Remote Work for All Employees eLearning Bundle Course

Course Details:

Length: 9 courses

Access Length: 6 months

Price: $200/person (USD)

Bundle & Save: View Bundle

Bulk Pricing: 10+ Contact Us

Course Features:

Instant Access After Purchase

Lecture by Recorded Video

Stop and Start as Needed

Certificate of Completion

Software Lab Included?: No

Delivery Method:

Self-Paced Online

Individuals and Groups
@ Your Location


Course Overview

Master Remote Work: The Essential Skills for Success in the Digital Workplace

The transition to remote work can be exciting but also requires a unique skill set for success. In this comprehensive eLearning bundle, you'll gain the tools and strategies to thrive as a remote employee, collaborator, and team member.

Target Audience Benefits
  • Boost your productivity: Design a distraction-free workspace, manage your time effectively, and master the art of efficient remote work.
  • Enhance collaboration: Seamlessly connect with colleagues using Microsoft 365 tools, optimize virtual meetings, and build a strong team dynamic even from a distance.
  • Supercharge your communication: Become a clear and responsive virtual teammate, fostering positive relationships even in a remote setting.
  • Increase your value: Develop the in-demand remote work skills that make you a highly sought-after asset.
Courses Included
  • Professional Productivity: Working Remotely
  • Being a Good Virtual Teammate
  • How to Succeed at Remote Work
  • Working From Home: Strategies for Remote Employees
  • Collaborating in Microsoft 365
Key Skills & Concepts
  • Workspace optimization
  • Time management for remote workers
  • Virtual team communication
  • Microsoft 365 collaboration tools (Teams, SharePoint, OneDrive)
  • Co-authoring and file sharing
  • Remote relationship-building

Enroll today and transform the way you work! Take your remote career to the next level with this essential eLearning bundle.

Also Included - 4 Courses: An Essential Career Skills Pack with 4 courses in key areas for career management and growth, including Time Management, Digital Skills, Creativity and Soft Skills.


Course Notes

Important Course Information
This is a Lecture-Only eLearning Course. If you would like to practice any hands-on activities, you must use your own software.

eLearning Training Delivery Method

How It Works

This self-paced online course lets you learn independently at your own pace through Certstaffix Training's easy-to-use platform.

  • Learn at your own pace - Start and stop as it is convenient for you. Pick up where you left off.
  • Lecture utilizing video and recorded screenshots
  • 6-month subscription length
  • Instant Access After Purchase

Have more than 10 students needing this course? Contact Us for bulk pricing.

Learning Objectives:
  • Workspace Design: Set up an ergonomic and productive remote workspace environment.
  • Time Management: Employ effective time management strategies, schedules, and techniques specifically tailored to remote work.
  • Distraction Minimization: Develop strategies for handling interruptions and maintaining focus while working remotely.
  • Communication Excellence: Communicate clearly, effectively, and proactively with colleagues and managers in a virtual environment.
  • Team Building: Foster a sense of teamwork and collaboration even without in-person interaction.
  • Microsoft 365 Mastery: Understand and utilize core Microsoft 365 tools (Teams, SharePoint, OneDrive) for collaboration, file sharing, co-authoring, and virtual meetings.
  • Remote Work Best Practices: Learn and apply proven strategies for success as a remote employee.
Target Audience
  • New Remote Employees: Individuals transitioning to a remote role who need to learn how to adapt to this work style.
  • Existing Remote Employees: Those already working remotely but looking to improve their skills in productivity, time management, communication, and collaboration.
  • Employees in Hybrid Work Models: Individuals who combine in-office and remote work and want to optimize their performance in both settings.
  • Managers and Team Leads: Those responsible for supervising and managing remote employees or teams, aiming to enhance team effectiveness and communication.
Key Features
  • Audio Narration
  • Video
  • Inline Activities
  • Quizzes
  • Supplemental Resources
  • Post-Assessment
  • Audio/Video/Course Text: American English.
  • Subtitles (Closed Caption): Varies by course. Please refer to the individual course descriptions below for specific details.
Course Duration
  • Remote Work for All Employees: 2 hrs 14 min
  • Essential Career Skills Pack: 2 hrs 23 min


Course Topics

Professional Productivity: Working Remotely

Course Duration - 7 min

Our Professional Productivity: Working Remotely course explores what it means to be a successful remote employee so that you can make the most of working from home. In this course, you'll learn how to properly set up your home office for maximum productivity, how to manage your time by creating and sticking to a work schedule, and how to manage interruptions from friends and family members. You'll also learn how to maintain effective relationships with your coworkers from a distance.

Course Objectives:
Course Objectives:
  • Set up your home office for maximum productivity
  • Manage interruptions by setting boundaries
  • Manage your time effectively while working from home
Additional Language Information:
Additional Language Information:
  • Audio/Video/Course Text: Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Mandarin), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, and Latin American Spanish.
  • Subtitles (Closed Caption): American English, Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Simplified), European French, German, Italian, Japanese, and Latin American Spanish.


Being a Good Virtual Teammate

Course Duration - 10 min

Since working from home can be isolating, it’s essential we make the effort, and work with others to minimize the communication and team building challenges. This course will help you know what you need to do to build relationships with your teammates, become a contributing team member, and reduce the social isolation that can come with working from home.

Additional Language Information:
Additional Language Information:
  • Audio/Video/Course Text: N/A.
  • Subtitles (Closed Caption): N/A.


How to Succeed at Remote Work

Course Duration - 15 min

This training course will teach you the essentials for successful remote working. You will be able to get organized for remote work and identify good practices on an organizational and relational level. This course combines theory and practice to help you transfer what you have learned to your workplace.

Course Objectives:
Course Objectives:
  • Organize yourself to work from home
  • Identify good practices for remote working
  • Maintain relationships with colleagues and your manager
Additional Language Information:
Additional Language Information:
  • Audio/Video/Course Text: N/A.
  • Subtitles (Closed Caption): American English.
Detailed Course Outline:
Detailed Course Outline:
  • Introduction
  • Setting up your workspace
  • Organizing your day
  • Handling Interruptions
  • Conclusion


Working From Home: Strategies for Remote Employees

Course Duration - 30 min

When imagining telecommuting, many people envision a relaxed day of working at home in their pajamas. However, this probably isn’t the best approach. Telecommuting definitely offers a lot of freedom, but that doesn’t mean you can ignore your work responsibilities. This course will help you decide if telecommuting is a good fit for you and then provide some strategies for being effective as a remote employee.

Course Objectives:
Course Objectives:
  • Assess how successful you may be as a remote employee
  • Identify ways to improve your home office environment
  • Create a plan for a successful schedule
Additional Language Information:
Additional Language Information:
  • Audio/Video/Course Text: N/A.
  • Subtitles (Closed Caption): American English.
Detailed Course Outline:
Detailed Course Outline:
  • Introduction
  • Self-inventory
  • Your Routine
  • Work Productively
  • Course Summary and Test
  • Conclusion


Collaborating in Microsoft 365

Course Duration - 1 hr 12 min

Using the many interactive features available in Office 365, you can create, share, solicit feedback, and collaborate on projects with other individuals. You will learn how to share your work with others, set up conversations, and share files. You’ll also learn how to download the Office 365 apps to your smartphone or tablet for uninterrupted access to files and how to hold virtual meetings through Skype and OneNote. This introductory course takes you through the main features of Office 365 collaboration and shows you how to access and apply them to any project.

Course Objectives:
Course Objectives:
  • Identify the primary collaboration tools available within the Microsoft 365 suite and describe their core functions.
  • Distinguish between the purposes of SharePoint and OneDrive, selecting the appropriate tool for different storage and collaboration needs.
  • Create and share documents (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) within Microsoft 365, demonstrating an understanding of file-sharing options.
  • Utilize co-authoring features to collaborate with others on documents in real time.
  • Implement effective co-authoring practices to facilitate a smooth and productive collaborative process.
  • Set up and participate in virtual meetings through Microsoft Teams.
  • Employ Yammer and Teams for group communication, understanding the appropriate use cases for each platform.
  • Incorporate Microsoft Lists in Teams to manage and track shared tasks or information.
  • Develop a basic plan or workflow for collaboration on a project within the Microsoft 365 environment.
  • Articulate best practices for effective collaboration and communication within the Microsoft 365 environment.
Additional Language Information:
Additional Language Information:
  • Audio/Video/Course Text: N/A.
  • Subtitles (Closed Caption): American English, Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Dutch, French, German, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin American Spanish, Russian, Spanish, Thai, Turkish, and Vietnamese.
Detailed Course Outline:
Detailed Course Outline:

Using Microsoft 365 for Collaboration
  • Overview
  • Teams in Action
  • Working with Meeting Recordings
  • Creating a Plan
  • Setting up Time
  • Creating a Document
  • Sharing a Document
  • SharePoint in Action
  • Differences Between SharePoint and OneDrive
  • Co-Authoring in Microsoft 365
  • Best Practices of Co-Authoring in Microsoft 365
  • Using Lists in Microsoft Teams
  • Getting Feedback in Yammer
  • Getting Feedback in Teams



Essential Career Skills Pack

Productivity and Time Management

Course Duration - 30 min

It seems that there is never enough time in the day. But, since we all get the same 24 hours, why is it that some people achieve so much more with their time than others? This course will explain how to plan and prioritize tasks, so that we can make the most of the limited time we have. By using the time-management techniques in this course, you can improve your ability to function more effectively – even when time is tight and pressures are high. So, by the end of the course you will have the knowledge, skills and confidence to be an effective manager of your time.

Course Objectives:
Course Objectives:
  • Set your priorities to better manage your time
  • Improve your productivity by sharpening your focus and multitasking effectively
Detailed Course Outline:
Detailed Course Outline:
  • Productiity & Time Management
  • Prioritization
  • Getting Things Done
  • Procrastination
  • Multitasking & Focus
  • Summary


Basic Digital Skills

Course Duration - 13 min

With the rise of digital transformation and technology, having a basic digital literacy is essential for all types of jobs, regardless of the industry. To stay competitive and be successful in the workplace, enhancing your digital skills should be a top priority.

Course Objectives:
Course Objectives:
  • Recall the essential digital skills framework
  • Elaborate on the toolkit of essential digital skills
  • Identify how to develop or improve your digital skills
Detailed Course Outline:
Detailed Course Outline:
  • The Essential Digital Skills Framework
  • The Toolkit of Essential Digital Skills
  • Developing Digital Skills
  • Summary


4 Ways to Boost Creativity

Course Duration - 30 min

The digital economy is opening up ways for everyone to be creative. It doesn’t just mean being artistic – it’s more about ideas, solutions, alternatives, incremental improvements. Peter Quarry and Eve Ash discuss ways that mental capacity can be developed, perspectives changed, group power leveraged and making things actually happen.

Course Objectives:
Course Objectives:
  • Define creativity
  • Think outside the box
  • Develop the right mental attitude
  • Leverage the power of groups
  • Ensure managers make it happen
Detailed Course Outline:
Detailed Course Outline:
  • What is Creativity at Work?
  • Learn to Think Outside the box
  • Develop the Right Mental Capacity
  • Laverage the Power of Groups
  • Ensure Managers Make It Happen
  • Summary


The 11 Essential Career Soft Skills

Course Duration - 1 hr 10 min

Soft Skills are the traits, characteristics, habits, and skills needed to survive and thrive in the modern work world. Soft skills aren't usually taught in school, but you will learn them all here in this course. Are you someone that other people in your organization and industry like to work with, collaborate with and partner with? Are you seen as a valuable asset to any new project that comes along?

This soft skills training course will teach you how to develop the skills that can make the difference between a lackluster career that tops out at middle management versus one that lands you in the executive suite. Or to wherever you define career success. So many soft skills seem like common sense at first glance, but they are not commonly applied by most workers. This soft skills training course will give you an edge over your competitors. It will also make your job, your career and your life more rewarding and enjoyable.

Course Objectives:
Course Objectives:
  • Understand how to be a great communicator
  • Become a stronger listene
  • Appear professional to co-workers and bosses of all ages
  • Avoid common career blunders that often end careers
  • Manage expectations for bosses and colleagues
  • Position yourself for promotions
  • Make technology your asset, even if you are afraid of technology
  • Avoid the Not My Job Syndrome
  • Develop EQ to Match Your IQ
  • Develop leadership qualities
Detailed Course Outline:
Detailed Course Outline:
  • Introduction
  • The Soft Tech Savvy Way to Always Be Essential
  • Not My Job, And I Am Happy to Do It
  • You Can Become a Master Communicator
  • Feedback Video for The 11 Essential Career Soft Skills
  • Become a Leader Without the Title or Formal Authority
  • Your EQ Will Beat a Higher IQ
  • Building Your Winning Team
  • Make Every One of Your Seconds Count
  • Unleash Your Inner Anthony Robbins
  • Avoid Being Uncool
  • Clothes Can Still Make or Break Your Career
  • Conclusion The 11 Essential Career Soft Skills
  • Extra: Developing Your Career Secret Sauce


Course FAQs

What is the Class Format?

This training is a self-paced eLearning course that you have access to for 6 months after purchase.

What Is Working Remotely?

Working remotely can have a tremendous impact on business productivity and efficiency. Studies have shown that remote employees are more productive than those in an office, largely due to the lack of distractions and the ability to focus better at home. Working from home saves employers money on overhead costs such as renting office space, utilities, and furniture. Plus, remote employees are more likely to be available outside of standard business hours, making them an invaluable asset for organizations that need round-the-clock customer service.

Working remotely can allow employees to have a better work/life balance as they can remain connected while still having time to take care of personal responsibilities such as household duties or caring for family members.

Remote work also allows organizations to access a larger pool of skilled talent since they don't need to be limited by geographic location. With today's technology and communication tools, it's easier than ever for employers and employees alike to take advantage of the benefits of working remotely.

Remote work can have significant advantages for both the employer and the employee. It allows employees to be more productive while providing employers with cost savings, access to new talent, and better customer service. With the right tools and processes in place, organizations of all sizes can take advantage of this increasingly popular trend in the workplace.

What Is Being a Good Virtual Coworker?

As a virtual coworker, here are some things you can do to be a good teammate:

Communicate Frequently and Proactively

Make an effort to stay in regular contact with your teammates through video calls, phone calls, and messaging. Share updates, ask questions, and offer to help others. The more you communicate, the more connected you'll feel to your team.

Be responsive and reliable. Reply to messages and attend meetings on time. Deliver work on schedule and meet your commitments. Being responsive and reliable builds trust with your teammates and managers.

Share Personal Updates Occasionally

While the focus should be on work, sharing some personal updates can help build rapport and relationships. Talk about your hobbies, weekend plans, or other casual topics from time to time. But be mindful of people's boundaries and don't share overly personal details.

Suggest Virtual Team-Building Activities

Propose occasional virtual coffee breaks, lunch hours, or after-work activities to boost team morale and bonding. Things like online games, watching a show together, or just casual conversation can help alleviate feelings of isolation.

Be a Team Player

Look for ways to support your colleagues and be a contributing team member. Offer to help others if they're struggling or behind on tasks. Cheer on your team's achievements and be positive. Having a team-first attitude will make you a valuable member of the group.

In Conclusion

Being a good virtual coworker takes effort and conscious action. But by communicating frequently, being responsive, sharing some personal details, suggesting team building, and having a team-first attitude, you can build strong relationships with your colleagues and feel more connected, even while working from home.

What Are Some Strategies to Work From Home Successfully?

Here are some strategies to work from home successfully:

1. Designate a dedicated workspace. Having a separate space for work is crucial for being productive and maintaining a work-life balance. Whether it's a spare room, basement, or corner of the living room, create a space that is free of clutter and personal belongings. Make sure to have a comfortable chair and desk, good lighting, and any necessary supplies.

2. Stick to a routine. Establish a routine for work hours and breaks to provide structure to your day. Wake up and start work at the same time each day, take breaks at regular intervals, and stop work at a consistent end time. Having a predictable flow to your day will help you stay focused and avoid working excessively long hours.

3. Minimize distractions. Working from home comes with a unique set of distractions, from kids, pets, household chores, and entertainment options. Make an effort to minimize distractions by letting family members know your schedule, keeping kids occupied with other activities during work hours, and avoiding chores or television until after work is done for the day. If possible, find a separate space to work that is free from disruptions.

4. Take breaks. While maintaining a routine is important, it's also necessary to take periodic breaks to recharge and renew your energy and focus. Step away from your work for a few minutes each day to stretch, go outside, or do some light exercise like yoga or walking. Breaks will help you feel less burnt out and keep you productive during work periods.

5. Communicate often. When working remotely, it's essential to overcommunicate with managers and colleagues. This could include daily check-ins via instant messaging, weekly status reports, or frequent video calls. Make an effort to respond to messages promptly and be specific in your communication. Staying in regular contact will ensure that you have the support and information needed to be successful in working from home.

Working from home can be a great way to increase productivity, maintain work-life balance, and stay connected with colleagues. With the right strategies in place, you'll be able to create an effective workspace that is free of distractions and conducive to success. Taking these steps will help ensure that you are working smart while still enjoying all the benefits of remote life!

What Is Office 365 Collaboration and Sharing?

Office 365 Collaboration and Sharing is an integrated suite of communication and collaboration tools that enable enterprise users to effectively work together regardless of their physical location.

This cloud-based suite includes features such as chat, email, file storage and document sharing, video conferencing, and more. By leveraging the power of the cloud, Office 365 provides organizations with a secure and reliable platform to collaborate in real time, increase productivity, reduce costs, and drive innovation. With Office 365, teams can work together anywhere and anytime.

Users can access their files from any device with an internet connection and share documents with colleagues or customers. This allows for more efficient collaboration across departments, regions, and countries. Office 365 features secure file-sharing capabilities that protect sensitive data and provide users with visibility over who has access to their documents. This ensures that only authorized personnel can gain access to corporate-owned content.

Office 365 provides a comprehensive suite of tools for organizations to manage user accounts, set up team sites, and monitor activity across the entire organization. This helps organizations optimize their operations and maximize productivity. When used correctly, Office 365’s collaboration and sharing features enable teams to work smarter and faster—driving business results.



Related Remote Work Information:

How Much Do Telecommuting Training Courses Cost?

Self-Paced Telecommuting eLearning courses cost $200 at the starting point per student. Group purchase discounts are available.

What Telecommuting Skills Should I Learn?

A: If you are wondering what Telecommuting skills are important to learn, we've written a Telecommuting Skills and Learning Guide that maps out Telecommuting skills that are key to master and which of our courses teaches each skill.

Read Our Telecommuting Skills and Learning Guide

How do you train employees about remote work?

A: When it comes to training employees about remote work, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First, it's important to ensure that everyone understands the basics of working remotely. This includes things like communication protocols, setting up a home office, and staying productive while away from the traditional workplace.

Once the basics are covered, you can then move on to more specific training topics. For example, you might want to provide training on how to use specific remote work tools or how to stay connected with team members when working from different locations.

No matter what type of training you provide, the most important thing is to make sure that your employees feel prepared and comfortable with the transition to remote work. By taking the time to properly train your team, you can set them up for success in this new way of working.

What skills are best for remote work?

A: There are a variety of skills that are beneficial for remote work. Some of the most important skills include:

Top Remote Worker Skills

-Time management: Being able to manage your time effectively is crucial when working remotely. This means being able to stay focused and avoid distractions.

-Organizational skills: Keeping yourself organized is also key when working from home. This includes staying on top of deadlines, maintaining a tidy workspace, and knowing where to find things when you need them.

-Communication skills: Since you’ll be communicating mostly through email, chat, and video conferencing, it’s important to have strong communication skills. This includes being clear and concise in your writing, and being able to articulate your thoughts verbally.

-Tech skills: Depending on the nature of your work, you may need to be proficient in certain technologies. For example, if you’re working as a web developer, you’ll need to know how to code. Or if you’re working in customer service, you should know how to use the company’s CRM software.

-Flexibility: One of the great things about working remotely is that you can often set your own hours. However, this also means being flexible and accommodating when clients or team members need to reach you outside of traditional business hours.

These are just a few of the skills that are important for remote work. If you have these skills, you’ll be well-equipped to succeed in a remote job.

What is the difference between telecommuting and teleworking?

A: There is a lot of confusion when it comes to the terms telecommuting and teleworking. Here's a look at the key differences between the two:

Telecommuting generally refers to working from home, whereas teleworking can refer to working from any location other than the office.

Telecommuting usually implies a more flexible arrangement, where employees can choose their own hours and work from any location they desire. Teleworking, on the other hand, is often a structured arrangement set up by employers, with specific hours and locations required.

Telecommuting is often used as an alternative to traditional office work, whereas teleworking is often used in addition to office work (for example, employees may telework one or two days a week, in addition to coming into the office the rest of the week).

So, what is the difference between telecommuting and teleworking? In short, telecommuting is usually more flexible, while teleworking is often more structured.

Where Can I Learn More About Telecommuting?

Telecommuting Blogs

Telecommuting User Groups

Telecommuting Online Forums

Explore Remote Work Training Classes Near Me:

Certstaffix Training offers self-paced eLearning courses for Remote Work, ideal for those looking for convenient and flexible learning options. With these online classes, you can save time trekking to and from a physical class location by taking courses remotely. Have the ability to learn when it's most convenient for you with our eLearning courses – no more worrying about searching for "Remote Work classes near me" and commuting long distances. Take advantage of our online Remote Work classes today to get the education you need quickly. Start learning today and see how Certstaffix Training can help you reach your goals.


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