Responsive Web Development with HTML and CSS Course

Course Details:

Length: 3 days

Price: $1,300/person (USD)

Group Price: Request Quote

Training Reviews

Course Features:

Live Instructor Teaching

Certificate of Completion

Digital Badge

Courseware: Print

Free 6 Month Online Retake

Hands-On Learning?: Yes

Software Lab Included?: Yes

Delivery Methods:

Live Online

Individuals and Groups
@ Your Location

Onsite for Teams

Group Teams
@ Your Organization

This is an instructor-led course. It is taught by an instructor live online or at organizations for groups.
For team training, we can teach onsite at your office or private live online.


Course Overview

With this course, we have created the definitive guide for all things responsive. We cover the entire gamut of HTML5 and CSS3's new features that help to effortlessly create modern, responsive web designs.

The changing way in which we access the web means that there has never been a greater range of screen sizes and associated user experiences. With these trends driving changes in design, typical desktop-only websites fail to meet even minimum expectations when it comes to style and usability, which can be vital when your website is central to yours or your client's brand.

A responsive web design provides a single solution that looks great on a phone, desktop, and everything in-between, providing the best experience possible for both today's and tomorrow's devices. This course covers every essential aspect of RWD and broader front-end development best practices.

We'll focus heavily on applying the latest techniques provided by HTML5 and CSS3, all in the context of real-world examples. Along the way, you'll discover tips and tricks that make your future designs and development workflow leaner and more maintainable than ever before.

By the time you reach the end, you'll be equipped with the latest cutting edge front-end development skills, ready to develop your very own modern, responsive websites that are pixel-perfect across a wide range of devices.

Register Early: Registration Deadline is 2 Weeks Prior to Class Start.

Course Notes

Course Scope

We will cover responsive web design using HTML5 and CSS3. Frameworks such as Bootstrap are not in scope of this course. This course will also not teach HTML5 and CSS3 coding. Students are expected to know these languages.

Target Audience

This course is for web developers who are looking to build modern responsive websites using HTML5 and CSS3. You should have a basic knowledge of HTML and CSS, and should know how to work with browser developer tools.

Knowledge Prerequisites

HTML5 & Cascading Style Sheets 3
• The student should have full knowledge and experience with HTML5 and CSS3, as covered in our HTML5 & Cascading Style Sheets 3 course.

Course Topics

Course FAQs

What Are the Available Class Formats?

This course is taught by a live instructor and is available in two class formats:

  1. Live Online for Individuals
  2. Onsite/Online for Private Groups

What Is Responsive Web Design?

Responsive web design is a type of web design technique that allows websites to be experienced optimally on any device regardless of size or orientation. This includes everything from desktop computers and laptop screens to tablets and smartphones. Responsive web design also ensures a website looks good in both landscape and portrait orientations for mobile devices.

Utilizing responsive web design consists of a combination of flexible layouts, images, and cascading style sheet (CSS) media queries. Flexible layouts enable websites to dynamically adjust for varying screen sizes, while CSS media queries allow the website's content to respond gracefully to various user preferences such as font size and display resolution. Responsive web design also makes use of flexible media, such as images and videos that can be scaled up or down to fit any screen size.

Responsive web design enables websites to provide users with a seamless experience regardless of the device they are using. This allows businesses to reach more potential customers and increases their ability to effectively engage with them.

What Are CSS Media Queries?

CSS Media Queries are powerful CSS feature that allows web designers to adapt their designs based on the device or viewport size of the user. With media queries, developers can create stylesheet rules and apply them based on the characteristics of a device’s display such as its width, height, orientation, resolution, aspect ratio, and more. This enables developers to create websites that are responsive and optimized for any device.

Media queries can be combined to target multiple viewport characteristics. Using media queries, developers can alter their designs based on the characteristics of a user’s device. This could include things such as changing font size and layout or hiding certain elements. It is important to keep in mind, however, that all changes should be made with the user’s experience in mind.

When using media queries, there are a few best practices that developers should keep in mind. First, always test your designs on multiple devices to ensure they are looking and behaving as expected. Additionally, always use a mobile-first approach when developing media queries. This helps prioritize the most important content on smaller viewports while providing enhancements for larger viewports. Lastly, use the Viewport Meta Tag to ensure your site is optimized for all devices.

The Viewport Meta Tag is an HTML element that is used to control the behavior of a device’s viewport. It allows developers to set the width and initial scale of a website, as well as control other aspects such as touch zooming. Using this tag can help ensure your designs look consistent on all devices.

Media Queries Level 4 adds new features and functionality to the existing media query syntax. This includes new logical operators that allow developers to create more complex queries, as well as a range of new media features such as pointer, hover, and light-level information. These new features provide even greater control over how a website is presented on different devices.

CSS Media Queries are an important part of modern web development. By combining the power of media queries with best practices and the Viewport Meta Tag, developers can create sites that are optimized for any viewport size or device. As always, testing is key to ensure your designs look and behave as expected on all devices.

What Are Fluid CSS Layouts and Responsive Images?

Fluid CSS layouts use relative units (percentages and ems) instead of absolute units (pixels). This allows page elements to resize relative to the browser window width. By using media queries, designers can adjust and optimize a design for different resolutions or devices.

Flexbox is a modern CSS tool that allows developers to quickly and easily create flexible and responsive layouts. Flexbox makes it easy to specify the positioning, sizing, alignment, and ordering of elements on the page. It also eliminates the need for complex float or position calculations that are usually needed for creating complicated grid-based designs.

Responsive images allow web pages to automatically adjust their size according to the device or viewport size. By using the srcset attribute, developers can specify different image sizes for each breakpoint. This allows images to be served in an appropriate size for the user’s device and helps reduce page load times by only downloading the necessary resources.

By combining fluid CSS layouts with Flexbox and responsive images, developers can create designs that are flexible and optimized for any device or resolution. This helps ensure a consistent design experience across different devices, which is essential for providing a great user experience.

What Is HTML5 for Responsive Web Designs?

HTML5 for Responsive Web Designs is an important step in creating a modern website. This markup language helps designers to create content that can adapt to different screen sizes and display environments. HTML5 brings with it the ability to create semantic tags, allowing designers to give their web pages more meaning and structure. It also includes media elements such as video and audio that can be accessed from any device.

By using HTML5 for Responsive Web Designs, web designers can create websites that are optimized for different types of devices, providing an optimal user experience regardless of the screen size or hardware being used. This helps ensure maximum compatibility across all devices and platforms, making it easier for users to access content no matter where they are. HTML5 is designed to be backward compatible, meaning that its code can work with older versions of web browsers and devices.

To make the most of HTML5 for Responsive Web Designs, web developers should become familiar with how it works and how to use its features appropriately. This includes understanding how to implement semantic tags and use the HTML5 media elements to their advantage. Following these best practices will ensure that websites created with HTML5 are optimized for different types of devices and platforms, providing a great user experience across all platforms.

By utilizing HTML5 for Responsive Web Designs, web developers can create sites that look great on any device and work with older versions of web browsers. This can help maximize compatibility while ensuring that the user experience remains consistent across platforms.

What Are CSS Selectors, Typography, and Color Modes?

CSS selectors are a powerful set of tools that allow developers to precisely target and style different elements on a web page. CSS typography and color modes provide additional options for styling content, allowing developers to create visually appealing designs.

CSS3 has introduced several new selectors which can help developers quickly locate and manipulate the various components of their web page. These include structural pseudo-classes, which allow developers to target elements based on their position in the document hierarchy, as well as attribute selectors, allowing them to match elements based on their attributes and values.

CSS3 has also introduced several color formats that can be used to create visually stunning designs. New formats such as RGBA (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha) and HSLA (Hue, Saturation, Lightness, Alpha) allow developers to create color schemes with an alpha transparency component which can be used to create subtle gradients and other design effects.

Combining selectors, typography, and color modes in CSS code, developers can create visually appealing and sophisticated designs for the web. The combination of these features allows developers to separate their content from presentation, allowing them to create feature forks within their codebase to quickly and easily update or add new elements without having to start from scratch. CSS selectors, typography, and color modes are powerful tools that can help developers create visually stunning designs for the web.

What Are Aesthetics with CSS3?

Aesthetics with CSS3 includes many features to help enhance the look and feel of web pages. Shadows can be used to make elements on a page appear more three-dimensional, creating a sense of depth. Gradients give websites a sleek and modern look by blending two or more colors. Background images can be used to create an interesting visual effect on the page by providing a backdrop for the content. CSS filters can be used to manipulate images and apply special effects to make them stand out.

With all these features available, web designers can quickly create beautiful and functional websites that look great on any device. By taking advantage of the latest advancements in CSS3, website creators can build stunning visuals and create aesthetically pleasing websites.

What Are CSS Transitions, Transformations, and Animations?

CSS3 Transitions allow you to add a smooth transition effect between two states of an element. By applying changes to an element's properties over time, transitions create smooth and visually appealing animations. For example, transitioning from one background color to another or from one font size to another can be done with a simple transition declaration in CSS.

CSS3 2D Transforms are used to manipulate elements on a two-dimensional plane; this includes scaling, rotating, and skewing elements. This can be used for creative design effects such as spinning or zooming in and out of an element.

CSS3 3D Transformations allow you to move an element on all three axes: x, y, and z. This can be used to create complex animations like rotating an element around all three axes or having an element move in 3D space as it animates.

Animating with CSS3 is a great way to add engaging and interactive effects to your web page without needing to rely on JavaScript or other libraries. CSS3 transitions, transforms, and animations provide a powerful way to add motion to your web page and make it come alive. With just a few simple declarations in CSS, you can easily create complex and visually stunning effects that will keep your users engaged.

What Are Forms with HTML5 and CSS3?

HTML5 forms provide a more efficient way to create and manage web forms. They are created using HTML markup language and allow for a better user experience by providing a range of input types that accurately match the user's requirements. By utilizing HTML5 form elements such as INPUT, SELECT, and TEXTAREA tags, developers can define different types of data that can be accepted by the user. HTML5 also provides support for a variety of form-related attributes and validation techniques to ensure that data is inputted correctly.

CSS3 is used to customize the styling of HTML5 forms. It allows developers to create an aesthetically pleasing form with unique fonts, colors, and background images. CSS3 enables developers to adjust margins and padding, add borders, define font sizes, and embed media files to create even more personalized forms.

By combining the power of HTML5 and CSS3 forms can be made visually appealing while providing users with an efficient form-filling experience. With these tools, developers can create forms with a variety of input types, validation techniques, and customization options to serve the purpose of their website.

What Are SVGs

SVGs, or Scalable Vector Graphics, are an XML-based vector image format for two-dimensional graphics that allow for both static and dynamic images. They offer advantages over other image formats including smaller file sizes, resolution independence, and greater control over the look of the final product. Unlike pixel-based raster graphic formats like PNGs and JPEGs, SVG files are resolution independent and infinitely scalable.

Inserting SVGs into websites is relatively easy; they can be added using the tag with the “src” attribute pointing to the path of the file. The browser will then interpret it as an image.

Extra SVG capabilities allow for animation and interactivity. Animations can be achieved by adding multiple SVG elements and applying transforms, such as scaling or rotation, to them over time. Interactivity is made possible with the use of scripting languages like JavaScript or through the inclusion of event attributes to various SVG elements.

SVGs offer a range of oddities when compared to other image formats. For example, they can be manipulated with CSS and overlaid on top of other elements, which is not possible with PNGs or JPEGs. They are also much easier to manipulate programmatically using SVG libraries such as Snap.svg or svg.js than they would be with a pixel-based raster format due to their vector nature.

Related HTML Web Development Information:

How Much Do HTML Web Development Training Courses Cost?

Public instructor-led HTML Web Development course prices start at $1,165 per student. Group training discounts are available.

Self-Paced HTML Web Development eLearning courses cost $300 at the starting point per student. Group purchase discounts are available.

What HTML and Web Development Skills Should I Learn?

A: If you are wondering what HTML and Web Development skills are important to learn, we've written a HTML Web Development Skills and Learning Guide that maps out web design skills that are key to master and which of our courses teaches each skill.

Read Our HTML Web Development Skills and Learning Guide

What Are the Education Requirements and Skills Needed to Become a Web Developer?

A: The educational requirements and skills needed to become a Web developer can depend on the type of job that you choose to pursue. For example, front-end Web developers are client-side creators and may need skills with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, among others, while back-end Web developers who work on the server side may need proficiency in areas including PHP, Python, and Java. Some employers look for candidates with an associate or bachelor’s degree in computer science, but others may only require Web developer experience. Web development is a great field for logical and creative problem-solvers.

More Information on the Education Requirements and Skills Needed to Become a Web Developer

What Is the Best Way to Learn How to Code HTML and CSS, and How Long Does it Take?

A: For many, the best way to learn HTML and CSS is at the same time and with the guidance of a live instructor. Students who sign up for courses taught by professional, knowledgeable teachers can often learn HTML and CSS in as little as a few days. While practicing HTML and CSS may require a time investment of a few more weeks before students’ skills are good enough to implement in a professional setting, high-quality training can give you the knowledge necessary to build websites, design blogs, create corporate newsletters, and more.

More Information on How to Learn to Code HTML and CSS and How Long it Takes

How Long Does it Take to Attend Web Design School and Become a Web Developer?

A: Web design schools can offer two-year associate degrees or four-year bachelor’s degrees, but a degree in Web design is not required to become a Web developer. The amount of time that it takes to become a Web developer can depend on whether you want to pursue front-end, back-end, or full-stack development. There’s no one standard path to becoming a Web developer, but building your knowledge of coding and programming languages, earning certifications, and enrolling in Web development courses and boot camps can put you on the fast track to becoming a professional.

More Information on How Long it Takes to Become a Web Developer

What Are the Minimum System Requirements and Computer Specs for Web Development?

A: The minimum system requirements needed for Web development tasks will depend on the type of Web development that you intend to learn. For example, appropriate computer specs for coding can differ from those that are suitable for Web design. Generally, when configuring a computer for Web development, you'll want a system that has a screen (or two) large and crisp enough to read easily, at least 8 GB of RAM, and a quad-core i5 or i7 processor that has a speed of at least 3GHz. Check with your instructor or employer for guidance regarding computer spec requirements.

More Information on the Minimum System Requirements for Web Development

What Is the Best Way to Learn WordPress, and How Long Will it Take?

A: The best way to learn WordPress can depend on your professional goals and the type of educational materials that you prefer. For example, taking formal courses can prove your proficiency with the software, while referencing technical support documents on the official WordPress website can inform those who just need to learn about security or technical issues. Online courses are the most accessible and effective option for most, as they can be convenient and structured to help you learn. While most novices can learn WordPress basics in a matter of days, those who want to acquire an advanced skill set may require months of study.

More Information on How to Learn WordPress

What Kind of Training Do I Need to Become a Web Designer?

A: The kind of training that you will need to become a Web designer can depend on your professional objectives and your existing knowledge base. Corporate employees may need a certificate or degree to be hired, while freelancers may be able to win contracts with little formal training. The most important thing is to make sure that you have the skills you need, which you can accomplish in multiple ways.

More Information on How to Become a Web Designer

How Can I Become a Certified Web Developer?

A: The path to becoming a Web developer can depend on an individual's time, resources, and professional goals. You could always earn a college degree in computer science or electronic arts, but there are also more affordable and efficient methods to get the skills you need, like instructor-led online Web development courses. First, identify the specific areas of Web development that interest you; then pursue relevant training so that you can practice, earn credentials, and build a portfolio to impress employers.

More Information on How to Become a Certified Web Developer

Which is the best course for HTML?

A: There are many factors to consider when choosing the best course for HTML. Some factors you may want to consider include:

  • The experience level of the instructor. You'll want to make sure the instructor is experienced in teaching HTML and can answer any questions you may have.
  • The length of the course. You may want a shorter course if you're already familiar with some HTML, or a longer course if you're starting from scratch.
  • The price of the course. HTML training classes can vary in price, so be sure to compare prices before enrolling in a course.

In general, the best HTML training classes will be those that are taught by experienced instructors, are of a reasonable length, and are priced reasonably. By taking these factors into consideration, you can be sure to find the best course for HTML that meets your needs.

If you're looking for HTML training classes, Certstaffix Training offers both online and group onsite options. Although both training methods cover the same material, the onsite course for groups may be a better option if you prefer in-person instruction and have a corporate team needing to learn HTML. To decide which HTML course is right for you, consider your learning style and if it is just yourself or a group. Browse our HTML courses and feel free to contact us with any questions.

What is the best way to learn HTML?

A: There are a few different ways that you can learn HTML coding. One way is to find a tutorial online or in a book and work through it at your own pace. You can also find HTML courses offered by many different organizations, both online and offline. Many of these courses will give you a more structured approach to learning HTML. Finally, there are many resources available online that can help you if you get stuck or need reference material. Whichever method you choose, make sure you have plenty of patience and dedication, as learning HTML can be challenging at times. But with some hard work and perseverance, you'll be able to master this essential web programming language in no time.

Browse Certstaffix Training's HTML courses or reach out to us with any questions you may have about learning to code with HTML.

Is HTML difficult to learn?

A: HTML is a markup language used to create web pages. HTML is not difficult to learn, but it does require some basic skills. In order to be successful with HTML, you need to know how to use HTML tags and how to format text. You also need to understand the basics of coding and web design. With the right HTML training, you can learn all of these skills quickly and easily.

Certstaffix Training offers both online and group onsite HTML classes to fit your needs. So whether you're a beginner or more experienced, we can help you learn HTML and get up to speed quickly.

What are the top HTML skills?

A: HTML skills are important for any web developer or designer. Here are some of the most important ones:

Top HTML and CSS Skills

1. Semantic HTML: This skill is important for creating well-structured and easy-to-understand code. It also helps improve SEO.

2. CSS: A good understanding of CSS is essential for creating beautiful and responsive websites.

3. Responsive design: With more and more people using mobile devices to access the web, it’s important to create websites that look great on all screen sizes.

4. Web performance: Creating fast and lightweight websites is crucial for providing a good user experience.

5. Accessibility: Making sure your website can be used by everyone, regardless of their ability, is important for creating an inclusive web.

6. Security: Keeping your website and its users safe from potential threats is essential.

7. Browser compatibility: Ensuring your website works well across all major browsers is important for delivering a consistent experience to all visitors.

These are just some of the most important HTML skills to have. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re a seasoned pro, it’s always good to keep improving your skillset.

Where Can I Learn More About HTML Web Development?

HTML Web Development Blogs

HTML Web Development User Groups

HTML Web Development Online Forums

Explore Web Development Training Classes Near Me:

Certstaffix Training provides HTML classes near me or online, depending on the number of students involved. We offer online courses for individual learners, as well as in person classes at your office for corporate groups. Our trainers are highly experienced professionals with the expertise necessary to help you gain a thorough understanding of HTML concepts and tools. With our courses available online for individuals or in person for corporate groups, it's easy to develop your HTML skills. Start learning today and see how Certstaffix Training can help you reach your goals.


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