Google Ads Course

Course Details:

Length: 3 days

Price: $1,410/person (USD)

Group Price: Request Quote

Training Reviews

Course Features:

Live Instructor Teaching

Certificate of Completion

Digital Badge

Courseware: Print

Free 6 Month Online Retake

Hands-On Learning?: Yes

Software Lab Included: N/A
(Cloud Based)

Delivery Methods:

Live Online

Individuals and Groups
@ Your Location

Onsite for Teams

Group Teams
@ Your Organization

This is an instructor-led course. It is taught by an instructor live online or at organizations for groups.
For team training, we can teach onsite at your office or private live online.


Course Overview

This course is designed for marketing professionals with basic end-user computing skills who will create and manage search ads, run pay-per-click search campaigns, optimize, and report on those campaigns with Google Ads.

In this course, you will implement Google Ads and create ad campaigns to target specific audiences with advanced Google Ads features. You will then analyze and optimize campaign performance. In this course, you will:

  • Create a Google Ads account.
  • Create ad campaigns.
  • Optimize keywords.
  • Write ads in Google Ads.
  • Analyze and report campaign performance.
  • Manage bidding and budgets.
  • Configure language and location targeting.
  • Enhance campaigns with ad extensions.
  • Create a Display Network campaign.
  • Implement advanced Google Ads features.
  • Measure campaign performance.
  • Optimize Google Ads campaigns for conversions.
  • Optimize campaigns.
  • Manage ads with Google Ads Editor.
  • Utilize Google Ads Manager accounts and the Google Ads API.

Register Early: Registration Deadline is 2 Weeks Prior to Class Start.

Course Notes


To ensure your success in this course, you should have experience with using a web browser and productivity software (such as Microsoft Office or Google Docs).

Related Certifications

Google Ads Search Certification
Google Ads Display Certification
Google Ads Video Certification
Google Ads Measurement Certification

Certification Notes: Certification exams are administered by third party testing companies. Our courses prepare you for the certification exam, which is an additional fee paid to the testing provider. You must contact the corresponding testing provider to take a certification exam.

Course Topics

Course FAQs

What Are the Available Class Formats?

This course is taught by a live instructor and is available in two class formats:

  1. Live Online for Individuals
  2. Onsite/Online for Private Groups

More About Our Google Ads Live Course

Our Google Ads training course is expertly designed for marketing professionals with basic end-user computing skills. Equip yourself with the proficiency needed to create, manage and report on pay-per-click search campaigns with our best Google Ads course.

Experience Adwords training from Google with our comprehensive Google Ad courses, designed to provide in-depth understanding of key Google Ads features. Our classes for Google Adwords offer a hands-on approach to creating impactful ad campaigns tailored to specific audiences.

Our Google ad classes not only help you implement Google Ads with ease but also teach you to analyze and optimize campaign performance. Look forward to gaining mastery with our google adwords lessons, perfecting the art of running targeted campaigns effectively.

With Certstaffix Training, you're not just signing up for a Google advertising course, but a complete Google advertising training experience, enabling you to streamline your Google Ads campaigns. Our Google Ads certification courses offer a digital badge after class, signifying your attendance in Google Adwords training, so you can showcase your skills online.

Take a step further in your career with our Google SEM course and Google Ads campaign course. Our Google Adwords training course is the perfect blend of theory and practical application, ensuring you're always on top of your game.

In a nutshell, our training for Google Adwords will equip you with the knowledge and skills to run efficient Google Ads campaigns, optimizing performance and ensuring greater reach. With our Google ads courses, training never felt so empowering.

What Is Involved in Creating a Google Ads Account?

Creating a Google Ads account is the first step of any successful online advertising campaign. Before launching an ad campaign, it's important to understand the Google Ads account structure and how to manage it effectively.

Google Ads accounts are divided into three levels: accounts, campaigns, and ad groups. Campaigns contain the settings that define your target audience and your budget for the ad campaign. Ad groups are collections of ads in a single campaign, and they each have their settings and budget. To create an effective ad campaign, you'll need to properly configure campaigns and ad groups according to your target audience and marketing goals.

Once the account structure is set up, you can begin setting up account alerts, announcements, and notifications to keep track of your Google Ads performance. Account alerts let you know when there are changes made to the account settings or structure, so you can address any issues quickly. Announcements provide information about new features or updates from Google Ads that might be beneficial for your campaign. Notifications allow you to receive emails or text messages with your account performance metrics so you can monitor progress and make adjustments if necessary.

By understanding the Google Ads account structure and properly setting up alerts, announcements, and notifications, you can ensure that your Google Ads campaigns are as successful as possible. With the right configuration and management, you can maximize the return from your Google Ads campaigns.

What Is Creating a Google Ads Campaign?

Setting up a Google Ads campaign needs careful planning and strategy. To begin, you must define the objective of your campaign: Are you looking to increase sales, get more website visits, or something else? Once you have an objective in mind, choose an appropriate budget that fits your goals and timeline.

Once your campaign is defined, it's time to get into the details. You'll need to create campaigns and configure your settings, ad groups, ads, and keywords. Campaign settings help you control spending and targeting while ad groups allow you to group similar ads and make changes quickly. Ads are the creative elements of your campaign that users see when they search on the internet. Keywords give you control over who sees your ads and when.

These are just some of the key components of setting up a Google Ads campaign. With careful planning and strategy, you can create successful campaigns that meet your objectives and get the results you're looking for.

What Is Choosing and Optimizing Keywords in Google Ads?

Choosing and optimizing keywords in Google Ads is an important step in any successful Google Ads campaign. With the right selection of relevant keywords and careful configuration of ad groups and bidding strategies, you can maximize your return on investment and get more clicks, conversions, and sales from the same budget.

Using the Google Keyword Planner is a great way to research relevant keywords and identify keyword opportunities. The Keyword Planner tool makes searching for related terms, synonyms, and other valuable data easy so you can build an effective keyword list that's tailored to your business goals.

Besides using the Google Keyword Planner, it’s also important to research keywords online. Doing this will help you gain a better understanding of your target audience, which is key to finding the most effective keywords for your business. By understanding the topics and phrases that are relevant to your audience and industry, you can create an optimized list of keywords that will resonate with them.

Once you’ve created an optimized keyword list, it’s time to configure ad groups and assign keywords. By carefully configuring your ad groups, you can ensure that the right ads appear for the right searches and maximize your return on investment. By assigning appropriate bidding strategies to each keyword and ad group, you can get more out of your Google Ads campaigns with less effort.

By taking the time to research keywords and optimize your keyword list, you’ll be better prepared to create effective Google Ads campaigns that generate more clicks, conversions, and sales. With careful planning and optimization of your keywords, ad groups, and bidding strategies, you can ensure that Google Ads is a successful part of your overall marketing strategy.

What Is Writing Ads in Google Ads?

Writing ads in Google Ads is an important step in creating a successful online marketing campaign. It's essential to ensure that your ads comply with the policies of Google Ads while also providing high-quality, relevant content that will attract potential customers.

When writing your ads, make sure to follow the guidelines set out by Google Ads. This will help you avoid any penalties or disapprovals for your ads. Additionally, it's important to create catchy headlines and compelling ad copy that accurately reflects what the customer will get when they click on the ad. You should also take advantage of features such as extensions and sitelinks to provide further information about the product or service being advertised.

It's important to ensure that your ads are targeting the right audience. Your ads should be tailored to meet the needs of potential customers, and you should constantly review and adjust your ad campaigns as needed. By following these tips, you'll be able to create effective Google Ads that will help bring more visitors to your website.

What Is Analyzing and Reporting Campaign Performance in Google Ads?

Analyzing and reporting campaign performance in Google Ads is essential to the success of any digital marketing strategy. It allows you to review your campaigns and make adjustments to ensure they are performing optimally. Analyzing the data collected from campaigns can help you identify areas for improvement and gain valuable insights into customer behavior.

To analyze and report on campaign performance in Google Ads, you should start by reviewing your campaigns and adjusting any settings that need to be changed. This can include such items as budget caps, bid adjustments, targeting options, and more. You can also use the data gathered from campaigns to optimize ads for maximum impact. This can involve changes to the keywords used, ad copy or visual elements, and other aspects to ensure they are delivering the best results.

Once you have made any necessary changes and optimized your ads, you can use the data collected in Google Ads to generate reports. These reports will provide powerful insights into your campaigns that can help inform future decisions and strategies. Through effective analysis of campaign performance, you can measure the success of your campaigns and make adjustments as needed to ensure they are delivering the best results.

Analyzing and reporting on campaign performance in Google Ads is essential to any successful digital marketing strategy. With regular review, optimization, and analysis of data, you can maximize the results from your campaigns and ensure that they are having an impact. By using the data collected in Google Ads to create reports, you can gain meaningful insights into your campaigns and use them to inform future decisions.

What Is Managing Bidding and Budgets in Google Ads?

Managing bids and budgets in Google Ads is a critical part of any successful Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaign. The key to success lies in understanding the basics of bidding strategy, budget allocation, and how these two elements interact with each other.

The bid-setting process involves researching keywords and analyzing market trends to determine how much to bid on each keyword. Bids are set to ensure maximum visibility, while at the same time staying within the designated budget for a given campaign. This requires an ongoing process of optimization and fine-tuning of bids to maximize results.

Once bids have been set, the next step is determining how much of your overall budget should be allocated to each campaign. Different factors such as targeting, audience size, and the competitiveness of keywords can affect how much should be spent on a given campaign. This will also involve setting appropriate daily spending limits for campaigns and ad groups, to stay within budget.

Managing bids and budgets in Google Ads requires careful planning and ongoing optimization. With the right strategy and execution, campaigns will be well-positioned to generate maximum ROI. For best results, it’s important to take a proactive approach to managing bids and budgets, with frequent reviews of performance data. Doing so can help ensure that campaigns remain on track and are delivering optimal results.

What Is Configuring Language and Location Targeting in Google Ads?

Language and location targeting are important components of a successful Google Ads campaign. By configuring language and location targeting, you can tailor your ad campaigns to audiences that are more likely to be receptive to them.

Configuring language targeting helps you ensure that the right message is delivered in the right language. You can adjust settings so only people who speak a specific language can see your ad. This helps to ensure that users understand the message you are delivering and it also prevents people who don’t speak the language from seeing your ads.

Location targeting is just as important when running Google Ads campaigns. By configuring location targeting, you can focus on areas where there is likely to be more demand for your product or service. This ensures that you are not wasting resources targeting people who may not be interested in what you have to offer. You can also use location targeting to customize your message for different areas.

By configuring language and location targeting, you can make sure that your ad campaigns reach the right audiences and deliver the right messages. This will help you get the most out of your Google Ads campaigns and maximize your ROI.

What Is Enhancing Google Ads Campaigns with Ad Extensions?

Ad extensions are additional pieces of information that you can add to your Google Ads campaigns to help them stand out and provide more context. With ad extensions, you can include extra information such as location, contact details, reviews, product images, and more in your ads. By using ad extensions, you'll be able to display more relevant and helpful information that will draw in potential customers and drive them to take action.

Ad extensions also have automated extensions available, which allow Google to generate an extension based on the content of your ad. By using these automated extensions, you can save time while still providing valuable information to your target audience. Automated extensions are a great way to make sure that your ads contain the most up-to-date and relevant information.

Adding ad extensions to your Google Ads campaigns is an easy way to draw in potential customers, provide useful information, and increase the impact of your ads. By taking advantage of ad extensions for your campaigns, you'll be able to make sure that your ads stand out from the competition and drive more action.

What Is Creating a Google Ads Display Network Campaign?

Display ads are a form of digital advertising that is placed on websites, apps, and other online platforms. Unlike paid search ads, display ads do not require keywords to target potential customers. Instead, these ads can be targeted by interests, demographics, or specific topics. Display ads are typically larger and more visually appealing than paid search ads, as they can include images, videos, and interactive elements. They offer advertisers the opportunity to reach a large audience in a more engaging way than other forms of digital advertising.

The Google Ads Display Network is an online advertising network that enables businesses to reach a wide variety of users across millions of websites, apps, and video channels. It is powered by Google's Ads platform and provides advertisers with the ability to target users based on their demographics, interests, topics, and devices. Through the Display Network, online advertisers can create targeted campaigns that reach the right people who have an interest in their product or service.

Creating a Google Ads Display Network campaign is an effective way to reach potential customers. The Display Network allows you to target ads by audience, topic, and demographic – giving you greater control over what types of people see your ads. You can target campaigns by device type (desktop/laptop/mobile) so that your ads are seen on the most relevant devices. You can create a responsive ad – an ad that automatically adjusts to fit the size and format of the user’s device or browser window. With these targeting options, you can ensure that your ads are seen by the right people in the right place at the right time.

By taking advantage of all of these targeting options, you can create a campaign that reaches the right people with the right message. With careful planning and execution, your Display Network campaign will be well on its way to success.

What Is Implementing Advanced Google Ads Features?

Implementing these advanced Google Ads features can help you get the most out of your digital advertising campaigns:

  • Optimize ad delivery by understanding how to use bidding strategies and budgets to maximize impressions and clicks.
  • Create dynamic ads that change based on user behavior, allowing you to increase engagement and conversions.
  • Implement keyword insertion so that people searching for specific terms will be served ads that display those words, increasing the relevance and engagement of your ads.
  • Utilize campaign drafts and experiments to test variations in ad copy, images, targeting, and more.
  • Utilize campaign drafts and experiments to test variations in ad copy, images, targeting, and more.
  • Configure conversion tracking to gain insights into how successful your campaigns are at converting visitors into customers.

With the help of Google Ads advanced features, you can make sure that you are taking full advantage of every opportunity to reach and engage with potential customers. Doing so can help you maximize ROI and make smarter decisions about your digital advertising efforts.

What Is Measuring Google Ads Campaign Performance?

Measuring Google Ads campaign performance is an essential part of any successful digital marketing strategy. It allows marketers to assess the effectiveness of their campaigns, identify areas for improvement, and adjust their strategies as needed. Linking Google Ads with Google Analytics offers a wealth of data that can help marketers understand how users interact with their ads and website, helping them make informed decisions about future campaigns.

Analyzing campaign performance in Google Ads requires an understanding of the metrics used to evaluate success. Key metrics include click-through rates (CTR), cost-per-click (CPC), conversions, and impression share. CTR measures how often users click on an ad when it is shown. CPC indicates how much money is spent for each click on an ad. Conversions track how many users completed a desired action, such as purchasing a product or signing up for an e-newsletter. Impression share reveals the percentage of times the ad was shown against the number of times it could have been displayed.

Measuring Google Ads campaign performance is a key component of any successful digital marketing strategy. By analyzing these metrics and others, marketers can gain valuable insights into their Google Ads campaigns and make adjustments as needed to ensure success. With careful monitoring, marketers can optimize their campaigns and maximize the return on investment.

What Is Optimizing Google Ads Campaigns for Conversions?

Optimizing Google Ads campaigns for conversions requires tracking conversion data as well as optimizing the campaign configuration. This includes setting up goals and objectives, defining target audiences, creating ads with effective messaging and attractive visuals, setting bid strategies to improve performance while staying within budget, using powerful keywords to drive quality traffic, and conducting regular analysis of performance metrics to identify areas of improvement. It's important to have an understanding of the competitive landscape and be aware of any changes in the marketplace that could affect performance. With regular monitoring, testing, and optimization, campaigns can be adjusted over time to maximize conversions and achieve ROI objectives.

By combining tracking conversion data with good campaign configuration, you can make sure your campaigns are focusing on the right people, utilizing keywords that will drive quality traffic, and optimizing your ads to maximize performance. This will help you get the most out of your Google Ads budget while delivering the best results. You can use data insights to inform future decisions and be better prepared for any changes in the marketplace that might affect how customers search or interact with your ads. With the right optimization strategies, you can ensure that your campaigns are performing at their best and driving conversions.

What Is Optimizing Google Ads Campaigns?

Optimizing Google Ads campaigns can help you maximize the return on your investment and reach more potential customers. To optimize campaigns, you should focus on improving quality scores, bidding performance, budgets, and automating campaigns using rules.

Improving your quality score is essential to ensuring that your ads are seen by relevant users who are likely to be interested in what you have to offer. This can be done by targeting the right keywords, creating relevant ads, and directing users to optimized landing pages that are tailored to their query.

You should also optimize your bidding performance to maximize traffic while ensuring that costs stay within the desired budget. Use automated bid strategies like Target CPA and Target ROAS to help you reach the most customers within your budget.

You should also automate Google Ads campaigns using rules to further streamline the process and reduce the manual work involved in managing campaigns. This will allow you to quickly adjust bids and budgets if needed, set up automated bidding strategies, and manage multiple campaigns at once.

By optimizing Google Ads campaigns, you can make sure that your ad is seen by the right audience and help increase your ROI. Investing in optimizing these campaigns will pay off in the long run as you reach more potential customers and generate more leads or sales.

What Is Managing Google Ads with the Google Ads Editor?

Google Ads Editor is a powerful tool that enables advertisers to manage their Google Ads campaigns with greater efficiency and accuracy. It allows users to make bulk changes, review trends in performance data, and easily find and replace text across multiple ads and keywords.

Before using the editor, users must set up an account by downloading the software from the official Google Ads Editor website. Once the installation is complete, users can connect their account to Google Ads and import data from the campaigns they are managing. This ensures that the users have accurate information to work with to make informed decisions while editing campaigns.

Once the data is imported into the editor, users can review performance metrics such as impressions, clicks, and costs. This helps them to identify trends in their campaigns that can be used to make adjustments for greater success. The editor also allows users to easily find and replace text across multiple ads and keywords, making it simpler to update content quickly.

By leveraging the power of Google Ads Editor, advertisers can manage their Google Ads campaigns with greater efficiency and accuracy. This ensures that advertisers are making the most of their campaigns, maximizing their reach, and increasing their return on investment.

What Is Utilizing Google Ads Manager Accounts and the Google Ads API?

Google Ads Manager Accounts and the Google Ads API allow businesses to create and manage multiple client accounts, streamline operations, and quickly identify trends in their campaigns.

Using the Google Ads Manager Account, businesses can easily switch between accounts, track performance across all managed accounts in one place, apply bulk changes to multiple accounts simultaneously, and gain insights into customers' campaigns with reporting and analytics.

The Google Ads API makes it possible to access, control, and manage programmatic bidding across all accounts in real-time. This allows businesses to optimize campaigns more efficiently by making data-driven decisions quickly, without having to manually adjust settings within each account.

With these powerful tools together, businesses can maximize the effectiveness of their campaigns and increase ROI. By streamlining account management, utilizing the Google Ads API, and making informed decisions with data-driven analysis, businesses can ensure that their campaigns are as successful as possible.

Related Google Ads Information:

How Much Do Google Ads Training Courses Cost?

Public instructor-led Google Ads course prices start at $1,375 per student. Group training discounts are available.

Self-Paced Google Ads eLearning courses cost $425 at the starting point per student. Group purchase discounts are available.

What Google Ads Skills Should I Learn?

A: If you are wondering what Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords) skills are important to learn, we've written a Google Ads Skills and Learning Guide that maps out Google Ads skills that are key to master and which of our courses teaches each skill.

Read Our Google Ads Skills and Learning Guide

Is Google Ads for Me, and Is Getting Certified Worth It?

A: Google Ads can be extremely useful for both business owners and digital advertisers. Smart business owners can implement Google Ads if they desire successful and relatively inexpensive digital advertising campaigns. While it's possible to learn the fundamentals of Google Ads on your own, it's much easier to pass the Google Ads certification exam with professional instruction. With this credential, you can prove your expertise and open up opportunities to become a respected and well-paid marketing specialist!

More Information on Learning Google Ads and Earning Certification.

Is Google Ads hard to learn?

A: The answer to this question depends on a variety of factors, including your prior experience with advertising and marketing, as well as your level of comfort with technology. However, in general, we would say that Google Ads is not difficult to learn. The platform is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, and there are plenty of resources available to help you get started.

Of course, as with anything new, it may take some time to get completely comfortable with all the features and functionality that Google Ads has to offer. But once you do, you'll likely find that it's a powerful tool for driving traffic to your website and generating leads and sales.

How much does it take to learn Google Ads?

A: Google Ads is a powerful tool that can help you reach new customers and grow your business. But how much time does it really take to learn how to use it effectively?

The answer depends on your level of experience with online advertising and your willingness to learn. If you're starting from scratch, it could take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months to get comfortable with the basics of Google Ads. However, if you're already familiar with other online advertising platforms, the learning curve may be shorter.

No matter how much time it takes you to learn Google Ads, the important thing is to get started. The sooner you start using this powerful tool, the sooner you'll be able to reach more customers and grow your business.

If you're ready to get started learning Google Ads, Certstaffix Training offers online and group onsite classes. We can help you learn the basics and get started using this tool to reach new customers and grow your business. Contact us today to learn more about our Google Ads training classes.

What are options to learn Google Ads?

Google Ads (formerly Google Adwords) is a powerful online advertising platform that allows businesses to reach their target audience in a cost-effective and efficient way. However, to make the most of this platform, it is important for individuals and businesses to have a thorough understanding of how it works with Adwords classes.

This is where Google Ads training comes into play. With various courses, classes, workshops, and Google Adword training available, individuals can learn the ins and outs of Google Ads and how to successfully use it for advertising purposes.

The Importance of Google Ads Training

Google Ads training is essential for anyone looking to advertise on this platform. With a variety of features, targeting options, bidding strategies, and ad formats available, it can be overwhelming for beginners to navigate through it all. By undergoing training, individuals can gain a deep understanding of how to use Google Ads to their advantage and achieve their advertising goals.

Available Training Options

There are various ways in which individuals can learn about Google Ads. One option is through online courses such as a Google Adwords course or an Adwords Google Course, both of which provide comprehensive instruction on how to use Google Ads effectively. Another option is to attend in-person training such as a Google Ad Words training or Google Advertising classes, where individuals can learn from experienced professionals and gain hands-on experience. Attending a Google Search Ads course is as convenient as the training method you choose for yourself.

Where to Learn Google Ads

If you are wondering where to learn about Google Ads, there are several resources available such as online tutorials, webinars, and live workshops. Certstaffix Training offers instructor-led Google Ads classes where individuals can learn directly from a live Google Ads experts and receive a certificate upon completion.

Investing in Google Ads Training

Investing in Google Ads training may seem like an additional expense for businesses, but it can greatly benefit them in the long run. By understanding how to effectively use this platform, businesses can save money on their advertising efforts and reach a larger audience. With constantly evolving features and updates, it is important for individuals to stay updated through training in order to make the most of Google Ads.

Google Ads training is essential for anyone looking to advertise on this platform. With various options available, individuals can choose the best method that suits their learning style and budget. By investing in this training, individuals can gain valuable knowledge and skills that will ultimately benefit their business in the highly competitive online advertising world. So don't wait any longer, start learning about Google Ads today!

What are the top Google Ads skills?

A: If you want to learn Google Ads and get the most out of this powerful tool, there are a few key skills you'll need to master. Here are the top four:

Top Google Ads Skills

1. Keyword research and selection - The success of any Google Ads campaign starts with choosing the right keywords. You'll need to spend some time researching which keywords are most relevant to your business and products or services. Once you've selected your keywords, you'll need to create ads that are specifically targeted to these keywords.

2. Ad creation and optimization - Creating effective ads is essential for getting the results you want from your Google Ads campaigns. Your ads should be well-written and relevant to the keywords you're targeting. You'll also need to regularly monitor and optimize your ads to ensure they're performing well.

3. Campaign management - Managing your Google Ads campaigns can be a complex task. You'll need to monitor your campaigns closely to ensure they're running smoothly and meeting your goals. You'll also need to make adjustments to your campaigns as needed to keep them on track.

4. Reporting and analysis - Reporting and analyzing your Google Ads campaigns is essential for understanding their performance and making necessary changes. You'll need to generate reports on a regular basis and analyze the data to identify areas of improvement. By mastering these skills, you'll be well on your way to success with Google Ads.

Take a Google Ad Course From Certstaffix Training

If you're looking for comprehensive Google Ad courses, look no further than Certstaffix Training. We provide three distinct learning modalities for a Google Ads training course: live online classes, self-paced eLearning, and onsite in-person training for corporate groups.

Our curriculum includes an in-depth Adwords training, taught by professionals knowledgeable in any equivalent Google Adwords course by Google. We offer one of the best Google Ads course, designed to equip you with the skills needed to excel in digital advertising.

For those interested in specialized training, we offer Google Ad classes that focus on specific areas of this online advertising platform. Each of our Google Adwords courses also can function as a prep Google Ads certification course, a valuable credential in today's competitive job market.

Our Google SEM course and Google advertising course options are also tailored to help you master Search Engine Marketing and online advertising respectively. With our alternative to direct self-paced Adwords training from Google, you'll gain the expertise and confidence to manage and optimize your digital advertising campaigns effectively.

In each Google Adwords class, you get an engaging session that teaches you everything about the pay-per-click (PPC) advertising system. With our Google Adwords training, rest assured you're learning from the best in the industry.

Where Can I Learn More About Google Ads?

Google Ads Blogs

Google Ads User Groups

Google Ads Online Forums

Explore Google Ads Training Classes Near Me:

Certstaffix Training provides Google Ads classes near me or online, depending on the number of students involved. We offer online courses for individual learners, as well as in person classes at your office for corporate groups. Our trainers are highly experienced professionals with the expertise necessary to help you gain a thorough understanding of Google Ads concepts and tools. With our courses available online for individuals or in person for corporate groups, it's easy to develop your Google Ads skills. Start learning today and see how Certstaffix Training can help you reach your goals.



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