Web Development Tutorials & Training Resources

Posted on 05/18/2018 by Jonathan O'Brien

The foundations of good Web design are three types of coding: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These may seem complex to the outsider, but the Internet offers plenty of resources to help even complete novices understand how these languages work.


Live Web Design Instructor-led Courses

Course Title Length Price (USD)
HTML5 & Cascading Style Sheets 3 4 days $1,830
Javascript Programming 3 days $1,775
jQuery Fundamentals 3 days $1,775
Perl Programming 3 days Teams Only
WordPress for End Users 2 days $1,190
Responsive Web Development with HTML and CSS 3 days Teams Only

Self-Paced Web Design eLearning

Course Title Length Price (USD)
Javascript eLearning Bundle 5 courses $375
jQuery eLearning Bundle 13 courses $375
Perl Programming eLearning Bundle 5 courses $300
Web Design eLearning Bundle 7 courses $375
WordPress eLearning Bundle 22 courses $300

Learning HTML and CSS

Applying CSS to HTML Tags

Learning to apply CSS to HTML coding can be very beneficial, as it allows you to reduce the amount of HTML that needs to be written and re-written by hand. CSS is a type of code that can communicate the definition and appearance of a Web page and be used on multiple pages, creating a template that can be modified once to change the look of multiple pages. Skillful use of CSS in conjunction with HTML can reduce a programmer's workload and ensure a consistent style across the site.


Learning About HTML Heredity

In genetics, heredity is the passing down of traits from parent to child, and the concept works similarly in the field of HTML programming. In HTML, any property that’s set in the body tag, the “parent” tag, will apply to all of it’s “child” tags, like paragraph tags. This applies to the use of CSS because if you create style rules for the body tag, they will then apply to all of the child tags on the page. Elements like paragraph tags are child tags, but elements like heading tags do not inherit properties from their parents, so any CSS rules you want to define for these will have to be set separately.


The Functions of HTML/CSS Specificity

Specificity is the way a Web browser determines which CSS rules to apply to the HTML code when there are multiple rules that conflict with one another. The browser will pick whichever rule applies to a more specific element of the code to apply.


Sprite Sheets in HTML/CSS

On the Internet, images can slow down the loading of a page, but if you have many similar images, a sprite sheet can be used for faster loading. Sprite sheets work by putting all of the graphics into one file, making it easier for the browser to load everything with one server request rather than many separate requests.


How to Use HTML Reset Stylesheets

Making your Web page look exactly the same on every browser can be very difficult because different browsers have their own default styles. Reset code was created to fix this problem by eliminating the browser’s default style settings, resetting everything to a baseline on which you can build your own CSS without interference from any existing style.


Resources for Learning JavaScript

JavaScript Variable Scopes

A variable scope is the range of the effect of a variable within a function. Variables can be either global or local in scope. A global variable can be accessed in an entire program, either inside or outside of functions; local variables can only be used by the functions they lie within.


What JavaScript Arrays Do

An array is a collection of multiple values, and it’s one of the most important parts of working with JavaScript. Using arrays will keep your information more organized and accessible, making code-building a lot more efficient.


How JavaScript Array Methods Work

A JavaScript method is a built-in function that can act on an array. For instance, the method ‘toString()’ can convert an array’s values into a comma-delimited string. By using different methods, you can make the values within the array display in different ways.


How Immediately Invoked Function Expressions Work

Immediately invoked function expressions are used to make a private scope within the current scope by using a function to change it from a declaration into an expression. Using these can help keep scopes uncluttered while adding processing that can’t be accessed from the outside.


Using Immediately Invoked Function Expressions in JavaScript

IIFEs are used in multiple ways within applications that can be really useful when coding with JavaScript. For example, IIFEs can be used for a Module pattern, in which private members are created that are only accessible with public methods. Another similar use is the Revealing Module pattern, which keeps all of its methods defined within the local IIFE’s scope. The result returned points to the methods that should be shown to the public interface.

Related HTML & Web Development Posts:

Public instructor-led HTML Web Development course prices start at $1,190 per student. Group training discounts are available.

Self-Paced HTML Web Development eLearning courses cost $300 at the starting point per student. Group purchase discounts are available.


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