Length: 8 courses
Access Length: 6 months
Price: $1,175/person (USD)
Bulk Pricing: 10+ Contact Us
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Lecture by Recorded Video
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Certificate of Completion
Software Lab Included?: No
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This eLearning bundle consists of these courses:
Also Included - 4 Courses: An Essential Career Skills Pack with 4 courses in key areas for career management and growth, including Time Management, Digital Skills, Creativity and Soft Skills.
This course is a self-paced learning solution to fit your own schedule. Certstaffix Training eLearning courses you take on your own schedule in a web browser.
Have more than 10 students needing this course? Contact Us for bulk pricing.
Python is developed under an OSI-approved open source license, making it freely usable and distributable, even for commercial use. Python is a general-purpose programming language. Created nearly 30 years ago, it is now one of the most popular languages out there to use. Its popularity is particularly important in the data science and machine learning fields. But it is also a language that is easy to learn, and that’s why it has become the language most taught in universities.
Python interpreters are available for the main operating systems as well (Linux, Mac OS, Windows, Android, iOS, BSD, etc.) so it’s very flexible in where it is used. Python has a simple syntax that makes it suitable for learning to program as a first language. The learning curve is smoother than other languages such as Java, which quickly requires learning about Object Oriented Programming or C/C++ that require understanding pointers. Still, it's possible to learn about OOP or functional programming in Python when the time comes.
Python is an easy to learn, powerful programming language. It has efficient high-level data structures and a simple but effective approach to object-oriented programming. Python’s elegant syntax and dynamic typing, together with its interpreted nature, make it an ideal language for scripting and rapid application development in many areas on most platforms.
This course is about leveraging the Python programming language and its thriving ecosystem to save yourself time and money when doing common routine tasks. Nobody wants to do boring and time-consuming tasks: days have 24 hours and you should squeeze out the most of this time for yourself - automating the boring tasks gives you back time to focus on what you really like to do. Moreover, this is also the chance for you to learn a great general-purpose language such as Python, with which you can build very cool applications both at work and in your spare time.
The course is structured as an incremental learning path: you will start with a deep-dive into Python software development basics, then move on to write scripts to automate file system operations and file contents processing on your local host, then you will learn how to interact with web-based services such as websites and APIs in order to robotize the cool things that we do everyday - such as tweeting, posting to social networks, and reading RSS feeds. Moreover, you will practice how to set up a web-based services yourself in the form of web applications and in the end you will learn how to analyze and visualize datasets in order to extract knowledge.
By the end of this course, you will have learned how to proficiently write structured Python code in a wide range of applications - from one-liner scripts to complex web applications - aiming at the automation of lots of common everyday life tasks.
Python is an open-source, community-supported, general-purpose programming language that, over the years, has also become one of the bastions of data science. Thanks to its flexibility and vast popularity that data analysis, visualization, and machine learning can be easily carried out with Python. This course will help you learn the tools necessary to perform data science.
In this course you will learn all the necessary libraries that make data analytics with Python a joy. You will get into hands-on data analysis and machine learning by coding in Python. You will also learn the Numpy library used for numerical and scientific computation. You will also employ useful libraries for visualization, Matplotlib and Seaborn, to provide insights into data. Further you will learn various steps involved in building an end-to-end machine learning solution. The ease of use and efficiency of these tools will help you learn these topics very quickly. The video course is prepared with applications in mind. You will explore coding on real-life datasets, and implement your knowledge on projects.
By the end of this course, you will have embarked on a journey from data cleaning and preparation to creating summary tables, from visualization to machine learning and prediction. This course will prepare you to the world of data science.
R is a high-level statistical language and is widely used among statisticians and data miners to develop statistical applications. This solution-based video will be your guide, taking you through different programming aspects with R.
Beginning with the basics of R programming, this video provides step-by-step resources and time-saving methods to help you solve programming problems efficiently. Starting with the installation of R, each recipe addresses a specific problem with a discussion that explains the solution and offers insight into how it works.
You will learn to work with powerful R tools and techniques. You’ll be able to boost your productivity with the most popular R packages and tackle data structures such as matrices, lists, and factors. You’ll see how to create vectors, handle variables, and perform other core functions. You’ll be able to tackle issues with data input/output and will learn to work with strings and dates.
Moving forward, we’ll look into more advanced concepts such as metaprogramming with R and functional programming. Finally, you’ll learn to tackle issues while working with databases and data manipulation.
It seems that there is never enough time in the day. But, since we all get the same 24 hours, why is it that some people achieve so much more with their time than others? This course will explain how to plan and prioritize tasks, so that we can make the most of the limited time we have. By using the time-management techniques in this course, you can improve your ability to function more effectively – even when time is tight and pressures are high. So, by the end of the course you will have the knowledge, skills and confidence to be an effective manager of your time.
With the rise of digital transformation and technology, having a basic digital literacy is essential for all types of jobs, regardless of the industry. To stay competitive and be successful in the workplace, enhancing your digital skills should be a top priority.
The digital economy is opening up ways for everyone to be creative. It doesn’t just mean being artistic – it’s more about ideas, solutions, alternatives, incremental improvements. Peter Quarry and Eve Ash discuss ways that mental capacity can be developed, perspectives changed, group power leveraged and making things actually happen.
Soft Skills are the traits, characteristics, habits, and skills needed to survive and thrive in the modern work world. Soft skills aren't usually taught in school, but you will learn them all here in this course. Are you someone that other people in your organization and industry like to work with, collaborate with and partner with? Are you seen as a valuable asset to any new project that comes along?
This soft skills training course will teach you how to develop the skills that can make the difference between a lackluster career that tops out at middle management versus one that lands you in the executive suite. Or to wherever you define career success. So many soft skills seem like common sense at first glance, but they are not commonly applied by most workers. This soft skills training course will give you an edge over your competitors. It will also make your job, your career and your life more rewarding and enjoyable.