A Parent's Guide on Teens and Social Media Use

Posted on by Jonathan O'Brien

Teens on Social Media

Teens use social media apps to connect with friends and express their creativity. But for parents, it's essential to understand social media's positive and negative effects and set boundaries.

What Is Social Media?

Social media is a broad term that refers to any online platform that allows users to create and share content, interact, and build communities. Facebook, founded in 2004, is one of the most widely used platforms, with billions of people using it every month.

What Are Social Media Platforms Used For?

People use social media platforms for a variety of purposes, such as keeping in touch with friends and family, sharing news and information, expressing themselves, and building businesses.

Common Social Media Platforms


Facebook allows users to share pictures, videos, and text updates on their lives and connect with friends.


Instagram is a well-known platform for sharing photos and videos. It includes a variety of filters that let people alter the look of their photos.


Twitter is a microblogging site, allowing users to share their thoughts in small snippets.


TikTok is an engaging video-sharing platform known for its short content.


Snapchat is a unique platform where users can send temporary pictures, videos, and messages to friends and followers. Posts disappear after they've been viewed.


Pinterest is an online visual discovery platform where users can find and save ideas, images, and inspiration across various interests.


YouTube is the world's most popular video-sharing site, with more than a billion people logging in at least once a month.


LinkedIn is a networking site for professionals that brings people together for career opportunities, job searches, and industry networking.


WhatsApp is a messaging app that offers text messaging, calling, and content-sharing features, allowing users to stay connected with friends and family.


Wattpad is a platform designed specifically for authors to publish their writing, connect with readers, and interact with a vibrant community of authors.


Reddit is a platform where users can discuss topics and share content. Users can upvote or downvote posts, which influences the visibility of the posts.


Online publishing site Medium allows people to share their articles, experiences, and insights with a large audience.

Is Social Media Safe for Kids?

Social media can be both beneficial and dangerous. Social media is an essential part of many teens' lives, and they use it to show off their talents, connect with others, and have fun. When used well, it also can provide learning opportunities. But it also has its downsides. Teens may see inappropriate content or be exposed to cyberbullying. Parents can protect their children from these problems by talking to them and monitoring their social media activities. They can also educate their children about cyberbullying, what is OK to post online, and what is not OK to post online.

How Can Parents Monitor Their Children's Social Media Activity?

Teens may feel uncomfortable having their parents monitor their online or social media activity. However, parents can also use parental controls and other strategies to monitor their children's activities less obtrusively.

Be Your Child's "Friend"

Parents should be honest with their children and encourage them to add their parents as "friends" on their social media accounts. This way, parents can see what their children are posting and better understand their interests.

Keep Lines of Communication Open

Parents should also talk to their children offline without judgment. This can help create an atmosphere where their children feel more comfortable talking about potential issues they are experiencing on social media.

Check Their History

It's a good idea to take a peek at children's browser history and what they've been looking at on social media from time to time. This will help you be aware of situations where they may need support.

Set Rules for Using Social Media

Set limits on social media use, the types of accounts they follow, and who they accept as friends or followers. They should also know when they should notify you about something they see online.

How to Explain Privacy Risks to Children

Parents need to have an honest discussion with their kids about the privacy issues associated with using social media. Clarify why they should be careful about their online activities, and help them understand the ways that people can take advantage of them or harm them online and how to keep themselves safe. Teens should:

Protect Their Personal Data

Teenagers should not share their passwords, and they should change them frequently. They should only share personal information such as their home address, the name of their school, or their phone number online if they're talking to someone who they know well in real life. Banking information and private family information should never be shared. And they should refrain from accepting friend requests or follows from strangers.

Understand That Nothing Is Temporary

People can save everything they see online, and nothing is ever really erased. Instagram stories remain for 24 hours, and Snapchat messages expire, but someone can always take screenshots and pass them around or post them elsewhere online.

Know When to Talk to Parents

If something online feels wrong, weird, or bad, teens should tell their parents or teachers.

Turn Off GPS Tracking

Posts from GPS-enabled devices can be geotagged, which can show the physical location of the user. To prevent this, teens should ensure that geotagging is turned off in their device's privacy settings.

What Is Cyberbullying?

Cyberbullying is a form of bullying that happens online. It can happen through social media, texts, or games. Cyberbullying can lead to mental health problems, social anxiety, poor grades, or increased aggression. To help prevent cyberbullying:

Help Your Child Review Their Contacts

Ask your children to sit down with you and evaluate their contacts on their cell phones, social media profiles, and email accounts. Ask them to make sure they understand the identity of each contact, how the connection was made, and what type of relationship it is.

Talk to Your Teens About Cyberbullying

It's essential to educate them about what cyberbullying is and how they should report it to you if it ever occurs. If you encourage them to have frequent conversations about this issue, they will find it easier to bring it up. Also, emphasize that cyberbullying is never their fault.

Learn About Social Media Apps

Parents may have heard of some social media apps, but they should also understand how the ones that are most popular among teens work. You could even ask your children to help you learn about these platforms.

Understanding Social Media Addiction

Another problem with teens' use of social media is the risk of addiction. Parents need to pay attention to how their children use social media to make sure that they're not developing unhealthy habits.

One sign of addiction is constantly checking their phone. If they're always on their phone, going to sleep with it, or doing things in real life just so they can post about it online, it's time to talk to them. Parents can set limits by locking access to social media apps or the entire phone on a schedule or after a certain amount of use.

Some teens use social media to cope with social anxiety and low self-esteem. However, using social media can often make these problems worse. And teens might also become addicted to social media if they find a platform where they feel accepted. Parents should communicate with their teens and encourage them to value and accept themselves for who they are, regardless of their differences or talents.

How to Set Boundaries With Social Media Use

Control Their Screen Time

Social media is not their whole life. Agree on how much time they can spend on it daily or weekly. Then, set up software to limit their screen time that they cannot unlock.

Limit When They Use Social Media

Parents can also limit when their children can use social media. For example, no screens should be used during meals or before bedtime.

Don't Allow Downloads Without Permission

Ask your children to ask you before they download games or apps to protect their safety and privacy. This helps parents set limits and explain privacy risks with unfamiliar apps.

Be a Good Role Model

Children tend to imitate or point out their parents' actions when they do not follow their own rules. Therefore, it's crucial for parents to set a positive example for their children.

Make a Contract

Consider making a social media contract between you and your children that you both sign. This can make your kids more responsible. Giving your kids a say in this contract will make it fairer for them.

Ten Benefits of Social Media for Kids

Social media has its drawbacks, but it can have benefits as well. Like many things in the real world, there are good and bad points.

Promotes Independent and Collaborative Learning

Some platforms foster constructive discussion in moderated groups that can help teens to learn from each other and explore new ideas.

Facilitates Connections to Others

Social media allows teens to learn about cultures other than their own and make meaningful connections worldwide, which can build strong friendships.

Maintains Connections With Family and Friends

Social media platforms allow teens to stay in touch with loved ones even when they're far away.

Reduces Feelings of Isolation

Access to social media can be calming and combat isolation, especially when physical interaction is limited, and it allows teens to express themselves and find solace in creative outlets.

Encourages Community Involvement

Social media platforms enable youth to understand social issues and volunteer. In this way, they can contribute to social change and develop a deeper understanding of their world.

Allows for Personal Expression

Social media allows teens to showcase their creative endeavors, such as art, music, or writing.

Promotes Media Literacy

Social media provides valuable opportunities for teens to develop their online communication skills, navigate different platforms, and access various sources of information.

Promotes Cultural Awareness

On social media, users learn about different cultures, perspectives, and global challenges by interacting with people from a variety of backgrounds and nations.

Strengthens Friendships

Social media helps strengthen friendships through common interests, shared memories, and convenient communication channels.

Builds Confidence

Social media helps teens build communication confidence by interacting with different people online. At the same time, positive feedback about their talents or skills shared online can lead to greater confidence in offline interactions.

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