Cyber Security Awareness Course

Course Details:

Length: 1 day

Price: Private Group Training Only

Group Price: Request Quote

Training Reviews

Course Features:

Live Instructor Teaching

Certificate of Completion

Digital Badge

Courseware: Print

Free 6 Month Online Retake

Hands-On Learning?: Yes

Software Lab Included?: Yes

Delivery Methods:

Live Online

Group Teams
@ Your Location

Onsite for Teams

Group Teams
@ Your Organization

This is an instructor-led course. It is taught by an instructor live online or at organizations for groups.
For team training, we can teach onsite at your office or private live online.


Course Overview

In this course, you will identify and apply security techniques. First, you will explore types of security threats, both cyber and physical. Afterward, the class will continue exploring types of security measures and maintaining file system security. You will explore how to protect digital information and discuss types of malware such as viruses, worms, trojans, phishing, software detection, and finishes with file extensions. At the end of the class, you will explore methods to keep the cloud and virtualized environments secured.

Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Describe the importance of securing information.
  • Identify the different ways to guard yourself against social engineering exploits.
  • Describe the security practices related to computers, mobile devices, networks, and the Internet.
  • Maintain the security of the files and folders stored on your computing devices.
  • Identify and protect information against risks associated with the cyber world.
  • Identify potential security incidents, ways to respond in the event of a possible breach, and measures to prevent a security breach.
  • Identify methods to keep the cloud and virtualized environments secured.

Course Notes

Target Student

This course is intended for end users who use computers at home or in the office.

Knowledge Prerequisites

Students should understand fundamental computer concepts, such as how to run applications, manage files, and use a web browser.


Course Topics

Lesson 1: Securing Information
Topic 1A: Examine Information Security
Topic 1B: Implement Physical Security Measures
Topic 1C: Examine Cyber Security


Lesson 2: Guarding Against Social Engineering Exploits
Topic 2A: Identify Social Engineering Exploits
Topic 2B: Counteract Social Engineering Exploits
Topic 2C: Evolve Social Engineering Organization Policies


Lesson 3: Identifying Security Measures
Topic 3A: Strengthen Desktop Security
Topic 3B: Strengthen Software Security
Topic 3C: Strengthen Browser Security
Topic 3D: Strengthen Network Security
Topic 3E: Secure Wireless Networks
Topic 3F: Strengthen Mobile Security


Lesson 4: Maintaining File System Security
Topic 4A: Implement File System Security in Windows
Topic 4B: Back Up and Restore Data
Topic 4C: Dispose of Data Securely


Lesson 5: Guarding Against Attacks
Topic 5A: Protect a Computer from Security Threats
Topic 5B: Protect Computers from Virus Attacks
Topic 5C: Protect Computers from Social Network Threats


Lesson 6: Handling Security Breaches
Topic 6A: Identify Incidents
Topic 6B: Respond to Incidents


Lesson 7: Identifying Cloud Computing And Virtualization Security Methods
Topic 7A: Fundamentals of Cloud Computing
Topic 7B: Fundamentals of Virtualization


Appendix A: Security and Privacy Regulations

Course FAQs

What Are the Available Class Formats?

This course is taught by a live instructor and is available for private corporate groups only:

  1. Onsite or Live Online for Private Groups

What Are Cyber Security Concepts of Securing Information?

Cybersecurity is a crucial concept for securing information systems. It encompasses the various protocols, processes, and technologies that are used to protect data from unauthorized access or manipulation. Cybersecurity concepts must be applied correctly and consistently to ensure the safety of confidential information.

To effectively secure an information system, organizations should start by examining its information security. This involves assessing the current level of security and identifying any risks or vulnerabilities that could be exploited. Once those have been identified, organizations must implement measures to reduce the risk of data breaches. These measures may include adding encryption or authentication layers, limiting access to certain systems, and training employees on best practices for cybersecurity.

Organizations must also consider physical security when securing their information systems. This includes ensuring that any equipment or hardware used to access confidential data is securely stored and accessible only with the appropriate credentials. Proper access control should be enforced to ensure that only authorized personnel can access sensitive information.

Businesses and organizations should examine cybersecurity protocols and procedures. This involves assessing the current security measures that are in place, looking for potential loopholes or weak points in the system, and ensuring staff are knowledgeable about best practices for cybersecurity.

By understanding these basic concepts of cybersecurity, organizations can ensure that their confidential data remains protected from unauthorized access or manipulation. By implementing strong physical security measures, examining information security, and understanding cybersecurity protocols, organizations can keep their data safe.

What Is Guarding Against Social Engineering Exploits?

Social engineering exploits are methods used by malicious actors to gain access to sensitive information or resources through deception. These techniques are based on psychological manipulation and exploit human weaknesses such as trust, curiosity, greed, and fear. They can be used against individuals or organizations, and they rely heavily on taking advantage of the lack of knowledge and awareness people often have about security.

The first step to guarding against social engineering exploits is to identify them. This includes being aware of common tactics used by malicious actors and recognizing when they are in use. Some examples include phishing emails, phone calls, pretexting (creating a false identity), tailgating (following someone through an access point without proper authorization) and more.

Once social engineering exploits have been identified, organizations must take steps to counteract them. This includes implementing robust security protocols such as strong passwords, two-factor authentication, and regular risk assessments. Organizations should provide training to their employees on how to spot potential social engineering attempts and teach them best practices for ensuring they do not fall victim to malicious attempts.

Organizations should evolve their policies on social engineering to ensure they are staying up-to-date with the latest tactics being used by malicious actors. Organizations must stay abreast of new threats, update their security protocols accordingly, and make sure employees are kept informed about any changes in policy or procedure. By staying ahead of malicious actors, organizations can effectively guard against social engineering exploits.

What Is Identifying Cyber Security Measures?

Identifying cyber security measures is an important part of protecting your business and customers from online threats. By strengthening desktop, software, browser, network, wireless network, and mobile security systems you can effectively protect yourself and your company against malicious attacks.

One method of improving desktop security is to ensure all computers on the system are regularly updated with the latest security patches and updates. All sensitive data should be backed up to a secure external drive or cloud storage.

Software-level security can also be improved by limiting access to certain users, encrypting files and folders, and updating programs regularly. Malware protection software should be installed on all computers connected to the business network.

Browser security also needs to be a priority; use only the latest version of web browsers, be aware of any malicious websites, and disable unnecessary plugins. Regular scans should be conducted to ensure no malicious content has infiltrated your system.

Network security is essential for protecting against external threats. Make sure all computers connected to the network have the latest anti-virus and firewall protection. It is also a good idea to limit access to certain parts of the network, or use an intrusion detection system to alert you of any suspicious activity.

When using wireless networks, make sure they are secured with an encryption key, and that access is restricted to authorized users only. Also, be sure to regularly update the wireless router's firmware and use a virtual private network (VPN) when needed.

Mobile security should not be overlooked; all devices connected to your business's networks should have up-to-date security patches and anti-virus software installed. Set up lock screens on all devices and avoid using public Wi-Fi.

By following these steps and regularly monitoring your systems, you can ensure your business is secure from cyber threats. Doing so will not only protect your customers’ data but also give them peace of mind that their information is safe with you. It is an investment well worth making to strengthen the security of your business.

What Is Maintaining File System Cyber Security?

Maintaining file system cyber security is essential to protecting sensitive data from unauthorized access, misuse, or loss. File systems are the basic foundation of all computer systems and must be secured to prevent unauthorized access and malicious attacks. Windows provides several tools and features to help secure file systems, including encryption, user authentication and permission settings, regular backups, and secure data disposal.

Encryption is a key component of file system security, as it scrambles the content of files to make them unreadable without the correct decryption key. Windows provides both software-based and hardware-based encryption options that can be used to protect sensitive data from unauthorized access. User authentication and permission settings are also critical to file system security. By setting up user accounts with unique passwords, you can ensure that only authorized users can access specific files or folders.

Backing up data regularly is important for any computer system, as it allows the user to recover from any potential data loss due to physical damage or malicious attacks. Windows provides several methods of backing up data, including local backups to external hard drives and cloud-based backups. These methods can help protect against the loss of important files and documents due to hardware failure or other system issues.

When disposing of data securely is also critical for protecting file systems from unauthorized access. Windows provides several tools for securely erasing data so that it can not be recovered by an unauthorized user. These tools include disk wiping and secure deletion protocols that ensure the data is permanently erased from the system before disposal.

Implementing file system security in Windows is essential for protecting sensitive data from unauthorized access, misuse, or loss. By using encryption, setting up user accounts with unique passwords, regularly backing up data, and securely disposing of data, administrators can ensure that the file system remains secure.

What Is Guarding Against Cyber Attacks?

Guarding against cyber attacks is essential to protect a computer from security threats, virus attacks, and social network threats. Several measures can be taken to ensure computers remain safe from malicious actors.

First, anti-virus software should always be kept updated and running on the computer. This will help protect against any malicious code that may attempt to be installed on the system. Firewalls should be enabled as well to help control the flow of traffic in and out of a computer’s network.

It is also important to ensure users are following best practices when using social networks, such as using strong passwords and only connecting with known sources. Any suspicious activity should be reported to the appropriate authorities promptly.

It is also important to stay up-to-date on current cybersecurity threats and technologies. Being aware of new techniques like phishing or malware can help protect against existing threats, as well as emerging ones. Having a plan for responding to an attack can minimize the potential damage from an attack.

It is important to have a backup plan in place in case of any unexpected data loss due to a cyber attack. Having multiple copies of important files stored in different locations can help protect against data loss and provide additional peace of mind.

By taking these steps to guard against cyber attacks, a business or individual can help protect their computer and data from malicious actors. Through the use of proven tactics, such as updated antivirus software, vigilant social media practices, and proper backup plans, any business or individual can feel safe in the knowledge that their system is secure against cyber threats.

What Is Handling Cyber Security Breaches?

Handling cyber security breaches involves identifying and responding to incidents as quickly as possible. When a breach occurs, it is important to take immediate action to limit the damage and prevent further harm.

Companies must have processes in place that allow them to recognize potential security threats and respond accordingly. This includes having an incident response plan in place as well as conducting regular security assessments to ensure the organization is proactive in its approach to cyber security.

Once a breach has been identified, it is important to take prompt steps to contain and mitigate the impact of the incident. This includes identifying the root cause of the breach, evaluating potential financial losses, assessing customer data that might have been exposed, and notifying affected parties. A swift and thorough response is essential to minimizing the fallout from a security breach and restoring customer trust.

By efficiently identifying and responding to cyber security threats, organizations can minimize the risks of data breaches and protect their reputation. Companies should have an effective incident response plan in place to ensure they are ready to effectively deal with any security breaches that may occur. This will help them stay secure and protect their customers' data from potential threats.

What Is Identifying Cloud Computing And Virtualization Cyber Security Methods?

Cloud computing and virtualization are two rapidly growing sectors of technology, both providing a wide range of services to businesses and consumers. However, as with any technology, these services also come with risks. Identifying cloud computing and virtualization cyber security methods is essential for organizations to protect their data, systems, and networks from malicious actors.

One of the most important concepts to understand when it comes to cloud computing and virtualization security is identity management. Identity management helps ensure that only authorized users can access data or other resources within a system. This can be accomplished through authentication schemes such as two-factor authentication, single sign-on (SSO), or public key infrastructure (PKI).

Another important element of cloud and virtualization security involves monitoring for malicious activity. Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) or Host Intrusion Prevention Systems (HIPS) are two solutions that can help detect suspicious traffic or unauthorized access attempts on a network. Logging systems can be used to track user actions and detect any potential malicious activity.

Organizations should also explore encryption technologies to protect data stored in the cloud or on virtualized systems. Encryption can help ensure that even if unauthorized users gain access to information, they will not be able to make use of it.

Businesses must have a comprehensive security policy in place for their cloud and virtualization environments. Security policies should include protocols and procedures for responding to security alerts, as well as guidelines for how users are expected to interact with systems.

By understanding the fundamentals of cloud computing and virtualization security and implementing robust cyber security methods, organizations can protect their data and networks from malicious actors. This will help ensure that their services remain secure and reliable.

Related Cyber Security Information:

How Much Do Cyber Security Training Courses Cost?

Public instructor-led Cyber Security course prices start at $2,195 per student. Group training discounts are available.

Self-Paced Cyber Security eLearning courses cost $300 at the starting point per student. Group purchase discounts are available.

What Is a Systems Engineer, and How Do I Get Online Training?

A: A systems engineer can be responsible for the design, implementation, and maintenance of technical infrastructure systems. These can include systems like networks or those used for the deployment of software. Systems engineers are considered senior professionals and can be expected to have highly refined technical skills, the particulars of which can vary between professional duties. Along with extensive technical knowledge, systems engineers also need to have good communication and project management skills because of the collaborative nature of their jobs. Online courses can often help systems engineers hone their professional skills.

More Information on What a Systems Engineer Is and How to Get Online Training

Why Invest in Cybersecurity Employee Training?

A: Training your employees on cybersecurity concepts and practices can protect your company and consumers' data, help you maintain public trust, and keep your business compliant with industry regulations. Good courses will often cover traditional online threats and attacks and address modern considerations like remote work and the digital environments that it creates, such as the cloud and wireless networks. They'll also cover popular cybersecurity topics like human error, social engineering, and device loss. To ensure that employees' cybersecurity skills remain sharp, sign them up for training classes regularly.

More Information on Cybersecurity Employee Training

How Are CompTIA Certifications Valuable?

A: CompTIA certifications are some of the most valuable certifications in the information technology (IT) industry because they are well-known and widely respected and can immediately convey technological proficiency to employers. Earning an entry-level CompTIA certification, such as CompTIA A+, can set employees on track to learning other skills and obtaining specialized credentials in areas like infrastructure, cybersecurity, and data analytics. A basic CompTIA A+ certification can open doors to several different professional positions. CompTIA certification-holders also typically enjoy pay increases after they obtain their credentials.

More Information on How CompTIA Certifications Are Valuable

Where Should I Get Cybersecurity Training?

A: Individuals who are new to the discipline of cybersecurity have a number of training options available to them, ranging from free courses to college degrees. When choosing the right course for your needs, it's important to consider the rules and regulations that your employer needs to follow. For example, students who want to work for government agencies should look for courses approved by their agencies. But in general, hands-on, instructor-led courses will provide the best training solutions.

More Information on How to Train for Cybersecurity Jobs

What training do you need for cyber security?

A: There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the training you'll need for a career in cyber security will depend on your specific goals and interests. However, there are some general principles you can keep in mind as you consider what type of training to pursue.

First, it's important to have a strong foundation in computer science and programming. This will give you the ability to understand how systems work and how to find and exploit vulnerabilities.

Second, you should be familiar with common security tools and technologies. This knowledge will help you design and implement effective security solutions.

Finally, it's also beneficial to have experience with risk management and incident response. This expertise will come in handy when assessing and responding to security threats.

With these considerations in mind, you can start to research specific training programs that will help you reach your goals in cyber security. There are many excellent resources available, so take your time and find the right fit for you.

Is cyber security training hard?

A: No, cyber security training is not hard. In fact, many experts believe that it is becoming increasingly important for everyone to be aware of the basics of cyber security. As the world becomes more reliant on technology, the potential for cyberattacks increases. That's why it's so important for individuals and businesses to invest in cyber security training.

There are a variety of online and offline resources available to help you learn about cyber security. Many colleges and universities now offer courses in this subject, and there are numerous professional development Cyber Security courses available as well. Even if you don't have a lot of technical knowledge, you can still benefit from learning about the basics of cyber security. By taking the time to learn about this topic, you'll be better prepared to protect yourself and your business from potential threats.

Which course is best for cyber security?

A: Certstaffix Training offers a variety of courses that can help you learn more about cyber security. If you're just getting started in the field, our Cyber Security Awareness course is a great place to start. This course will give you an overview of the basics of cyber security for end users and those just starting out in the Cyber Security area.

If you're looking for more advanced training, our CompTIA Security+ course is perfect for you. This course covers more advanced topics, such as ethical hacking and penetration testing. You'll learn how to identify vulnerabilities in systems and how to exploit them.

No matter what your level of expertise, Certstaffix Training has a Cyber Security course that's right for you.

What are the top Cyber Security skills?

A: As the world increasingly relies on technology, the importance of cyber security grows. Cyber security professionals work to protect computer systems and networks from unauthorized access or damage.

There are many different skills that are important for a successful career in cyber security. Here are some of the most important:

Top Cyber Security Skills

1. Technical skills – A good cyber security professional must have strong technical skills. They must be able to understand how computer systems work and identify vulnerabilities. They also need to be able to use tools to protect systems and investigate incidents.

2. analytical skills – being able to think logically and solve problems is essential for a career in cyber security. Professionals need to be able to analyze information and make decisions quickly.

3. Communication skills – Cyber security professionals need to be able to communicate effectively. They need to be able to explain technical concepts to non-technical people. They also need to be able to work well in a team.

4. Organizational skills – Good organizational skills are important for cyber security professionals. They often have to manage multiple tasks and projects at the same time.

5. Flexibility – The world of cyber security is constantly changing. Professionals need to be able to adapt to new technologies and threats.

These are just some of the skills that are important for a career in cyber security. If you have these skills, you may have what it takes to succeed in this field.

Where Can I Learn More About Cyber Security?

Cyber Security Blogs

Cyber Security User Groups

Cyber Security Online Forums

Explore Cyber Security Training Classes Near Me:

Certstaffix Training provides Cyber Security classes near me or online, depending on the number of students involved. We offer online courses for individual learners, as well as in person classes at your office for corporate groups. Our trainers are highly experienced professionals with the expertise necessary to help you gain a thorough understanding of Cyber Security concepts and tools. With our courses available online for individuals or in person for corporate groups, it's easy to develop your Cyber Security skills. Start learning today and see how Certstaffix Training can help you reach your goals.


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