Kubernetes Skills and Learning Guide

Kubernetes Training Classes

Posted on 4/27/2023 by Jonathan O'Brien

  • What are essential Kubernetes skills?
  • How can you learn these Kubernetes skills?
Kubernetes Skills and Training


Self-Paced Kubernetes eLearning

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Kubernetes - eLearning Bundle 7 courses $450

Kubernetes skills are essential for all IT professionals, as it is one of the most critical technologies in cloud-native computing today. Kubernetes enables companies to build and deploy applications more quickly, reliably, and securely than ever. With Kubernetes, organizations can improve resource utilization, automate deployment processes and create a more agile and efficient IT infrastructure. As a result, companies that have adopted Kubernetes can reduce operational costs while staying ahead of their competition in terms of innovation.

Kubernetes is also a critical skill set in the modern job market because many organizations are looking for developers with knowledge of this technology. Having Kubernetes skills can open up various job opportunities for IT professionals. Kubernetes is an essential technology in today's IT landscape, and having the skills to work with it can benefit organizations and individuals alike. As such, it is highly advantageous for IT professionals to obtain certification in this technology to leverage their knowledge and skills in the job market. It is important for IT professionals to understand the importance of Kubernetes skills and how they can use them to their advantage. With this understanding, they will be able to benefit from all the advantages that come with mastering this technology.

Top Kubernetes Skills to Learn

Find below a comprehensive list of essential Kubernetes skills to learn to successfully use the program to its full capability. Find out how you can learn each skill in Certstaffix Training's courses.

Kubernetes Skills

Kubernetes is an open-source platform for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. In today's modern technology landscape, knowledge and experience with Kubernetes is becoming increasingly critical to staying competitive in the workforce. Having Kubernetes skills will allow you to efficiently deploy distributed applications on any infrastructure, providing you with a competitive edge over other candidates when looking for jobs. Kubernetes skills also make it easier to manage complex microservices and applications, allowing you to quickly respond to customers and stay ahead of industry trends.


Kubernetes Containers

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Kubernetes containers are a platform that allows developers and system administrators to easily deploy and manage applications in container formats. Kubernetes provides an efficient and flexible way to package, deploy, scale, and manage application workloads in distributed environments. By using the same managed environment for all your applications, you can achieve faster response times and greater efficiency. Kubernetes also allows for increased automation and simplifies the process of managing application deployments and makes them available in multiple cloud platforms, including Google Cloud Platform and Amazon Web Services. With the help of Kubernetes, applications can be quickly deployed without having to worry about manual configuration steps or complex processes. Kubernetes containers enable the creation of complex architectures with multiple applications running in parallel, all within a single environment. This allows for greater levels of control and scalability, making it easier to manage an entire application stack. Kubernetes containers provide a great way to quickly deploy and scale your applications without sacrificing reliability or security.

Docker Operating Systems Available for Installation

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Docker supports a wide range of operating systems, including Windows, MacOS, and Linux. Depending on the type of system chosen, different installation methods may be available. For example, users can install Docker Desktop on their hardware or in the cloud with Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Microsoft Azure. Additionally, Docker has released several specialized operating systems, such as Container OS and Docker Enterprise Edition. These operating systems are specifically designed to run containers, providing users with the tools they need to create, manage and deploy applications built using Docker. No matter what type of system a user is running, there should be an appropriate Docker operating system available for installation.

The Role of YAML, Resource Files, and Minikube in Kubernetes

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Kubernetes is a powerful container management system that enables users to manage and deploy applications quickly and easily. To make this possible, Kubernetes relies on three core components: YAML, resource files, and Minikube.

YAML (Yet Another Markup Language) is a human-readable data serialization language used to define configurations and settings in Kubernetes. YAML files are used to define the desired state of a cluster, including pod creation, deployment strategies, resource limits, and more.

Resource files are another essential element within Kubernetes. These files specify the computing resources that Kubernetes will manage and allocate to applications. Resource files are written in either JSON or YAML and contain information about the number of CPUs, memory, storage requirements, and other parameters needed to run a given application.

The last component that makes Kubernetes possible is Minikube. This is an open-source tool that runs a single-node Kubernetes cluster locally, enabling developers to test their applications on a local machine before deploying them to the cloud. Minikube is an important part of the Kubernetes development workflow and allows for quick iteration cycles than would be possible with a production-level deployment.

Together, YAML, resource files, and Minikube make Kubernetes more user-friendly and accessible. By understanding the role these components play in a Kubernetes environment, developers can leverage the platform to its full potential and create powerful applications with ease.

Kubernetes Networking and Services

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Kubernetes Networking and Services (KNS) is an open-source network orchestration platform designed to automate the deployment of modern computing applications in the cloud. It provides a comprehensive set of tools and services that enable users to easily create, manage, and scale their applications across multiple cloud providers. KNS helps organizations to quickly deploy applications and services while ensuring their scalability and availability. KNS also provides several features to optimize application performance, including network segmentation, IP address management, service discovery, load balancing, and ingress routing. It streamlines the process of setting up security policies for applications by allowing users to define rules such as firewalls or access control lists.

KNS offers features that enable users to troubleshoot their applications quickly and efficiently by providing visibility into application performance and resource usage. By utilizing these features, organizations can ensure that their applications are secure, reliable, and performant. KNS helps organizations save time and money by reducing the costs associated with managing traditional on-premises applications. It also makes development easier by allowing teams to quickly deploy and scale their applications without having to manually configure each server.

Kubernetes Workloads

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Kubernetes workloads are the components that make up the cluster. These can include applications, services, and other resources such as persistent storage or networking infrastructure. Kubernetes workloads are managed through an application programming interface (API) which allows for efficient and reliable automation of deployment and scaling. This makes it easier for developers to quickly deploy and manage complex workloads in production. Kubernetes also provides the ability to configure and monitor services, applications, and infrastructure through custom automation policies which allow for greater agility in dealing with dynamic cloud environments. By using Kubernetes workloads, businesses can quickly scale up their applications while retaining control over resource utilization. This helps them reduce operational costs and improve uptime in production environments. Kubernetes allows for easy integration of existing workloads with cloud services such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Google Cloud Platform (GCP). This gives businesses the flexibility to migrate their computing resources quickly and easily.

Identifying and Classifying Software Designs in Kubernetes

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Identifying and classifying software designs in Kubernetes is an important part of ensuring that applications are running efficiently. By understanding the different types of software designs, developers and architects can create architectures that will provide optimal performance for their application’s workloads. By identifying and categorizing the various software designs available in Kubernetes, organizations can make sure they are using the most efficient design to meet their goals. Kubernetes offers a variety of different software designs, including stateful applications, microservices, multi-tier applications, and containerized applications. By understanding these different types of software designs, developers and architects can create an architecture that will provide the best performance for their application’s workloads. By understanding the different software designs available in Kubernetes, organizations can make sure they are using the most efficient design for their particular needs. With an increased focus on performance and cost efficiency, organizations must understand the various types of software designs available in Kubernetes so they can make the best decisions on their software architecture.

Best Practices for Kubernetes Design Patterns

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Kubernetes is an open-source container-orchestration system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. As such, organizations rely on Kubernetes to operate their deployments in a secure, reliable, and cost-efficient manner. To help ensure this is achieved, it’s important to consider best practices for Kubernetes design patterns.

Some of the best practices to consider when designing a Kubernetes architecture include: understanding the application requirements, breaking down services into smaller components, leveraging namespaces to separate environments, and adopting a declarative configuration model. It’s essential to ensure security and access control are properly configured, utilize resource requests and limits to manage workloads efficiently, and use automated deployment tools like Helm for repeatable deployments.

By following these best practices for Kubernetes design patterns, organizations can achieve a secure and reliable architecture that meets the demands of their applications. This will help ensure scalability as well as efficient resource utilization. With the right practices in place, organizations can ensure their Kubernetes architecture is operating at its best and delivering value to the business.

Kubernetes Clusters in Managed and Unmanaged Environments

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Kubernetes clusters are the underlying deployment model used to manage container-based applications. Managed Kubernetes clusters typically involve using a cloud provider’s infrastructure and services such as Amazon EKS, Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), or Microsoft Azure Container Service (AKS). Unmanaged Kubernetes clusters involve setting up and managing the cluster yourself, usually with a self-hosted solution.

In a managed Kubernetes environment, the cloud provider manages most of the underlying infrastructure such as computing resources, storage, networking, and other services related to running containers. This allows you to focus on developing applications rather than managing servers. In addition, managed Kubernetes services provide a range of features such as automatic upgrades, monitoring, logging, and autoscaling.

Unmanaged Kubernetes clusters are not provided by a cloud provider and require more setup and maintenance on your part. This is often done with open-source software such as Red Hat OpenShift or Canonical’s Kubernetes Distribution. Setting up an unmanaged cluster requires more time and effort but allows for greater customization, control, and flexibility over your environment.

The decision to use a managed or unmanaged Kubernetes cluster depends on the needs of your organization. Managed environments provide convenience and cost savings, while unmanaged environments provide more control and customization. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to carefully evaluate the costs and benefits of each before deciding.

Kubernetes Extension Points

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Kubernetes extension points are components that allow developers to extend the core Kubernetes functionalities through customizations and plugins. These extension points provide a platform for developers to modify and add features to their Kubernetes clusters or applications, thus allowing them to tailor their infrastructure according to their specific needs. Through these extensions, users can also extend their Kubernetes clusters to support new use cases, such as multi-container applications or serverless architectures. The main extension points available in Kubernetes are Controllers, Custom Resources Definitions (CRDs), Admission Controllers, and API Aggregators. Each of these components offers the ability to customize and enhance the core Kubernetes platform, giving users the power to design their own custom Kubernetes applications or clusters. By taking advantage of these extension points, users can build powerful, performant, and secure applications that are tailored to their individual needs.

Kubernetes Custom Resources and Controllers

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Kubernetes custom resources and controllers are two components designed to extend the Kubernetes API by creating additional APIs with custom object definitions. These objects can be used to both store data and set up rules for how that data should be processed. Custom controllers then react to changes in this data, allowing users more control over their workloads in the Kubernetes cluster. Users can build and manage their applications much more efficiently and with less manual effort. Custom resources and controllers are often used together to customize an application's behavior within the cluster, particularly when dealing with non-standardized data structures or logic.

By leveraging these components, developers are able to bring more complex applications to life in the Kubernetes cluster. Custom resources and controllers can also be used to manage external services as part of a larger application ecosystem. They provide an important tool for organizations looking to take full advantage of their Kubernetes clusters.

Kubernetes Dynamic Admission Controllers

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Kubernetes Dynamic Admission Controllers (DACs) are powerful tools that allow administrators to control the admission of resources and workloads into their Kubernetes clusters. DACs enable organizations to configure automated policies for granting access, validating resource requests, and creating customized security measures. This provides a centralized way of managing access control at the cluster level, allowing administrators to apply consistent policies across their entire environment. DACs are particularly useful in multi-tenant clusters since they can allow for more granular access control and enforcement of best practices for each tenant. In addition to improved security, DACs also provide greater visibility into resource requests from workloads within the cluster and enable organizations to quickly detect and respond to any suspicious or malicious activities. By leveraging DACs, organizations can ensure that their Kubernetes clusters are secure and well-maintained.

Kubernetes Custom Schedulers

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Kubernetes Custom Schedulers are a type of scheduling software that provides enterprise-level control over workloads. They provide advanced options for configuring, managing, and optimizing resource allocation to ensure optimal performance. By running automated or manual algorithms, they can help optimize the use of system resources while also providing safety checks against potential problems. Kubernetes Custom Schedulers can also help to reduce costs associated with maintaining and running applications. They enable organizations to be more efficient while simultaneously reducing the risk of downtime or system errors. Kubernetes Custom Schedulers are essential for managing large-scale workloads in a production environment, ensuring optimal resource utilization and performance. This makes them especially beneficial for organizations in fast-paced industries, or those with a global presence that require consistent resource optimization across multiple locations. With Kubernetes Custom Schedulers, businesses can save time and money while ensuring their applications are running at peak efficiency.

Kubernetes Networking Models

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Kubernetes networking models are the different ways in which communication between various components of a Kubernetes cluster is established. Depending on the type of application and the environment, different network models may be required. The four major networks used by Kubernetes are Bridge, Host, Overlay, and Macvlan.

Bridge networks are the most common type of network used in Kubernetes and allow traffic between pods on different nodes. Host networks use the existing physical network as a bridge and are best suited for applications that need to communicate directly with external services. Overlay networks, such as Flannel or WeaveNet, allow multiple clusters to communicate with each other and are often used in multi-cluster deployments. Macvlan networks provide the advantage of having direct access to physical networks, allowing for greater control over traffic between nodes.

Each type of network has its advantages and drawbacks, so it is important to consider which one best suits your needs when setting up a Kubernetes cluster. To ensure that the network is set up correctly, it is also important to consult with a Kubernetes expert who can provide advice and guidance on the best network model for your application. By understanding all of the different networking models available in Kubernetes, organizations can be sure to get the most out of their applications and make the most of their investment in Kubernetes technologies.

Kubernetes High-Availability Container Clusters

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Kubernetes high-availability container clusters provide the highest level of availability for your applications and services. Kubernetes clusters are distributed across multiple nodes in a single data center or across multiple regions, ensuring that your services remain available even if one or more nodes experience an outage. With Kubernetes, you can deploy and manage containers across multiple nodes, allowing you to scale your applications and services quickly and easily. Kubernetes also provides a wide range of features for managing application lifecycles, such as autoscaling, health checks, container orchestration, and self-healing capabilities. Kubernetes is highly extensible, allowing you to customize your clusters to fit your specific business needs. Kubernetes high-availability container clusters are a powerful and reliable way to deploy and manage applications across multiple nodes. With the right setup, you can ensure that your services remain available no matter what, giving you peace of mind in knowing that your business will never be disrupted by an outage.

Deploying Kubernetes Containerized Applications

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Deploying Kubernetes containerized applications is a process that enables organizations to more efficiently manage the deployment and scaling of their cloud-based services. With Kubernetes, developers can deploy highly scalable and reliable applications with greater speed, flexibility, and agility. By abstracting away the complexity associated with managing distributed systems for scalability, reliability, and security, Kubernetes helps developers to focus on the development of their applications instead of worrying about the infrastructure.

Kubernetes enables organizations to take advantage of a wide range of cloud-native services such as auto-scaling for capacity management, service discovery for routing requests, and logging for debugging. Kubernetes provides a platform for automated deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. This can help organizations reduce operational overheads and take advantage of cloud-native services without having to manage the underlying infrastructure themselves.

Kubernetes also helps developers increase their agility by allowing them to easily deploy, update, and scale applications in response to changing user demand. By leveraging Kubernetes, developers can quickly scale their applications both horizontally and vertically to meet increased demands without having to redeploy the entire application. This allows organizations to more quickly respond to changes in user demand and optimize the cost of operations.

Kubernetes Security and High-Performance Best Practices

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Kubernetes is quickly becoming one of the most popular ways to manage containerized applications in the cloud. But with its widespread adoption, come potential security risks. As such, organizations must implement Kubernetes security and high-performance best practices to ensure their systems remain safe and efficient.

Organizations should start by creating a detailed security plan that outlines the steps needed to ensure the safety of their Kubernetes environment. This should include the implementation of authentication and authorization protocols, as well as access control measures such as role-based access control (RBAC). Organizations should monitor for malicious or suspicious activity within their Kubernetes clusters using tools like audit logs, network firewalls, and intrusion detection systems.

Organizations should also consider implementing high-performance best practices for their Kubernetes environment. This includes optimizing resource utilization, scaling properly based on workloads, and running applications in containers that are tailored to the specific application needs. Organizations should strive to minimize latency by leveraging features such as autoscaling and using services like Ingress to handle the routing of requests.

By following these Kubernetes security and high-performance best practices, organizations can ensure their applications are running safely and efficiently in their cloud environment. With continued vigilance, organizations can avoid any potential issues or vulnerabilities that may arise in their Kubernetes clusters.

Tracking Kubernetes Container Metrics and Logs

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Tracking Kubernetes container metrics and logs is a process that involves collecting data from the running containers, and providing information on their performance and health. This data can be used to analyze and troubleshoot issues in the infrastructure, identify opportunities for improvement, and ensure higher quality availability of services.

To track Kubernetes container metrics, logs need to be collected from the containers and analyzed for insights. This process requires a monitoring tool that can collect data from all of the resources running in Kubernetes clusters and present it in an organized manner. The data obtained from this analysis must then be used to detect any issues or anomalies that may arise.

By tracking Kubernetes container metrics and logs, organizations can gain better visibility into the performance of their applications and infrastructure. This process allows teams to quickly detect and troubleshoot any issues that may arise in the system, ensuring higher quality availability of services across all environments. It provides a deeper understanding of how applications are performing, helping organizations make more informed decisions about their architecture. Tracking Kubernetes container metrics and logs can help teams ensure the highest level of reliability, scalability, and availability for their applications.

Kubernetes Large-Scale Container Orchestration

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Kubernetes is an open-source system that enables large-scale container orchestration. It automates application deployment, scaling, and management of containers across multiple hosts in a cluster. Kubernetes is designed to deploy, scale, and manage workloads on distributed computing environments running on physical or virtual machines. It also provides self-healing capabilities, allowing for automatic scheduling and optimization of containerized applications based on resource availability. Kubernetes is an ideal platform for managing multiple microservices or applications under one umbrella system with minimal overhead. It simplifies the development process by allowing developers to focus on their core product, instead of spending time configuring infrastructure components such as databases, web servers, and other resources. Kubernetes supports automated rollouts and rollbacks of applications, which helps organizations maintain steady uptime with minimal effort. By leveraging the power of Kubernetes for container orchestration, organizations can maximize their efficiency and gain a competitive advantage in the market.

Robust Kubernetes Clusters

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Monitoring and troubleshooting Kubernetes clusters is the process of monitoring the performance, availability, and health of applications running on those clusters. It involves proactively tracking system metrics to identify problems before they become major issues. It involves responding quickly to any issues that arise by diagnosing the cause of the issue and taking corrective action to ensure that the cluster and its applications remain healthy. This can involve deploying new replicas of a pod, restarting containers, or even rolling back an entire deployment. Monitoring and troubleshooting Kubernetes clusters are essential for keeping applications running smoothly and efficiently. With the right monitoring tools in place, teams can gain insight into their clusters and take preventive measures to prevent downtime and keep applications running optimally. By having the right troubleshooting techniques and tools, teams can ensure that they can quickly react to any issues that may arise so that their applications remain productive. With proper monitoring and troubleshooting solutions in place, Kubernetes clusters can remain healthy and operational for longer periods of time.

Monitoring and Troubleshooting Kubernetes Clusters

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Monitoring and troubleshooting Kubernetes clusters is the process of monitoring the performance, availability, and health of applications running on those clusters. It involves proactively tracking system metrics to identify problems before they become major issues. It involves responding quickly to any issues that arise by diagnosing the cause of the issue and taking corrective action to ensure that the cluster and its applications remain healthy. This can involve deploying new replicas of a pod, restarting containers, or even rolling back an entire deployment. Monitoring and troubleshooting Kubernetes clusters are essential for keeping applications running smoothly and efficiently. With the right monitoring tools in place, teams can gain insight into their clusters and take preventive measures to prevent downtime and keep applications running optimally. By having the right troubleshooting techniques and tools, teams can ensure that they can quickly react to any issues that may arise so that their applications remain productive. With proper monitoring and troubleshooting solutions in place, Kubernetes clusters can remain healthy and operational for longer periods of time.

Complex Stateful Kubernetes Applications

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Complex stateful Kubernetes applications are a set of microservices, databases, and other components that work together to enable application resilience and scalability. By using Kubernetes as an orchestrator, developers can deploy these distributed applications quickly and easily on any cloud platform or in their own data center. Stateful apps provide high availability, automated scaling, and self-healing capabilities that help ensure applications remain available and perform well in the face of changing conditions. They also provide an easy way to maintain data consistency across multiple components, including multi-node clusters. With complex stateful Kubernetes applications, developers can quickly build distributed applications that are reliable, resilient, and scalable without investing a lot of time and resources. The result is faster time to market, lower operational overhead, and improved overall application performance. By leveraging the power of Kubernetes, organizations can reduce their risk and maximize their efficiency when deploying complex applications.

Related Kubernetes Posts:

How Much Do Kubernetes Training Courses Cost?

Self-Paced Kubernetes eLearning courses cost $450 at the starting point per student. Group purchase discounts are available.

What Kubernetes Skills Should I Learn?

A: If you are wondering what Kubernetes skills are important to learn, we've written a Kubernetes Skills and Learning Guide that maps out Kubernetes skills that are key to master and which of our courses teaches each skill.

Read Our Kubernetes Skills and Learning Guide

Is Kubernetes is easy to learn?

A: Kubernetes is a powerful tool that can help you manage your containerized applications, but it can be complex to learn and use. While there are many online resources available to help you get started with Kubernetes, it's important to consider whether or not the learning curve is worth it for your particular needs. If you're looking for a tool that will make managing your containers easier, Kubernetes may be a good fit for you.

Certstaffix Training offers Kubernetes training courses to help you learn Kubernetes. Our courses are designed to be interactive and engaging, so you can learn the concepts easily and quickly.

How do I start learning Kubernetes?

A: There are a few different ways that you can start learning Kubernetes. You can take an online tutorial, read documentation or books about the topic, or attend a training course.

If you want to learn at your own pace, taking an online tutorial or eLearning course is a great option. Reading books on Kubernetes and practicing with the software is another option for self-learners. If you prefer a more hands-on approach, attending a live training course is the way to go. They can be held live online or in-person depending on the provider. You'll be able to work with other students and get expert instruction from a live trainer in either format.

No matter which method you choose, make sure you have access to quality resources so you can learn as much as possible about Kubernetes. With the right tools, you'll be able to confidently deploy and manage your applications on this powerful platform.

Certstaffix Training offers online Kubernetes courses that you can learn with from the comfort of your home or work.

Is Kubernetes same as Docker?

A: Kubernetes and Docker are both popular tools used for managing containers, but they are not the same thing. Kubernetes is an orchestration tool that can be used to manage large numbers of containers, while Docker is a tool used for creating and running containers. While you can use Docker without Kubernetes, Kubernetes cannot run without Docker.

What are the top Kubernetes skills?

A: Kubernetes has become the most popular container orchestration platform. So what are the top Kubernetes skills that you need to know in order to be successful with it? Some of the top Kubernetes skills include:

Top Kubernetes Skills

- Knowing how to deploy and manage Kubernetes applications

- Understanding Kubernetes networking and security

- Being able to troubleshoot Kubernetes cluster issues

- Having a good understanding of the Kubernetes API

- Knowing how to scale Kubernetes deployments

- Understanding how to use Kubernetes monitoring tools

Kubernetes has quickly become the most popular container orchestration platform. In order to be successful with Kubernetes, you need to have a strong understanding of how it works and the skills to manage clusters effectively. Our Kubernetes training courses will teach you everything you need to know about this powerful platform so that you can deploy and manage applications with ease.

Where Can I Learn More About Kubernetes?

Kubernetes Blogs

Kubernetes User Groups

Kubernetes Online Forums

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