Is Adobe After Effects Easy or Hard to Learn?

Posted on 08/01/2022 by Niko Venev

As one of the most beloved tools of those who work in video production, Adobe After Effects holds a special place in the hearts of animation enthusiasts. Adobe After Effects can be used to create anything that relies on motion graphics, including TV shows, video games, and animations, making it a go-to piece of software to create dynamic projects of all kinds. As it can be feature-rich and employed for complex purposes, one of the first questions that novices often ask is how hard it is to master.


Live Adobe After Effects Instructor-led Courses

Course Title Length Price (USD)
Adobe After Effects 3 days $1,360

Self-Paced Adobe After Effects eLearning

Course Title Length Price (USD)
Master Adobe eLearning Bundle 20 courses $950
Adobe After Effects (2021) eLearning Bundle 5 courses $300

Is Adobe After Effects Easy to Learn?

Whether you find Adobe After Effects easy to learn can depend on a number of factors, including your experience with similar pieces of software, your profession, and how you intend to use the program. It goes without saying that if you understand animation concepts and have worked with motion design before, you'll have an easier time with mastering this program. Before diving into all that Adobe After Effects has to offer, determine exactly what you need to know how to do to complete your professional duties. Consider avoiding advanced features and functions that you won't need to use to finish projects; this can save you time and make achieving proficiency easier.


How Can I Streamline Learning Adobe After Effects?

When asking, "Is Adobe After Effects easy to learn?" understand that you can often achieve competency by streamlining the educational process and creating a solid block of knowledge on which to build. Consider familiarizing yourself with what are considered the foundations of graphic design software: Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. Don't expect to become a master at creating animation graphics with Adobe After Effects with only a few days of studying; even with the best instructor by your side, developing great animations takes practice and an artist's sensibilities. Be open to asking for and receiving feedback, both from employers and the general public, as they can let you know which of your skills can be most valuable. And know that any professional training that you undertake will provide you with a solid foundation to eventually produce great work that even corporate clients will be clamoring for.


Is Adobe After Effects Hard to Learn on Your Own?

While many students may want to pursue learning Adobe After Effects on their own using free resources to try to save money, educating oneself on the software may prove to be more difficult and time-consuming than initially anticipated. Although attempting this form of self-study may seem like a convenient option, those who go this route can often find themselves confused and requiring weeks of study to understand the basic features of the software. Individuals can save themselves some frustration by making the choice to sign up for Adobe After Effects classes that have been structured by a professional teacher for accelerated learning. At Certstaffix Training, we offer After Effects courses that are taught by a live instructor and can be completed in just a few days.


Learning Adobe After Effects: Tips, Tricks, and Advice

When students ask, "Is Adobe After Effects hard to learn?" there's often an implicit desire to find tips and tricks that make mastering this program easier. First, avail yourself of Adobe's official resources. Adobe hosts several free After Effects tutorials and guides on their website, which aren't as thorough as paid courses but can be a good starting point for novices. When practicing with the program, become familiar with anything in the interface that will make working with it easier, including presets and shortcuts. These can save you a significant amount of time and spare you the headache of having to learn how to manually create items. Consider studying other animations that are similar to what you want to create: Break down their components, examine each frame, and re-create them using a reverse-engineering approach. This technique will aid you in learning how all of the elements work with each other to create a cohesive animation.

Related Adobe After Effects Posts:

Public instructor-led Adobe After Effects course prices start at $1,360 per student. Group training discounts are available.

Self-Paced Adobe After Effects eLearning courses cost $300 at the starting point per student. Group purchase discounts are available.


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