Enroll in both of our instructor-led Microsoft Project classes and save $75. This course package includes:
• To ensure your success in this course, you should have end-user skills with any current version of Windows, including being able to start programs, switch between programs, locate saved files, close programs, and use a browser to access websites. You can obtain this level of skills and knowledge by taking the Windows for End Users Course.
Project - Level 1 (Day 1)
Part 1: Getting Started with Microsoft Project
Chapter 1: Project, Project Management, and You
Meet the Project program
Meet the Project family
Users of Project Standard and Project Professional
See the new features in Project Online desktop client
Review Futures in earlier versions
What was new in Project 2019
What was new in Project 2016
What was new in Project 2013
What was new in Project 2010
Take a project manager's perspective
Let's get started!
Chapter 2: Take a Guided Tour
Explore the Project user interface
Manage files and set options in the Backstage view
Sidebar: Templates: Avoid reinventing the wheel
Work with schedule details in views
Use reports to check a plan’s status
Skills review
Practice tasks
Part 2: Simple Scheduling Basics
Chapter 3: Start a New Plan
Create a new plan and set its start date
Set nonworking days in the project calendar
Enter the plan title and other properties
Sidebar: Project management focus: Project is part of a larger picture
Skills review
Practice tasks
Chapter 4: Build a Task List
Create tasks
Sidebar: Project management focus: Defining the right tasks for the deliverable
Switch task scheduling from manual to automatic
Enter task durations and estimates
Sidebar: Project management focus: How do you come up with accurate task durations?
Enter milestone tasks
Create summary tasks to outline the plan
Sidebar: Project management focus: Top-down and bottom-up planning
Link tasks to create dependencies
Check a plan’s duration and finish date
Document task information
Skills review
Practice tasks
Chapter 5: Set up Resources
Set up work resources
Sidebar: Equipment resource considerations
Enter the maximum capacity for work resources
Enter work resource pay rates
Sidebar: Project management focus: Getting resource cost information
Adjust working time in a resource calendar
Set up cost resources
Document resources by using notes
Skills review
Practice tasks
Chapter 6: Assign Resources to Tasks
Assign work resources to tasks
Control work when adding or removing resource assignments
Sidebar: Project management focus: When should effort-driven scheduling apply?
Assign cost resources to tasks
Check the plan after assigning resources
Skills review
Practice tasks
Chapter 7: Format and Share Your Plan
Customize a Gantt chart view
Sidebar: Drawing on a Gantt chart
Add tasks to a Timeline view
Sidebar: Panning and zooming a Gantt chart view from a Timeline view
Customize reports
Copy views and reports
Print views and reports
Skills review
Practice tasks
Chapter 8: Track Progress: Basic Techniques
Understand progress tracking
Save a baseline of your plan
Track a plan as scheduled
Enter a task’s completion percentage
Enter actual values for tasks
Sidebar: Project management focus: Is the project on track?
Skills review
Practice tasks
Part 4: In-depth and special subjects
Chapter 16: Format and Print Views: In-depth Techniques
Format a Gantt chart view
Format a Timeline view
Format a Network Diagram view
Format a Calendar view
Print and export views
Skills review
Practice tasks
Chapter 17: Format Reports: In-Depth Techniques
Create a custom report
Sidebar: How reports compare to views
Customize charts in a report
Customize tables in a report
Skills review
Practice tasks
Chapter 18: Customize Project
Share custom elements between plans
Record and run macros
Edit macros
Customize the ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar
Skills review
Practice tasks
Project - Level 2 (Day 2)
Part 3: Advanced scheduling techniques
Chapter 9: Fine-tune Task Scheduling
See task relationships by using Task Path
Adjust task link relationships
Control task scheduling by using constraints
Interrupt work on a task
Adjust working time for individual tasks
Control task scheduling by using task types
Sidebar: Assignment units, Peak, and the assignment calculation
Sidebar: Task types and effort-driven scheduling
See task schedule details by using the Task Inspector
Skills review
Practice tasks
Chapter 10: Fine-tune Task Details
Enter deadline dates
Enter fixed costs
Create a recurring task
View the plan’s critical path
Schedule summary tasks manually
Skills review
Practice tasks
Chapter 11: Fine-tune Resource and Assignment Details
Change resource availability over multiple date ranges
Work with multiple resource pay rates
Change resource pay rates over different date ranges
Delay the start of assignments
Apply contours to assignments
Create and assign material resources
View resource capacity
Adjust assignments in the Team Planner view (Project Professional only)
Skills review
Practice tasks
Chapter 12: Fine-tune the Project Plan
Examine resource allocations over time
Sidebar: Project management focus: Evaluate resource allocation
Resolve resource overallocations manually
Level overallocated resources
Check the plan’s cost and finish date
Sidebar: Project management focus: Finish date and critical tasks
Inactivate tasks (Project Professional only)
Skills review
Practice tasks
Chapter 13: Organize Plan Details
Sort plan details
Group plan details
Filter plan details
Create new tables
Sidebar: Create custom fields quickly
Create new views
Skills review
Practice tasks
Chapter 14: Track Progress: Detailed Techniques
Update a baseline
Sidebar: Save interim plans
Track actual and remaining work for tasks and assignments
Sidebar: Enter actual costs manually
Track timephased actual work for tasks and assignments
Sidebar: Project management focus: Collect actuals from resources
Reschedule incomplete work
Skills review
Practice tasks
Chapter 15: View and Report Project Status
Examine a plan’s variance
Sidebar: Project management focus: Get the word out
Identify tasks that have slipped
Sidebar: Project management focus: Is variance ever a good thing?
Examine task costs
Examine resource costs
Skills review
Practice tasks<
Part 4 In-depth and special subjects
Chapter 19: Share Information with Other Programs
Copy Project data to and from other programs
Open files in other formats in Project
Save to other file formats from Project
Sidebar: Share files with previous versions of Project
Generate reports with Excel and Visio
Skills review
Practice tasks
Chapter 20: Consolidate Projects and Resources
Share a resource pool across multiple plans
Sidebar: Create a dedicated resource pool
Consolidate plans
Sidebar: Keep consolidated plans simple
Create dependencies between plans
Skills review
Practice tasks