Email Etiquette: 01. To Email or Not To Email? - 2 min
We often default to email because we can get it anywhere. It's on our desktop, laptop, phones, tablets, and watches! It's become our "go to" for communication, but email isn't always the best way to communicate. There's still value in meeting face-to-face or talking over the phone, and there's still risk in communicating without the help of nonverbal cues and voice tone. In this program, we'll discuss the different things that you need to consider before drafting an email.
Email Matters: Internal Customer Service - 8 min
This course teaches you how to distinguish between internal and external customers and familiarizes you with the concept of "WACTEO" (We Are Customers to Each Other). We'll go over this concept in detail and discuss the importance of using the same communication tools whether dealing with internal or external customers. You'll be able to easily identify internal and external customers and see the benefits of offering the highest quality of service to both. We'll also provide practical tips for writing effective emails to all your various customers.
Effective Email Writing & Office Communication Tips - 8 min
This microlearning module is all about Office Communication. In this module you'll learn how to write effective emails, make longer emails more digestible and many more office communication tips.
Effective Communications - Electronic Communications - 14 min
Organizations use emails as the effective way of communicating with business clients, partners, employees, and public. However, this mode of communication comes with its own challenges. One cannot be sure that conveyed message was received as intended. It is important for a leader to periodically review how to communicate with employees, peers, clients, and superiors. Correct usage of electronic communication has the power to make business people more efficient. In this course, you will learn to use emails optimally and only when essential.
Business Email Etiquette - 30 min
Learn how to compose e-mails that use proper etiquette and discover how a well-composed e-mail can impact your performance, perception, and professional success. Much of business communication today is conducted through e-mail, and establishing best practices is an important part of maintaining a professional image. You'll learn the essential parts of an e-mail and discover how to properly use each section, define appropriate salutations, closings and signatures, and understand the importance of tone and context. The course also helps with determining when e-mail might not be the best choice for communication. This 30-minute course includes self-reflection tools, quizzes and a final exam to help you quickly improve your business e-mail communication style. Real-life scenarios show how approaches can be implemented seamlessly into your everyday work routine.
Deskercises: 04. Legs and Backside, While Sitting - 2 min
In this course, we will begin by outlining the physical symptoms that can occur when you stay seated for too long. From there, we will demonstrate easy exercises and stretches you can fit into your work day to help improve blood circulation, mobility and balance. We'll also talk about how these exercises can help improve your overall feeling of wellness and improve your productivity.
- Perform simple chair exercises to improve your posture and mobility
- Prevent chronic pain by implementing these exercises into your daily routine
- Reduce stress and tension by performing these exercises daily
Be Active - 5 min
It can be difficult to stick to your exercise goals at work. This course offers useful tips to help you stay active during office hours. First, you'll learn about the risks of a sedentary lifestyle. Then, you'll discover effective strategies you can use to break up those long periods of sitting at your desk. You'll also learn how you can sneak physical activity into your daily commute to get fit faster.
Mental Health - Depression & Low Mood - 15 min
We’ve all felt low at some point. The stresses of modern life can do that to the best of us. But depression is a different beast altogether. If you have suffered or do suffer from depression, then you’ll understand how hard it is to seek help. You see, that’s one of the ironies of this horrific mental illness. It ‘fogs up’ your brain and clouds your vision so that you don’t see the help available or the point in accepting that help.
That’s where this course comes in. Understanding depression is the first step to recovering from it. Whether it’s you that’s suffering, or you suspect that your friend or relative is, this course is an aid to diagnosis, treatment and recovery. We’re not claiming it will cure you. But it’s going to help you on your way down that road. It’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon, and we’ll be at the side of the road passing you water as you go.
Practical Wellbeing - 30 min
Learn how to build a stronger sense of wellbeing and tolerance for stress. This course is designed to help you reduce stress and improve relationships. We will introduce you to a number of stress-relief techniques that will help you get a better handle some of the pressures of work. You'll learn the value of prioritizing, extending kindness to others, and taking care of yourself both mentally and physically.
After completing this course, you will gain useful skills to help you reduce your stress levels and handle inevitable stress better. These stress tolerance techniques will help improve your relationships and your overall wellbeing.
Healthy Practices: Nutrition, Exercise, and Safety - 35 min
Transform your daily routine to stay healthy, happy, and safe on the job with this training course offering simple, achievable strategies you can start today. In this course, we'll explore basic guidelines for boosting your overall health and optimizing your productivity in the workplace. You'll learn 5 steps to being more nutrition-conscious and how to take an effective, slow-and-steady approach to exercise. We will also review common-sense policies for on-the-job safety. The 35-minute course begins with a short self-assessment so you can evaluate your current healthy living status. Informative, self-paced video lessons with audio narration will then guide you through valuable health tips and advice. A final online test offers the opportunity to review what you've learned and assess your comprehension of the course material.
Lone Working - Health & Safety - 5 min
The course discusses the risks and potential consequences associated with working alone, and provides helpful tips to keep yourself safe. The course begins by reviewing what constitutes working alone and discusses the responsibilities of your employer. Next, you’ll review the importance of conducting a dynamic risk assessment to identify and eliminate or control potential hazards. The course then shows you 4 simple safety techniques that can help you avoid dangerous situations when working alone.
The Adventures of the Lone Ranger (Lone Working) - 20 min
Lone Worker training is an essential part of all workplace risk management and is vital for those who employ or manage someone who is required to work in isolation from others or without direct supervision. They might be a community nurse making home visits, a globetrotting truck driver or even home workers. You see, lone workers are exposed to specific risks that their office-based counterparts are less likely to encounter. So, it’s vital they are spotted early, and effective measures put in place.
Lone Working (Managers Version) - 38 min
If you supervise or manage lone workers, you will almost certainly need to take additional measures to keep them safe. This course describes the different sorts of lone worker and the risks they might face; it reviews the legislation and legal responsibilities, explains how to assess risks and the kinds of safety measures that can be put in place to keep lone workers safe. The course is ideal for Managers who are involved in writing their organisation’s lone working policy.
Lone Working (Employees Version) - 45 min
Do your employees need to work alone as part of their roles? Lone Workers face different risks due to the nature of their job; if they become ill or have an accident there is often nobody there to help them. This course describes the different sorts of lone worker and the risks they might face; it reviews the legislation and legal responsibilities, explains how to assess risks and the kinds of safety measures that can be put in place to keep lone workers safe.
Google Documents - Sharing & Collaborating Training - 10 min
Enhance your skills using Google Docs and learn how to share your documents and collaborate with others on projects using the tools outlined in this course. You'll learn how to invite others to make edits, add comments or view your work. You'll discover how to email a document and how to send messages to collaborators. The course guides you through limiting access, changing document ownership and restricting download access.
Microsoft Teams Essentials - 45 min
Many businesses are using Microsoft Teams to facilitate communication, collaboration, file sharing, and more. This mini-course covers everything you need to know in order to start using Microsoft Teams in just the first two modules.
Office 365 Collaborate and Share - 1 hr 44 min
In this series you will learn how to use the collaborative features of Office 365. You will learn how to create, contact lists, groups and teams. You will learn how to use chat, and comments to communicate with members of your team in real time while working on files using various office application files. You will learn how to use collaboration applications such as teams and planner. Upon completion of this series you will be able to proficiently incorporate office 365 into your collaborative projects.
Slack: A Complete Guide, Beginner - 1 hr 49 min
Slack is a collaboration software tool that allows teams to work together to share information and communicate through calls. Slack features organized conversations, a searchable history, and allows teams to work with external users. This course will provide an in-depth look at Slack, including joining a workspace and working with channels. It will also look at how to send and view messages as well as make calls to others. Finally, it will look at how to share files and to improve efficiencies search techniques and shortcuts.
Mastering Microsoft Teams - Basics (2022) - 1 hr 54 min
The ability for teams to work together productively is perhaps the most important function in any business, and it’s the central focus of the Microsoft Teams application.
From file sharing to video calls, persistent chat, and more, learn how Microsoft Teams gives you the tools to stay in touch and get work done with your colleagues and partners.
While it’s simple to use, Teams has a tremendous set of features to offer any team, and in this course we’ll cover all of the basics - from getting started to working with Teams and Channels to hosting online meetings.
Topics covered include:
- Describe the role and function of Microsoft Teams
- Create and manage Teams and Channels
- Start and manage scheduled or ad-hoc Meetings
- Work with files including uploading, editing, and sharing
- Add custom tabs to Channels and Chats including files and Apps
Microsoft 365 Teams: Beginner - 2 hrs 30 min
This Microsoft Office 365 training course focuses on how to use the Teams application for conversation, collaboration, and sharing to keep team projects on track, and team members in the loop. We’ll provide an overview of the app’s chat-based workspace and how to set up a team on a project. You’ll learn how to create threaded chats, use channels to organize conversations, share files within a team, and even hold video meetings using Skype. We will also discuss integration with SharePoint, storing files for easy reference, and connecting to social media feeds and other services.
This course is designed to get you started with Teams right away. It features step-by-step instructions and engaging visuals for an easy learning experience.
Topics covered include:
- Collaborate on team projects more efficiently by using Microsoft 365 Teams
- Create threaded chats to track and organize team conversations
- Share files with ease within the Teams workspace
- Converse in real-time using integration with Skype to hold impromptu video meetings
Working Remotely - 7 min
Research shows that around half of the American workforce holds jobs that are compatible with remote work, meaning they don't need to be in an office to do their jobs. Millions of these people are working from home for at least half of each week. In fact, since 2005, working from home (for those not self-employed) has grown by over 100%. Working remotely offers plenty of benefits, not just to the employee doing the remote work, but to the organization allowing them to do it in the first place. In order to take advantage of those benefits, you need to be a successful remote employee.
Being a Good Virtual Teammate - 10 min
Since working from home can be isolating, it’s essential we make the effort, and work with others to minimize the communication and team building challenges. This course will help you know what you need to do to build relationships with your teammates, become a contributing team member, and reduce the social isolation that can come with working from home.
How to succeed at remote work - 15 min
All the essentials for successful remote working. What you will need to succeed.
Working remotely: issues and challenges
My space and layout
The organizational challenge
The relational challenge
Live my life as a remote worker
Working From Home: Strategies for Remote Employees - 20 min
When imagining telecommuting, many people envision a relaxed day of working at home in their pajamas. However, this probably isn’t the best approach. Telecommuting definitely offers a lot of freedom, but that doesn’t mean you can ignore your work responsibilities. This course will help you decide if telecommuting is a good fit for you and then provide some strategies for being effective as a remote employee.
Collaborating In Office 365 - Beginner - 1 hr 12 min
Create, share, solicit feedback and collaborate on projects with other individuals by using the many interactive features available in Office 365. You will learn how to share your work with others, set up conversations and share files. You'll also learn how to download the Office 365 apps to your smartphone or tablet for uninterrupted access to files, as well as how to hold virtual meetings through Skype and OneNote.
This introductory course takes you through the main features of Office 365 collaboration and shows you how you can access and apply them to any project.
Performance Development for Remote Employees - 10 min
Providing performance development feedback for remote employees presents some differences over face-to-face meetings and this course helps you, as a leader, handle them successfully. We discuss the importance of ongoing conversation with remote employees so that the actual performance development conversation achieves the results you need. You'll learn some valuable tips on how to plan a conversation, how to remove distractions so you can focus on the job at hand, and what supporting data you can provide to illustrate your feedback. You will also discover how to lead the conversation so that the remote employee feels involved in their own and the company's success. By the end of this course, you will feel confident conducting performance development discussions with your remote employees so both parties to the conversation feel energized and ready to move forward successfully.
Remote Management: Effective Ways to Communicate with Team Members - 10 min
Manage a team member’s activity:
- Visiting a team member
- Using the right tools to inform
- Effective remote meetings
Boost each team member:
- Avoiding team members’ frustration
- Adopting a circular view on reporting
Remote Management: Handle Poor Performing Employees - 10 min
Create an employee performance improvement plan:
- Choosing between asynchronous and synchronous interaction
- Finding out the reasons for under-performance
- Creating a performance improvement plan
Set up a remote performance feedback loop:
- Deciding when to give feedback
- Deciding how to give feedback
- Guiding towards performance improvement
Managing Virtual Teams - 10 min
There are many reasons to use a virtual team over an in-house one. Long-distance collaboration. Easier hiring. Reduced costs. That's why there has been an 80% increase in telecommuting staff over the last few years. However, it's something that can so easily go wrong. There are downsides like reduced motivation, poor communication and limited trust between team members. This course is designed to help you avoid the pitfalls, and implement processes that will help you get the most out of your virtual teams. It’ll look at at process, step-by-step, so you don’t miss anything.
Leading Teams - Leading and Managing Effective Virtual Teams - 12 min
Organizations are changing, and so are our offices. The new age millennials are shifting toward the virtual world. More and more organizations use virtual teams to meet corporate goals. This has created the need to determine how best to manage and lead these virtual groups. Traditional methods of managing on-site groups don’t work with remote workers, because virtual teams are most often composed of workers who are spread over a varied geographic and cultural expanse and communicate, for the most part, electronically. Future Workforce Report states that 63 percent of companies utilize virtual workers, but only 57 percent have standards in place to manage the process. In this lesson, you will learn to effectively guide teams that they rarely see face-to-face.
Proper Introductions: 02. Virtual Introductions - 6 min
Business introductions don't just happen in person anymore. You may need to introduce yourself and others via email or over the phone. Conference calls, video conference calls - what are the rules? Who introduces whom? How can you determine priority? What happens when someone is late? In this course, we'll go over the correct way to make introductions in these virtual business settings. This includes managing conference calls with multiple people in the room, video conference call etiquette, and making proper email introductions.
Leading a Virtual Meeting - 10 min
Strengthen your leadership abilities by learning how to deliver a successful virtual meeting. This training course covers best practices for leading productive and engaging meetings, even at a distance. To begin, we will outline how to shift your meeting mindset to cultivate high levels of contribution and collaboration from participants. You’ll then learn how to develop Leader Meeting Guidelines to prepare for your virtual meetings and ensure they stay on track to deliver the desired result. We’ll also discuss how to assess the effectiveness of your meetings so you can refine your approach over time. By the end of this course, you will have developed practical skills for facilitating productive virtual meetings that drive performance.
Lead Meetings Remotely - 10 min
Adopt best practices when starting a remote meeting. Trigger attention and organize exchanges.
Online Meeting Etiquette - 25 min
If online meetings are run professionally and smoothly they can be a great use of people's time and an essential part of collaborating. If they aren't, they waste everyone's time and can place critical projects in jeopardy. With more companies decentralized, meeting virtually is a core business skill everyone must develop. This course helps students learn the fundamental skills needed to succeed in online meetings.
Writing Basics: 01. Why Care About Writing - 6 min
Writing is one of our most important forms of communication. Most of us do quite a bit of writing daily without even realizing it. Whether it's drafting emails, text messages, social media posts, or more in-depth pieces like proposals, writing well is a necessary skill. In this course, we'll go over why having good writing skills is essential in business.
Better Business Writing - 45 min
Learn how to improve your business writing skills in this Better Business Writing course to help you increase productivity, avoid misunderstandings, and achieve success in the workplace. You'll learn about the essential skills you need to write well and how to improve those skills. The course examines the importance of creating your own writing style, outlining methods for developing an effective one. It also guides you through standard formats of different types of written documents. Finally, you'll discover how to implement the 5 components of the motivated sequence technique to write persuasively. The 45-minute course features video and audio narration for an engaging learning experience. It includes downloadable student materials including activities and a study guide, along with interactive labs to help you improve your knowledge.
Business Writing: Being Effective - 50 min
Enhance your writing skills with this professional training course outlining expert techniques for researching, writing, and revising pointed and polished business communications. We’ll cover formal and informal research methods, tips for generating ideas, and how to organize your data for clarity and impact. Once your ideas are ready to be written down, we will show you how to craft clear and compelling sentences and paragraphs, and edit your work for accuracy, grammar and syntax.
Put It in Writing: Writing Skills - 1 hr
Hone your writing skills and communicate your message more effectively. This course offers useful tips on how to express yourself clearly in work correspondence. Well-crafted written communication ensures you make a good impression when you can't do so face-to-face.
The course Improving Your Written Communications includes 4 types of content that fall into the categories of Look, Think, Practice and Remember. These sections include videos, questions and a summary of key points. We will discuss the importance of defining why you are crafting the communication and what you hope it achieves. You'll learn how to use a spider diagram to map your thoughts, and how to use clear and concise tone and an easy layout for maximum effect. In addition, we'll explain how to review written work before sending it to avoid errors.
It seems that there is never enough time in the day. But, since we all get the same 24 hours, why is it that some people achieve so much more with their time than others? This course will explain how to plan and prioritize tasks, so that we can make the most of the limited time we have. By using the time-management techniques in this course, you can improve your ability to function more effectively – even when time is tight and pressures are high. So, by the end of the course you will have the knowledge, skills and confidence to be an effective manager of your time.
With the rise of digital transformation and technology, having a basic digital literacy is essential for all types of jobs, regardless of the industry. To stay competitive and be successful in the workplace, enhancing your digital skills should be a top priority.
The digital economy is opening up ways for everyone to be creative. It doesn’t just mean being artistic – it’s more about ideas, solutions, alternatives, incremental improvements. Peter Quarry and Eve Ash discuss ways that mental capacity can be developed, perspectives changed, group power leveraged and making things actually happen.
Soft Skills are the traits, characteristics, habits, and skills needed to survive and thrive in the modern work world. Soft skills aren't usually taught in school, but you will learn them all here in this course. Are you someone that other people in your organization and industry like to work with, collaborate with and partner with? Are you seen as a valuable asset to any new project that comes along?
This soft skills training course will teach you how to develop the skills that can make the difference between a lackluster career that tops out at middle management versus one that lands you in the executive suite. Or to wherever you define career success. So many soft skills seem like common sense at first glance, but they are not commonly applied by most workers. This soft skills training course will give you an edge over your competitors. It will also make your job, your career and your life more rewarding and enjoyable.