AWS - Systems Operations Course

Course Details:

Length: 5 days

Price: $3,100/person (USD)

Bundle & Save: View Bundle

Group Price: Request Quote

Training Reviews

Course Features:

Live Instructor Teaching

Certificate of Completion

Digital Badge

Courseware: Print

Free 6 Month Online Retake

Hands-On Learning?: Yes

Software Lab Included?: Yes

Delivery Methods:

Live Online

Individuals and Groups
@ Your Location

Onsite for Teams

Group Teams
@ Your Organization

This is an instructor-led course. It is taught by an instructor live online or at organizations for groups.
For team training, we can teach onsite at your office or private live online.


Course Overview

This comprehensive class guides students through the role of a SysOps Administrator and helps prepare candidates to take the updated AWS Certified SysOps Administrator—Associate (SOA-C01) Exam. The AWS Certified SysOps Administrator—Associate certification validates technical expertise in deployment, management, and operations on the AWS platform.

This course prepares students for the AWS exam and ensures they are ready to perform the duties expected of SysOps Administrators. The class focuses on the skill-set required of AWS professionals by filling in the gap between test preparation and real-world preparedness. Concepts covered include:

  • Monitoring and Reporting
  • High Availability
  • Deployment and Provisioning
  • Storage and Dada Management
  • Security and Compliance
  • Networking
  • Automation and Optimization
  • And More...

Register Early: Registration Deadline is 2 Weeks Prior to Class Start.

Course Notes

To perform the course activities, students will need to provide credit card information to create some cloud accounts. Charges, if any, to these cards will be minimal, and where possible the activities suggest alternate strategies in cases where minor charges might be accrued.

Knowledge Prerequisites

To ensure your success in this course, you should have experience with the features provided by Amazon Web Services. You can obtain this level of skills and knowledge by taking the AWS™ Fundamentals course.

In addition, you should also have a background in IT, preferably in systems administration. You should have a basic knowledge of common networking protocols like TCP/IP and have experience maintaining operating systems in both a Microsoft® Windows® and Linux® command-line environment. A fundamental knowledge of key information security concepts is also recommended. To obtain this level of skills and knowledge, you can take the following courses:

Related Certifications

AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate Certification

Certification Notes: Certification exams are administered by third party testing companies. Our courses prepare you for the certification exam, which is an additional fee paid to the testing provider. You must contact the corresponding testing provider to take a certification exam.


Course Topics

Section 1: AWS Fundamentals
Chapter 1: Introduction to Systems Operations on AWS

Section 2: Responsive Web Design
Chapter 2: Amazon CloudWatch
Chapter 3: AWS Organizations
Chapter 4: AWS Config
Chapter 5: AWS CloudTrail

Section 3: High Availability
Chapter 6: Amazon Relational Database Service
Chapter 7: Auto Scaling

Section 4: Deployment and Provisioning
Chapter 8: Hubs, Spokes, and Bastion Hosts
Chapter 9: AWS Systems Manager

Section 5: Storage and Data Management
Chapter 10: Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
Chapter 11: Elastic Block Store (EBS)
Chapter 12: Amazon Machine Image (AMI)

Section 6: Security and Compliance
Chapter 13: IAM
Chapter 14: Reporting and Logging
Chapter 15: Additional Security Tools

Section 7: Networking
Chapter 16: Virtual Private Cloud
Chapter 17: Route 53

Section 8: Automation and Optimization
Chapter 18: CloudFormation
Chapter 19: Elastic Beanstalk

Appendix: Answers to Review Questions

Course FAQs

What Are the Available Class Formats?

This course is taught by a live instructor and is available in two class formats:

  1. Live Online for Individuals
  2. Onsite/Online for Private Groups

What Are AWS CloudWatch, Organizations, Config and CloudTrail?

AWS CloudWatch is a monitoring tool that enables customers to monitor their AWS resources and applications. It collects operational and performance data in real time, providing customers with an up-to-date view of their environments and enabling them to act quickly on any issues or opportunities.

AWS Organizations is a service that allows customers to centrally manage and govern their AWS accounts. It enables customers to create groups of accounts, apply policies to those groups, and ensure that all accounts comply with the same set of guidelines.

AWS Config is a service that records changes made to an AWS resource and maintains a history of configuration changes. With Amazon CloudWatch Events, customers can also set up notifications for any changes made to their environment.

Finally, AWS CloudTrail is a service that tracks user activity within the AWS console and provides customers with detailed auditing capabilities. This allows customers to monitor which users are accessing their resources and what actions those users are taking. With this information, customers can ensure secure access to their resources and quickly identify any unauthorized access.

What Are AWS High Availability Features: Relational Database Services, Auto Scaling?

Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers high availability features such as Relational Database Service (RDS) and Auto Scaling that can help keep your business running smoothly. RDS is a managed database service that allows you to quickly set up, scale, and manage relational databases in the cloud. It also provides built-in replication capabilities so you can maintain a high availability and minimize downtime in the event of an outage. Auto Scaling allows you to scale your EC2 resources based on changing load, ensuring that your application has the computing power it needs when it needs it.

With these features, AWS helps businesses achieve increased uptime and reliability for their applications. By leveraging high availability features such as RDS and Auto Scaling, businesses can reap the benefits of cloud computing without sacrificing reliability.

What Are AWS Deployment and Provisioning Features: Hubs, Spokes, Bastion Hosts, Systems Manager?

AWS deployment and provisioning features make it easier for organizations to securely deploy, manage, and scale their applications in a cloud environment. These features include:


Hubs are a centralized management point for multiple AWS accounts. They provide a single-sign-on for users, allowing them to access all of their accounts from one place. They also enable organizations to centrally manage resources, policies, and users across their entire cloud infrastructure.


Spokes are a set of AWS accounts that link back to the Hub. This allows organizations to easily distribute access for different applications or teams without having to manage multiple separate AWS accounts. It also enables them to securely isolate resources and applications within their infrastructures.

Bastion Hosts

Bastion hosts are dedicated servers that are used to access AWS accounts. They provide an extra layer of security, as they do not allow direct access from the Internet and require users to first authenticate using a secure connection before being able to access AWS systems.

Systems Manager

Systems Manager is an AWS service that allows organizations to centrally manage, update, and patch their applications. This helps simplify the process of provisioning new systems and provides automated workflow capabilities for managing updates, backups, and other maintenance tasks.

By using these features together, organizations can easily deploy, manage and scale their applications in a secure and reliable environment. With these features, organizations can quickly deploy new systems and manage them efficiently, reducing the time it takes to get them up and running. Additionally, they can easily configure access policies and secure their resources while maintaining flexibility within their infrastructures.

What Are AWS Storage and Data Management Features: S3, EBS, AMI?

Amazon's suite of storage and data management services, including Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), Elastic Block Store (EBS), and Amazon Machine Image (AMI), offer a variety of solutions to help organizations manage their data.

Amazon S3 provides cloud storage capabilities for businesses needing to store vast amounts of data with scalability and high availability. S3 provides secure, flexible, cost-effective access to data from anywhere in the world. With S3’s versioning capability, businesses never have to worry about losing important data.

Elastic Block Store (EBS) is a component of Amazon's cloud infrastructure for providing persistent storage for applications and databases running on AWS. EBS volumes are virtual disk drives that can be attached to a single Amazon EC2 instance allowing customers to configure and store data as needed.

Amazon Machine Image (AMI) enables businesses to package their applications, operating systems, and associated files into a single unit for deployment onto an Amazon EC2 instance. In addition, AMI provides the ability to launch multiple instances that use the same configuration.

Overall, AWS Storage and Data Management feature provides robust solutions for businesses seeking to securely store, manage and access data in a scalable environment. With advanced tools such as S3, EBS, and AMI, businesses can rest assured knowing their data is safe and accessible when needed.

What Are AWS Security and Compliance Features: IAM, Reporting, Logging?

AWS Security and Compliance features offer a comprehensive set of tools to help protect your data, applications, and infrastructure. These features include IAM (Identity and Access Management) for controlling user access; Reporting to provide visibility into security-related events; and Logging to track system activity.

IAM enables you to securely manage user access to cloud resources. It allows you to define and manage user accounts, set up roles for different users, and control access based on a wide range of factors. Reporting helps you keep track of security-related events across your entire AWS environment. You can generate reports with detailed insights into potential threats, suspicious activity, and more. Logging helps you stay on top of system activity and identify any unusual behavior. It offers visibility into what users are doing with your resources, allowing you to quickly detect and respond to any malicious activity.

By leveraging these AWS Security and Compliance features, you can ensure that your data is secure and compliant with regulatory requirements. With the right combination of tools in place, you can maintain a safe and secure cloud environment.

What Are AWS Networking Features: Virtual Private Cloud, Route 53?

AWS has a variety of powerful networking features designed to facilitate the secure and reliable transfer of information between web applications and their users. Two of the most commonly used networking features are Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and Amazon Route 53.

Amazon VPC allows users to create a virtual network in the cloud, which provides customers with complete control over their virtual networking environment. This feature allows users to define network architectures, including IP address ranges, subnets, route tables, and network gateways. Additionally, customers can create Network Access Control Lists (ACLs) that limit access to certain resources or ports on the virtual private cloud.

Amazon Route 53 is a highly available and scalable Domain Name System (DNS) web service. This feature helps customers connect user requests to the infrastructure that runs their applications, such as Amazon EC2 instances, Elastic Load Balancing load balancers, or Amazon S3 buckets. Additionally, customers can use Route 53 to manage their public DNS records and route end users to infrastructure around the world.

By leveraging the networking features of AWS, customers can rest assured that their applications will be securely and reliably accessible to users, no matter where they are located. With VPC and Route 53, businesses have the flexibility to create networks tailored to their own specific needs. These features provide scalability and reliability, so customers can be sure that their applications will be available and perform optimally, even during surge periods.

What Are AWS Automation and Optimization Features: CloudFormation, Elastic Beanstalk?

AWS CloudFormation is an automated resource provisioning service that helps developers and system administrators manage to compute resources efficiently. CloudFormation enables users to create and maintain templates for applications and their associated infrastructure, including databases, storage containers, networking components, and more. Through the use of templates, AWS CloudFormation allows users to quickly deploy complex cloud architectures with minimal manual effort.

Elastic Beanstalk is a service that allows developers to quickly deploy and manage applications in the AWS cloud. It is designed to make it easier for developers to launch, scale, and operate applications on top of AWS services such as Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, Elastic Load Balancing, Auto Scaling, and Amazon RDS. Elastic Beanstalk is integrated with AWS tools such as CloudFormation, allowing users to quickly deploy applications that use multiple services in a short amount of time. Elastic Beanstalk also provides features such as monitoring, logging, health checks, and more, helping developers manage their application's performance and scaling requirements more effectively.

Together, these two services provide powerful automation and optimization features to help users manage their AWS infrastructure more efficiently and effectively. CloudFormation automates the provisioning of resources, while Elastic Beanstalk makes it easier to deploy, monitor, and scale applications. Both services allow developers to quickly build out complex architectures with little manual effort, helping them achieve their goals more quickly and efficiently.

Related AWS Information:

How Much Do Amazon AWS Training Courses Cost?

Public instructor-led Amazon AWS course prices start at $620 per student. Group training discounts are available.

Self-Paced Amazon AWS eLearning courses cost $475 at the starting point per student. Group purchase discounts are available.

What AWS Skills Should I Learn?

A: If you are wondering what AWS skills are important to learn, we've written an AWS Skills and Learning Guide that maps out AWS skills that are key to master and which of our courses teaches each skill.

Read Our AWS Skills and Learning Guide

What Is the Amazon AWS Management Console, and How Can Beginners Use It?

A: Simply put, the Amazon AWS Management Console is an interface that helps its users manage Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS offer business owners and employees a reliable and scalable cloud computing solution that serves as an alternative to traditional physical servers. A number of tasks can be remotely completed using the console, including cloud computing and storage, database management, infrastructure deployment, and software testing. Though the interface is intuitive and allows for easy customization, novices would do well to sign up for classes that demystify the interface and its features.

More Information on the Amazon AWS Management Console and How to Learn to Use It

Which is the best training for AWS?

A: There are many training options available for Amazon Web Services (AWS). It can be tough to decide which one is right for you or your team. Certstaffix Training offers both online and group onsite classes to help individuals and corporate groups get the most out of AWS.

Our online AWS classes are convenient and flexible, allowing you to learn at your own pace. Our group onsite classes are ideal for corporate teams who want to learn together and take advantage of our experienced instructors face-to-face.

No matter which option you choose, Certstaffix Training can help you get the most out of AWS. Contact us today to learn more about our training options and how we can help you reach your goals.

Does AWS require coding?

A: No, you don't need to be a coder to use AWS. While coding can certainly help you get the most out of AWS, it's not required. Certstaffix Training offers both online and onsite classes to help you get started with using AWS, regardless of your coding experience.

Whether you're looking to learn the basics of AWS or want to become an AWS Certified Solutions Architect, we can help you reach your goals. Contact us today to learn more about our training options.

Are AWS skills in demand?

A: Yes, AWS skills are in high demand. According to a recent report from Forrester, the demand for AWS professionals has grown by nearly 80% in the past year. And it's not just big companies that are looking for AWS talent - small and medium businesses are also seeking out qualified individuals with AWS skills.

Cloud computing is quickly becoming an essential business tool, and its importance is only going to increase in the years ahead. Why is cloud computing so important? There are several reasons. First, it's incredibly scalable - businesses can add or remove resources as needed. Second, it's cost-effective - businesses only pay for what they use. And third, it's reliable - businesses can access their data and applications from anywhere in the world.

If you're looking to get training in AWS, Certstaffix Training offers both online and group onsite classes to help you get up to speed on all the latest features and best practices. Whether you're just getting started with AWS or you're looking to deepen your knowledge, our courses can help you reach your goals. Contact us today to learn more about our training options.

What are the top Amazon AWS skills?

A: Amazon AWS is a cloud computing platform that offers a wide variety of services, including storage, compute, networking, and databases. Because AWS is so versatile, it's important for potential users to have a good understanding of the different skills needed to use it effectively. Here are some of the top Amazon AWS skills that you'll need to master:

Top Amazon AWS Skills

1. Storage: One of the key benefits of using AWS is the ability to store data in the cloud. This can be done using Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), which offers scalable object storage that can be used for a variety of applications. To use S3 effectively, you'll need to understand how to create and manage buckets, as well as configure permissions and access controls.

2. Compute: Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) is a key compute service that allows you to launch and manage virtual servers in the cloud. To use EC2 effectively, you'll need to understand how to launch and configure instances, as well as how to use Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) to create custom images of your own.

3. Networking: Another important aspect of using AWS is understanding how to set up and manage networking resources. This can be done using Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), which allows you to create isolated networks in the cloud. To use VPC effectively, you'll need to understand how to create and configure subnets, route tables, and security groups.

4. Databases: Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) is a managed database service that makes it easy to set up and operate relational databases in the cloud. To use RDS effectively, you'll need to understand how to create and manage database instances, as well as how to back up and restore data.

5. DevOps: One of the most popular uses for AWS is for DevOps, which is a practice that combines software development and operations. To be effective at using AWS for DevOps, you'll need to understand how to use AWS services like Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) and Amazon CloudFormation.

These are just some of the top Amazon AWS skills that you'll need to master in order to be effective at using the platform. By understanding these skills, you'll be well on your way to becoming an AWS expert.

Where Can I Learn More About Amazon AWS?

Amazon AWS Blogs

Amazon AWS User Groups

Amazon AWS Online Forums

Explore AWS Training Classes Near Me:

Certstaffix Training provides AWS classes near me or online, depending on the number of students involved. We offer online courses for individual learners, as well as in person classes at your office for corporate groups. Our trainers are highly experienced professionals with the expertise necessary to help you gain a thorough understanding of AWS concepts and tools. With our courses available online for individuals or in person for corporate groups, it's easy to develop your AWS skills. Start learning today and see how Certstaffix Training can help you reach your goals.



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