid for Poison Plants
  • Knowledge Check: Poison Plants
  • Human and Animal Bites
  • Snake Bites
  • Knowledge Check: Human and Animal Bites
  • Insect Bites and Stings
  • Embedded Ticks
  • When to Seek Medical Attention for Insect Bites
  • Knowledge Check: Insect Bites and Stings



Section 9: Injuries - 4 Courses, 42 min

Are you prepared to handle common injuries and trauma in the workplace? This comprehensive section equips you with the essential knowledge and skills to provide immediate assistance and potentially save lives.

Key Benefits:
  • Identify and respond to various injuries: Learn to recognize and treat broken bones, joint injuries, muscle strains, and other common injuries.
  • Provide appropriate first aid: Master techniques for controlling bleeding, immobilizing fractures, and managing shock.
  • Understand the importance of proper care: Learn how to prevent further injury and ensure victims receive prompt medical attention.

Section 9 Courses:

First Aid: 02. Broken Bones
Course Duration - 3 min

Discover what you should do to help a coworker who has potentially sustained a break or fracture with this first aid course, First Aid: 02. Broken Bones. In this course, we’ll discuss typical symptoms of fractures so you can assess whether a bone might be broken. We will also cover how to immobilize and care for a broken bone until someone can be seen by a medical professional.

The short narrated video provides an easy-to-follow first aid approach to broken bones. Downloadable student materials and an online quiz complete your learning experience. This course is part of the First Aid series, which contains a range of first aid training modules for employees.

Course Objectives:
  • Identify a broken bone by assessing for common fracture symptoms
  • Immobilize a broken bone using available materials
  • Administer first aid to prevent further injury until medical attention is received

Additional Language Information:
  • Course Text: Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Simplified), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, & Latin American Spanish.
  • Audio: Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Mandarin), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, & Latin American Spanish.
  • Subtitles (Closed Caption): American English, Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Simplified), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, & Latin American Spanish.

First Aid: Module 08. Bone, Joint, and Muscle Injuries (US)
Course Duration - 10 min

Bone, joint and muscle injuries can be very painful. Victims are counting on you to do everything you can to minimize the risk of further injury and help alleviate pain. Take this course to refresh your memory about what to do for various bone, joint and muscle injuries. Ideal learners are employees who have already taken in-depth first aid training.

Course Objectives:
  • Recognize different types of potential bone, joint and muscle injuries
  • Follow the guidelines for safe splinting
  • Recognize joint dislocations or sprains and muscle strains and cramps
  • Determine what first aid to perform for joint dislocations
  • Identify the importance of rest, ice, compression and elevation (RICE) for injuries to the joints and muscles

Additional Language Information:
  • Course Text: N/A.
  • Audio: N/A.
  • Subtitles (Closed Caption): N/A.

Detailed Course Outline:

Types of Injuries
  • Bone Fractures
  • Splinting
  • Splints and Slings
  • Knowledge Check: Safe Splinting
  • Joint Injuries – Dislocation
  • Knowledge Check: Joint Dislocation Treatment
Joint Dislocation Treatment
  • Sprains
  • Muscle Cramps
  • Knowledge Check: Types of Injuries
  • Sprain and Cramp Treatment – RICE
  • Knowledge Check: Sprain and Cramp Treatment
First Aid: Module 04. Bleeding and Wound Care (US)
Course Duration - 15 min

Getting bleeding under control quickly, and dressing wounds correctly, is imperative. Take this course to find out how to control bleeding, care for minor wounds, and offer first aid to victims with more severe injuries such as amputations and head or facial wounds. Ideal learners are employees who have already taken in-depth first aid training.

Course Objectives:
  • Avoid wound contamination and disease transmission
  • Determine how to control bleeding
  • Cean and dress a minor wound to control bleeding and prevent infection
  • Recall the special care needed for impaled objects, amputations and injuries of the head, eye, ear, nose and mouth

Additional Language Information:
  • Course Text: N/A.
  • Audio: N/A.
  • Subtitles (Closed Caption): N/A.

Detailed Course Outline:

Avoiding Contamination and Disease
  • Knowledge Check: Avoiding Contamination and Disease
  • Nosebleeds
  • Controlling Bleeding
  • Knowledge Check: Bleeding
  • Treating a Minor Wound
  • Bandaging
  • Knowledge Check: Cleaning and Dressing Wounds
Bleeding Injuries
  • Impaled Objects
  • Amputation Victims
  • Amputated Body Parts
  • Tooth Damage and Loss
  • Eye Injuries
  • Learning Activity: When the Best Action Is to Call for Help
  • Knowledge Check: Special Care
First Aid: Module 07. Serious Injuries (US)
Course Duration - 14 min

Serious injuries are those that can lead to disability or death if improperly treated. Take this module to refresh your memory about how to treat brain, spine, chest, abdominal and pelvic injuries. Ideal learners are employees who have already taken in-depth first aid training.

Course Objectives:
  • Recognize potential brain, spine and pelvic injuries
  • Determine how to treat potential brain, spine and pelvic injuries
  • Recall first aid practices for broken ribs and sucking chest wounds
  • Identify what first aid to administer for open and closed abdominal injuries

Additional Language Information:
  • Course Text: N/A.
  • Audio: N/A.
  • Subtitles (Closed Caption): N/A.

Detailed Course Outline:

Brain Injuries
  • Brain Injury Symptoms
  • Brain Injury First Aid
  • Knowledge Check: Brain Injury First Aid
Spine Injuries
  • Spine Injury Causes
  • Spine Injury Symptoms
  • Spine Injury First Aid
  • Spine Injury – Inline Stabilization and Log Roll
  • Knowledge Check: Spine Injury First Aid
Pelvic Injuries
  • Pelvic Injury Symptoms
  • Pelvic Injury First Aid
  • Learning Activity: Brain, Spine and Pelvic Injury Symptoms
Chest Injuries
  • Chest Injuries – Broken Rib Symptoms
  • Chest Injuries – Broken Rib First Aid
  • Chest Injuries – Sucking Wounds
  • Knowledge Check: Chest Injuries
Abdominal Injuries
  • Abdominal Injuries – Closed Wounds
  • Abdominal Injuries – Open Wounds
  • Knowledge Check: Abdominal Injuries



Section 10: Medical Emergencies - 5 Courses, 1 hr 6 min

Are you prepared to handle medical emergencies like strokes, seizures, and diabetic crises? This comprehensive section equips you with the essential knowledge and skills to provide immediate assistance and potentially save lives.

Key Benefits:
  • Recognize the signs of medical emergencies: Learn to identify symptoms of strokes, seizures, diabetes, and other critical conditions.
  • Provide appropriate first aid: Master techniques for treating these emergencies until medical help arrives.
  • Gain confidence in handling critical situations: Develop the skills to respond calmly and effectively under pressure.

Section 10 Courses:

First Aid: Strokes
Course Duration - 3 min

First Aid: Strokes is an elearning course that shows you how to identify and treat symptoms of a stroke. When you think of first aid situations that can arise, one of the most common and frightening that probably comes to mind is someone having a stroke. But what exactly is a stroke? And what can you do if you or someone around you has one? How will you even know if they're having one? In this program, we'll cover the two main types of strokes, ischemic and hemorrhagic, as well as mini-strokes, and their symptoms. By the end of this course, you'll be better prepared to assist in first aid situations involving strokes.

This course is from our First Aid series. It comes with a video with audio narration, downloadable materials, and a quick quiz. When you take this First Aid course along with others in the series, you’ll be equipped to handle various types of emergency situations when they arise.

Course Objectives:
  • Identify the two different types of strokes
  • Define the symptoms of a stroke and proper first aid procedure

Additional Language Information:
  • Course Text: Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Simplified), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, & Latin American Spanish.
  • Audio: Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Mandarin), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, & Latin American Spanish.
  • Subtitles (Closed Caption): American English, Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Simplified), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, & Latin American Spanish.

First Aid: Seizures
Course Duration - 8 min

First Aid: Seizures is an elearning course that shows you how to identify and treat someone who is experiencing a seizure. According to the CDC, one in 10 people will have a seizure in their lifetime. Therefore, the odds of you being witness to one of these medical events are pretty high. In this course, we'll discuss how to administer first aid to someone who's having a seizure. We'll go over the symptoms to look out for, the most common type of seizure, and when to call 911. We'll also cover some dos and don'ts of seizure first aid, so you're informed and prepared if someone near you has an episode.

This course is from our First Aid series. It comes with a video with audio narration, downloadable materials, and a quick quiz. When you take this First Aid course along with others in the series, you’ll be equipped to handle various types of emergency situations when they arise.

Course Objectives:
  • Identify the most common types of seizures
  • Assess when to call 911
  • Define the dos and don'ts of seizure first aid

Additional Language Information:
  • Course Text: Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Simplified), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, & Latin American Spanish.
  • Audio: Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Mandarin), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, & Latin American Spanish.
  • Subtitles (Closed Caption): American English, Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Simplified), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, & Latin American Spanish.

First Aid: Diabetes
Course Duration - 9 min

First Aid: Diabetes is an elearning course that shows you how to identify and treat diabetic crisis in an emergency situation. More than 30 million people in the U.S. have diabetes, with another 84 million in the pre-diabetic range. Chances are, you know someone with diabetes, so how do you recognize diabetic emergencies? In this course, we'll define diabetes and go over its three types. We'll talk about how to recognize the various symptoms associated with diabetic episodes, and how to provide first aid for each instance. We'll also talk about when it's time to call 911.

This course is from our First Aid series. It comes with a video with audio narration, downloadable materials, and a quick quiz. When you take this First Aid course along with others in the series, you’ll be equipped to handle various types of emergency situations when they arise.

Course Objectives:
  • Identify the three different types of diabetes
  • Recognize the signs of a diabetic crisis and how to treat the affected person

Additional Language Information:
  • Course Text: Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Simplified), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, & Latin American Spanish.
  • Audio: Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Mandarin), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, & Latin American Spanish.
  • Subtitles (Closed Caption): American English, Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Simplified), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, & Latin American Spanish.

First Aid: Module 09. Sudden Illness (US)
Course Duration - 13 min

If someone were suddenly to become ill, would you know what was wrong and what to do? Take this module to refresh your memory about general and specific sudden illnesses and treatments. Ideal learners are employees who have already taken in-depth first aid training.

Course Objectives:
  • Recognize the general signs and symptoms of sudden illness
  • Follow the general first aid steps for sudden illness
  • Recall specific first aid to administer for stroke, respiratory distress, seizures, severe abdominal pain and diabetic emergencies

Additional Language Information:
  • Course Text: N/A.
  • Audio: N/A.
  • Subtitles (Closed Caption): N/A.

Detailed Course Outline:

Sudden Illness
  • Sudden Illness
  • Sudden Illness – General First Aid
  • Knowledge Check: Sudden Illness
  • Stroke
  • Knowledge Check: Stroke
Respiratory Distress
  • Respiratory Distress – Asthma
  • Respiratory Distress – Hyperventilation
  • Knowledge Check: Respiratory Distress
  • Seizures
  • Seizures – First Aid
  • Knowledge Check: Seizures
Abdominal Pain
  • Severe Abdominal Pain
  • Knowledge Check: Severe Abdominal Pain
Diabetic Emergencies
  • Diabetic Emergencies – Hypoglycemia
  • Hypoglycemia First Aid
  • Knowledge Check: Diabetic Emergencies
First Aid: Medical Emergencies (US)
Course Duration - 33 min

Injuries, both on and off the job, represent a significant health problem. The outcome of injuries depends on not only the severity of the injury, but also on the rendering of first aid care. Prompt, properly administered first aid care can mean the difference between life and death. This course will cover a variety of emergency scenarios and the appropriate first aid care.

Course Objectives:
  • Recall basic first aid techniques to treat sudden illness (such as fainting, seizures, diabetic emergencies, severe allergic reactions, heart attacks, asthma attacks and stroke), poisoning, stings and bites, and heat- and cold-related illnesses

Additional Language Information:
  • Course Text: N/A.
  • Audio: N/A.
  • Subtitles (Closed Caption): N/A.

Detailed Course Outline:

Scene and Victim Assessment
  • Sudden Illness
  • Scene Assessment
  • Victim Assessment
  • Unresponsive Victim
  • Knowledge Check: Scene Assessment
First Aid Basics
  • First Aid Basics
  • Care for Sudden Illness
  • Knowledge Check: First Response
Sudden Illnesses
  • Sudden Illness
  • Fainting
  • Seizures
  • Knowledge Check: Seizures
  • Diabetic Emergencies
  • Severe Allergic Reaction
  • Learning Activity: Sudden Illness
  • Heart Attack
  • Asthma
  • Stroke
  • Knowledge Check: Heart Attack
  • Poisons
  • Poisoning Treatment
  • Inhaled Poisons and Confined Spaces
  • Topical Poisons
  • Knowledge Check: Poisons
Stings and Bites
  • Stings
  • Dog Bites
  • Snake Bites
  • Knowledge Check: Snake Bites
Heat- and Cold-Related Illnesses
  • Heat-Related Illness
  • Heat Exhaustion
  • Heat Stroke
  • Knowledge Check: Heat Illness
  • Cold-Related Illnesses and Emergencies
  • Hypothermia
  • Frostbite
Putting It All Together
  • Knowledge Check



Essential Career Skills Pack

Productivity and Time Management

Course Duration - 30 min

It seems that there is never enough time in the day. But, since we all get the same 24 hours, why is it that some people achieve so much more with their time than others? This course will explain how to plan and prioritize tasks, so that we can make the most of the limited time we have. By using the time-management techniques in this course, you can improve your ability to function more effectively – even when time is tight and pressures are high. So, by the end of the course you will have the knowledge, skills and confidence to be an effective manager of your time.

Course Objectives:
Course Objectives:
  • Set your priorities to better manage your time
  • Improve your productivity by sharpening your focus and multitasking effectively
Detailed Course Outline:
Detailed Course Outline:
  • Productiity & Time Management
  • Prioritization
  • Getting Things Done
  • Procrastination
  • Multitasking & Focus
  • Summary


Basic Digital Skills

Course Duration - 13 min

With the rise of digital transformation and technology, having a basic digital literacy is essential for all types of jobs, regardless of the industry. To stay competitive and be successful in the workplace, enhancing your digital skills should be a top priority.

Course Objectives:
Course Objectives:
  • Recall the essential digital skills framework
  • Elaborate on the toolkit of essential digital skills
  • Identify how to develop or improve your digital skills
Detailed Course Outline:
Detailed Course Outline:
  • The Essential Digital Skills Framework
  • The Toolkit of Essential Digital Skills
  • Developing Digital Skills
  • Summary


4 Ways to Boost Creativity

Course Duration - 30 min

The digital economy is opening up ways for everyone to be creative. It doesn’t just mean being artistic – it’s more about ideas, solutions, alternatives, incremental improvements. Peter Quarry and Eve Ash discuss ways that mental capacity can be developed, perspectives changed, group power leveraged and making things actually happen.

Course Objectives:
Course Objectives:
  • Define creativity
  • Think outside the box
  • Develop the right mental attitude
  • Leverage the power of groups
  • Ensure managers make it happen
Detailed Course Outline:
Detailed Course Outline:
  • What is Creativity at Work?
  • Learn to Think Outside the box
  • Develop the Right Mental Capacity
  • Laverage the Power of Groups
  • Ensure Managers Make It Happen
  • Summary


The 11 Essential Career Soft Skills

Course Duration - 1 hr 10 min

Soft Skills are the traits, characteristics, habits, and skills needed to survive and thrive in the modern work world. Soft skills aren't usually taught in school, but you will learn them all here in this course. Are you someone that other people in your organization and industry like to work with, collaborate with and partner with? Are you seen as a valuable asset to any new project that comes along?

This soft skills training course will teach you how to develop the skills that can make the difference between a lackluster career that tops out at middle management versus one that lands you in the executive suite. Or to wherever you define career success. So many soft skills seem like common sense at first glance, but they are not commonly applied by most workers. This soft skills training course will give you an edge over your competitors. It will also make your job, your career and your life more rewarding and enjoyable.

Course Objectives:
Course Objectives:
  • Understand how to be a great communicator
  • Become a stronger listene
  • Appear professional to co-workers and bosses of all ages
  • Avoid common career blunders that often end careers
  • Manage expectations for bosses and colleagues
  • Position yourself for promotions
  • Make technology your asset, even if you are afraid of technology
  • Avoid the Not My Job Syndrome
  • Develop EQ to Match Your IQ
  • Develop leadership qualities
Detailed Course Outline:
Detailed Course Outline:
  • Introduction
  • The Soft Tech Savvy Way to Always Be Essential
  • Not My Job, And I Am Happy to Do It
  • You Can Become a Master Communicator
  • Feedback Video for The 11 Essential Career Soft Skills
  • Become a Leader Without the Title or Formal Authority
  • Your EQ Will Beat a Higher IQ
  • Building Your Winning Team
  • Make Every One of Your Seconds Count
  • Unleash Your Inner Anthony Robbins
  • Avoid Being Uncool
  • Clothes Can Still Make or Break Your Career
  • Conclusion The 11 Essential Career Soft Skills
  • Extra: Developing Your Career Secret Sauce



Related Workplace Safety Information:

How Much Do Workplace Safety Training Courses Cost?

Self-Paced Workplace Safety eLearning courses cost $200 at the starting point per student. Group purchase discounts are available.

What are the five 5 basic safety training?

A: The five basic safety training programs commonly recommended include:

  1. General Safety Orientation: This foundational program covers essential safety protocols, emergency procedures, and the importance of workplace safety culture.
  2. Fire Safety and Prevention: Training that educates employees on fire risks, proper use of fire extinguishers, and evacuation procedures in the event of a fire.
  3. First Aid and CPR: This training equips individuals with the necessary skills to provide basic medical assistance and perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation during emergencies.
  4. Hazard Communication: Focused on understanding chemical hazards, labeling requirements, and the importance of safety data sheets to ensure safety when handling hazardous materials.
  5. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Training: This program instructs employees on the proper use, maintenance, and limitations of personal protective equipment essential for their specific work environments.
What is OSHA safety training?

A: OSHA safety training refers to the educational programs and courses developed by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to ensure that employees understand workplace safety standards and practices. These training sessions cover a wide range of topics, including hazard communication, fall protection, machinery safety, and emergency response, equipping workers with the knowledge to identify potential dangers and implement effective safety measures. The primary goal of OSHA safety training is to reduce workplace accidents and injuries, fostering a safer working environment for all employees.

How often do employees need OSHA training?

A: The frequency of OSHA training needed for employees varies depending on their specific job functions and the industry in which they work. Generally, OSHA requires that employees receive training when they are first hired, whenever new hazards are introduced, or when existing training is insufficient. Certain types of training, such as for hazardous materials, may need to be repeated annually or periodically, as specified by OSHA standards. It is essential for employers to stay up to date with training requirements applicable to their workforce to ensure compliance and promote a safe working environment.

Is online safety training effective?

A: Online safety training has proven to be an effective method for educating employees about workplace safety protocols and procedures. With the ability to tailor content for specific industries and roles, these training programs can engage learners in a flexible format, accommodating diverse learning styles. Research indicates that participants in online safety training often retain more information due to the interactive elements and accessibility of the training material. Online platforms allow for regular updates and the incorporation of current safety regulations, ensuring that employees are always informed about the latest standards. However, the effectiveness of these programs largely depends on the quality of the content and the level of engagement of the trainees.

Where Can I Learn More About Workplace Safety Skills?

Presentation Skills Blogs

OSHA Official Training Website - Occupational Safety and Health Administration

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Certstaffix Training offers self-paced eLearning courses for Workplace Safety, ideal for those looking for convenient and flexible learning options. With these online classes, you can save time trekking to and from a physical class location by taking courses remotely. Have the ability to learn when it's most convenient for you with our eLearning courses – no more worrying about searching for "Workplace Safety classes near me" and commuting long distances. Take advantage of our online Workplace Safety classes today to get the education you need quickly. Start learning today and see how Certstaffix Training can help you reach your goals.


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