Mastering De-escalation and Conflict Resolution eLearning Bundle Course

Course Details:

Length: 43 Courses

Access Length: 6 months

Price: $1,000/person (USD)

Bulk Pricing: 10+ Contact Us

Course Features:

Instant Access After Purchase

Lecture by Recorded Video

Stop and Start as Needed

Certificate of Completion

Software Lab Included?: N/A

Delivery Method:

Self-Paced Online

Individuals and Groups
@ Your Location


Course Overview

The Mastering De-escalation and Conflict Resolution eLearning Bundle consists of video lectures grouped in 7 topics:


De-escalation is a behavior that is intended to prevent escalation of conflicts. It may also refer to approaches in conflict resolution. People may become committed to behaviors that tend to escalate conflict, so specific measures must be taken to avoid such escalation. In almost any workplace, it's common to experience conflict and aggressive behavior. Dealing with difficult people and situations is a skill that should be prioritized and educated to employees. This curated list of courses will teach learners how to recognize, defuse, and control aggressive conflict through active listening, empathy, understanding, and thoughtful communication.

Also Included - 4 Courses: An Essential Career Skills Pack with 4 courses in key areas for career management and growth, including Time Management, Digital Skills, Creativity and Soft Skills.

How it Works

This course is a self-paced learning solution to fit your own schedule. Certstaffix Training eLearning courses you take on your own schedule in a web browser.

  • Learn at your own pace - Start and stop as it is convenient for you. Pick up where you left off.
  • Lecture utilizing video and recorded screen shots
  • 6 month subscription length
  • Instant Access After Purchase

Have more than 10 students needing this course? Contact Us for bulk pricing.


Course Topics

DE-ESCALATION - 2 hrs 38 min

  • Retail Conflict Management: 04. De-Escalation
  • Diversity Dialogue Blunders: 4 Skills to Make it Right
  • Conflict De-Escalation: Recognizing and Removing Biases
  • Conflict De-Escalation: Active Listening
  • Conflict De-Escalation: Developing a Solution Mindset
  • Dealing With Difficult Customers: De-escalation in Retail and Hospitality
  • Dealing with Difficult People: Clients, Suppliers and Contractors
  • Dealing with Difficult Colleagues: De-escalating Workplace Conflict
  • Conflict De-Escalation Techniques



  • Email Matters: Handling Irate Customers
  • Customer Service: Dealing with Irate Customers
  • Dealing with Difficult Customers: De-escalating Conflict in Phone and Digital Conversations
  • Telephone Doctor Customer Service: 12. How to Handle the Irate Customer



  • COVID-19 Customer Service: De-escalating Mask-related Conflict
  • COVID-19 Leadership: De-escalating Mask-related Conflict
  • COVID-19 Customer Service: De-escalating Conflict over Safety Rules (Masks, Social Distancing, One-Way Systems)
  • Conflict De-Escalation for Face Covering Policies: Communicating with Difficult Employees
  • Conflict De-Escalation Techniques for Face Covering Policies: Communicating with Difficult Customers
  • Conflict De-Escalation Techniques for Face Covering Policies: Preparing Your Workplace for a Mandate
  • Conflict De-Escalation Techniques for Face Covering Policies


BODY LANGUAGE - 1 hr 7 min

  • Customer Service: The Art of Body Language
  • Working Virtually: Body Language in Virtual Meetings
  • Understanding Body Language
  • Persuasion and Influence: 03. Body Language | Phil Hesketh
  • Body Language and Assertiveness



  • Conflict Resolution - Seeing Things From Other People’s Point of View
  • Conflict Management (Global)
  • Successfully Resolving Workplace Conflict
  • Managing Conflict (US Version)


ACTIVE LISTENING - 1 hr 32 min

  • Communication: 01. Active Listening
  • Listening to Your Customers
  • 8 Keys to a More Respectful Workplace: 08. Listen for Understanding
  • Brain Bites: Let Them Know You're Listening
  • Practice Active Listening



  • Service Simulations: Just the Facts, Ma’am: Handle Emotional Callers with Empathy
  • Empathy for Others
  • Remarkable Customer Service - How to Express Empathy
  • Emotional Intelligence: Boost Your Empathy
  • Develop Empathy and Gain Influence by Listening

Essential Career Skills Pack:

Productivity and Time Management - 30 minutes

It seems that there is never enough time in the day. But, since we all get the same 24 hours, why is it that some people achieve so much more with their time than others? This course will explain how to plan and prioritize tasks, so that we can make the most of the limited time we have. By using the time-management techniques in this course, you can improve your ability to function more effectively – even when time is tight and pressures are high. So, by the end of the course you will have the knowledge, skills and confidence to be an effective manager of your time.

Basic Digital Skills - 13 minutes

With the rise of digital transformation and technology, having a basic digital literacy is essential for all types of jobs, regardless of the industry. To stay competitive and be successful in the workplace, enhancing your digital skills should be a top priority.

4 Ways to Boost Creativity - 30 minutes

The digital economy is opening up ways for everyone to be creative. It doesn’t just mean being artistic – it’s more about ideas, solutions, alternatives, incremental improvements. Peter Quarry and Eve Ash discuss ways that mental capacity can be developed, perspectives changed, group power leveraged and making things actually happen.

The 11 Essential Career Soft Skills - 1 hour 10 minutes

Soft Skills are the traits, characteristics, habits, and skills needed to survive and thrive in the modern work world. Soft skills aren't usually taught in school, but you will learn them all here in this course. Are you someone that other people in your organization and industry like to work with, collaborate with and partner with? Are you seen as a valuable asset to any new project that comes along?

This soft skills training course will teach you how to develop the skills that can make the difference between a lackluster career that tops out at middle management versus one that lands you in the executive suite. Or to wherever you define career success. So many soft skills seem like common sense at first glance, but they are not commonly applied by most workers. This soft skills training course will give you an edge over your competitors. It will also make your job, your career and your life more rewarding and enjoyable.

Course FAQs

What is the Class Format?

This training is a self-paced eLearning course that you have access to for 6 months after purchase.

What Are Some De-Escalation Techniques in Business?

Creating a safe, productive working environment is paramount for any business. To ensure that disagreements and disputes don't escalate into full-scale conflict, it's important to have de-escalation techniques in place. De-escalation techniques include active listening, recognizing and removing biases, developing a solution mindset, diversity dialogue blunders, and dealing with difficult customers, suppliers, contractors, and colleagues.

Active listening is an important de-escalation technique in which you pay close attention to the other person's words and body language as they express their views. This allows you to better interpret what they are saying and respond accordingly. It also shows that you are taking their concerns seriously, which can help to defuse the situation.

Recognizing and removing biases is another de-escalation technique. This involves recognizing your own prejudices that may be influencing how and why you view a particular situation or conflict, and working towards putting those prejudices aside in order to work towards a resolution.

Developing a solution mindset can also be beneficial when trying to de-escalate a conflict. This involves thinking creatively about potential solutions to the problem at hand, and then discussing those options with the other people involved in order to reach an amicable agreement.

Diversity dialogue blunders is another effective de-escalation technique which involves taking cultural differences into account when engaging in conversations and debates. Being aware of the other party's cultural norms and values can help to reduce misunderstandings that could potentially lead to a conflict.

When it comes to dealing with difficult customers, suppliers, contractors, or colleagues, de-escalation techniques are also essential. For example, offering empathy and understanding can help to defuse tense situations and show that you are willing to work together towards a resolution. Using assertive yet respectful language can help to promote an open dialogue in which constructive solutions can be discussed and agreed upon.

Having the right de-escalation techniques in place within a business can ensure that disagreements and disputes don't escalate into full-scale conflict. By focusing on active listening, recognizing and removing biases, developing a solution mindset, and having an awareness of cultural differences, you can create a productive environment where disagreements can be resolved in a positive manner.

What Are Some Customer De-Escalation Techniques Online and Over the Phone?

When dealing with an angry customer, it is important to remain patient and professional. The goal is to diffuse the situation without making the customer feel as if their concerns are not being heard. There are a few techniques that can be used when handling an irate customer over the phone or online.

For telephone conversations, it is essential to focus on active listening. Allow the customer to express their feelings and concerns without interruption, and then respond with empathy and understanding. Try not to take their comments personally, as this will only serve to make the situation worse. Avoid speaking in a condescending manner, instead aim to be helpful and provide solutions whenever possible.

For online interactions such as emails or chat conversations, it is important to maintain a professional tone of voice. Keep your responses polite and concise, while remaining sympathetic to the customer’s situation. It can be helpful to keep track of the conversation thread and refer back to previous comments if needed. If necessary, provide information such as links or additional resources that could help address the customer’s concerns.

In both telephone and online interactions, it is important to remain calm and avoid escalating the situation. Simply by listening to the customer's issues and responding in a professional manner, most disputes can be resolved without further conflict. By using these techniques for dealing with irate customers, you can help ensure that the customer is satisfied with the outcome of their interaction. This will help to foster a positive relationship between the customer and your business going forward.

Good customer service is essential for any business, and being able to handle irate customers in a professional manner can be the difference between success and failure. With the right techniques, you can ensure that your customers are treated with respect and that their concerns are addressed effectively. This will help build loyalty with existing customers, as well as attract new customers in the future.

What Are Some Body Language Tips in Business?

When engaging in a business setting, it is important to keep body language in mind. Proper body language can help foster trust among clients and colleagues, build relationships, and increase effectiveness in communication.

One key element of effective body language is maintaining eye contact with the person you are talking to. Eye contact shows that you are engaged and interested in what they have to say. A subtle smile can help to make the conversation more inviting and friendly.

Open body language, such as relaxed arms and an open stance, can signal confidence and openness. It is also important to pay attention to posture and avoid crossing your arms or legs, which can be seen as defensive or closed off.

Mirroring is another beneficial technique for creating a sense of rapport and trust with the person you are speaking to. If the other person is leaning forward, you can do the same or tilt your head slightly in their direction. Taking cues from their body language and adapting yours accordingly can help to create an atmosphere that is conducive to successful communication.

Avoid any negative body language while in a business setting. Rolling your eyes or slouching can send the wrong message and make people feel uncomfortable. It is important to remain mindful of your movements and gestures so that you come across as professional and trustworthy.

By keeping these tips in mind, you can make sure that your body language reflects a positive and professional attitude in any business setting.

What Are Some Techniques to Navigate Conflict in Business?

One of the most important techniques for successfully navigating conflict in business is to ensure that all parties involved are given an equal opportunity to be heard. It is essential to remain open-minded and take into consideration different perspectives. This approach allows you to better understand why a disagreement has occurred and how best to resolve it.

Conflict management also requires effective communication. This involves taking the time to truly listen to what is being said and asking clarifying questions. Being actively engaged in conversations will help all parties understand their differences, identify potential solutions, and come to an agreement that works for everyone.

Finding common ground is critical for resolving workplace conflict. It helps build trust between parties as well as create a sense of collaboration. When compromise is not possible, it can be helpful to brainstorm different solutions where all sides can benefit and take away something positive from the situation.

Managing conflict in business also includes considering long-term solutions. It is important to understand that conflict resolution isn't just about solving current issues but also preventing future problems from arising. This means taking the necessary steps to create a healthy and productive workplace environment by establishing clear policies, procedures, and expectations.

By understanding conflict resolution techniques and effectively implementing them, businesses are better equipped to navigate any conflicts that may arise. Through open communication and collaborative problem-solving, organizations can foster a positive work culture and create a successful environment for all.

Conflict resolution is an integral part of business operations, and it's important to have the right strategies in place. By engaging in active listening, finding common ground, and considering long-term solutions, businesses can better navigate conflict and build strong relationships with their employees. Taking the time to foster a positive and productive work environment will help businesses build successful teams that can effectively resolve conflicts.

What Is Active Listening in Business?

Active listening is an important skill in the workplace. It involves giving undivided attention to a speaker, being able to understand their point of view and demonstrating that understanding. This type of listening helps create open lines of communication between employees, employers and customers.

Listening actively can help build stronger relationships with customers as well as increase customer satisfaction. By actively listening, you can better understand their needs and provide solutions that will meet their expectations. By being attentive to what your customers are saying, you can identify potential problems with products or services, as well as areas of improvement for the future.

Active listening also encourages respect in the workplace by fostering a culture where everyone feels heard and understood. A key element of active listening is getting feedback from employees and customers to help clarify messages. This allows everyone to feel valued in the workplace, as well as fostering a sense of belonging and mutual understanding.

To become an effective listener, it's important to practice active listening techniques such as pausing while speaking to allow for reflection, inviting questions and comments, summarizing what has been said, and confirming understanding of the message. Try to avoid giving advice or trying to solve problems until after the speaker has finished expressing their thoughts. Taking these steps will help ensure that everyone in the workplace is heard and understood.

Active listening is an important skill that can help build strong relationships between employees, employers and customers. By actively listening, you can foster a more respectful workplace where everyone feels heard and understood. Through practice of active listening techniques, it is possible to create open lines of communication that will lead to improved customer satisfaction and better outcomes for all involved.

What Is Expressing Empathy in Business?

Expressing empathy in business is a key ingredient for building strong customer relationships and providing remarkable customer service. Empathy is the ability to recognize, understand, and share the feelings of another person; it allows us to respond compassionately to those we serve, even when faced with difficult situations or contentious customers.

Empathy can be particularly important when dealing with emotional callers. It is essential to remain patient, understand their situation, and respond in a non-defensive and non-judgmental way. By expressing empathy, we can make the customer feel heard and valued, which will help to de-escalate any tension or frustration they may be experiencing.

In order to express empathy effectively, it is important to develop emotional intelligence. This involves learning how to listen actively and respond in a caring way. When we put ourselves in the customer’s shoes, they will feel understood and that their needs are being taken seriously. By expressing genuine interest in what they have to say and demonstrating understanding of their feelings, we can increase our influence and rapport with them.

Expressing empathy in business is critical for building strong customer relationships and providing outstanding service. By developing emotional intelligence and listening to others, we can learn how to respond compassionately and gain the trust of those we serve. This will enable us to create remarkable customer experiences and cultivate lasting relationships.

Related Business Management Information:

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Self-Paced Business Management eLearning courses cost $100 at the starting point per student. Group purchase discounts are available.

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A: If you are wondering what Business Management skills are important to learn, we've written a Business Management Skills and Learning Guide that maps out Business Management skills that are key to master and which of our courses teaches each skill.

Read Our Business Management Skills and Learning Guide

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Explore Management Training Classes Near Me:

Certstaffix Training offers self-paced eLearning courses for Business Management, ideal for those looking for convenient and flexible learning options. With these online classes, you can save time trekking to and from a physical class location by taking courses remotely. Have the ability to learn when it's most convenient for you with our eLearning courses – no more worrying about searching for "Business Management classes near me" and commuting long distances. Take advantage of our online Business Management classes today to get the education you need quickly. Start learning today and see how Certstaffix Training can help you reach your goals.


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