Fundamentals of UNIX Course

Course Details:

Length: 4 days

Price: Private Group Training Only

Group Price: Request Quote

Training Reviews

Course Features:

Live Instructor Teaching

Certificate of Completion

Digital Badge

Courseware: Print

Free 6 Month Online Retake

Hands-On Learning?: Yes

Software Lab Included?: Yes

Delivery Methods:

Live Online

Individuals and Groups
@ Your Location

Onsite for Teams

Group Teams
@ Your Organization

This is an instructor-led course. It is taught by an instructor live online or at organizations for groups.
For team training, we can teach onsite at your office or private live online.


Course Overview

This 4-day hands-on course provides users with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively use UNIX™. In this course, students will learn about the full range of UNIX user commands and utilities and how to develop shell scripts and advance their vi editing skills. This is also a first course for system administrators and programmers who are new to UNIX and Linux.

Register Early: Registration Deadline is 2 Weeks Prior to Class Start.

Course Topics

Course FAQs

What Are the Available Class Formats?

This course is taught by a live instructor and is available in two class formats:

  1. Live Online for Individuals
  2. Onsite/Online for Private Groups

What Are the Basics of UNIX?

UNIX is a powerful and versatile operating system used for several different purposes, ranging from managing computer hardware resources to developing software applications. It was originally developed in the 1970s by AT&T Bell Labs as an alternative to other commercial products available at the time. UNIX has since become the standard operating system of choice among many organizations due to its stability and reliability.

When logging into a UNIX system, users are presented with a prompt that allows them to enter commands. For example, the command "ls" will display the contents of the current directory. Other useful commands include "cd" for changing directories, "pwd" to print the current working directory, and "man" to access online manual pages.

It is important to protect your UNIX account from unauthorized use by regularly changing your password. To do this, type "passwd" at the prompt and follow the instructions provided. Additionally, online manuals are a great resource for learning about the various commands available in UNIX and understanding how to use them effectively.

Overall, UNIX is an invaluable tool for many people. By mastering the basics of logging in and out, changing passwords, and utilizing online manuals, users can maximize their potential to perform a variety of tasks. With a little practice and patience, you too can become an expert in this powerful operating system.

What Is the UNIX File System?

The UNIX file system is a hierarchical directory structure that organizes files and folders on a computer. It enables users to create, delete, move, and manage their files using directories in the same way physical filing cabinets are used for paper documents. The operating system stores information about the files it manages in an internal data structure known as an Inode. This Inode contains essential information about the file such as its name, size, type, and location. The UNIX file system also provides additional features such as access control lists (ACLs) to restrict or enforce access rights to files and folders. By structuring files according to their purpose in organized directories, users can easily find any particular file in the system. The UNIX file system is an invaluable tool for managing large amounts of digital data and has become a mainstay of modern computing.

What Is the vi Editor?

The vi Editor is an open-source text editor created in 1976 for UNIX. It is one of the oldest, most powerful, and most widely used text editors available today. It is often referred to as 'the programmer's editor' due to its ability to handle large amounts of code quickly and efficiently.

Unlike traditional word processors, which come with a set of menus, commands, and options that are used to create documents, the vi Editor is used primarily for editing text files in raw format. The vi Editor works by breaking up a file into three sections: command mode (for entering commands), insert mode (for writing actual text), and last line mode (for entering special characters). This makes it easier for users to manipulate and edit text files in a variety of ways. As an open-source tool, the vi Editor will continue to be updated with new features and capabilities, making it an excellent choice for those who are looking for an advanced text editor.

With its robust features, powerful capability, and ease of use, the vi Editor is an essential tool for any programmer. It can also be used by non-programmers, who may find it an invaluable asset when writing reports or editing documents. Regardless of the application, the vi Editor is sure to provide a powerful and efficient means of creating and manipulating text files.

What Are UNIX Personal Utilities?

UNIX personal utilities are a set of powerful tools designed to help users manage and manipulate data, execute commands, and perform various other tasks on UNIX-based systems. These utilities include:

  • The date Utility - Helps users check the current system time and date, or adjust them as needed.
  • The bc Utility - Helps users perform calculations and mathematical operations with high precision.
  • The expr Utility - Allows users to create, evaluate, and manipulate various types of expressions.
  • The cal Utility - Displays a calendar in the terminal that can be used to check dates or schedule events.
  • The news Utility - Displays news headlines and other important information.
  • The id Utility - Determines the user’s current identity and group membership.
  • The uname Utility - Displays system-specific information such as the hostname, kernel version, etc.
  • The finger Utility - Allows users to check details about other users such as their user names, home directories, etc.
  • The script Utility - Allows users to record a transcript of all the commands and output from a terminal session.
  • The clear Utility - Clears the terminal screen to make it easier to read and navigate.
  • The at Utility - Schedules tasks to be executed at a particular time in the future.
  • The crontab Utility - Automates tasks by scheduling them to run at specified intervals or specific times of the day.

These UNIX personal utilities provide users with powerful tools to help streamline and automate their workflows. They can be used to simplify and speed up complex processes, saving users time and effort.

What Are UNIX Text Handling Utilities?

UNIX Text Handling Utilities are a powerful set of tools that can be used to manipulate text-based data. Here is a list of some of the most commonly used utilities:

  • The grep Utility – This utility searches for patterns in files and prints only matching lines.
  • The tr Utility – This utility is useful for translating or deleting characters.
  • The cut Utility – This utility is used to extract specific fields from a file or stream.
  • The paste Utility – This utility allows for the combining of multiple lines into one line, side-by-side.
  • The sort Utility – This utility can be used to sort lines in files alphabetically or numerically.
  • The wc Utility – This utility prints the number of lines, words, and bytes in a file or from standard input.
  • The diff Utility – This utility compares two files and shows which lines are different.
  • The lp Utility – This utility is used to send a text or a postscript file to the printer.

These UNIX Text Handling Utilities offer a wide range of possibilities when working with text-based data and can be extremely useful in streamlining processes that involve manipulating text documents. For more information on these utilities and their usage, please refer to the relevant UNIX documentation. Understanding how to use these tools will help you to maximize your efficiency when working with text files.

What Is UNIX File System Security?

UNIX File System Security provides a set of rules and regulations to protect the file system from being accessed by unauthorized users. System administrators need to understand how UNIX file permissions work and use them correctly to ensure data security.

File Permissions are used in UNIX systems to allow or deny user access to different files and directories. File permissions can be divided into two categories: read, write, and execute permissions, which determine the type of access a user has to a file; and ownership permissions which specify who owns the file or directory. The chmod utility is used to set these file and directory permissions.

Directory Permissions also play an important role in UNIX systems. They can be used to control user access to specific files and subdirectories within a directory. The umask command is used to set the default permissions for new files and directories created within a directory.

By understanding UNIX File System security, system administrators can implement appropriate measures to protect their systems from data breaches. It is important to ensure that file and directory permissions are set correctly to prevent unauthorized access and maintain data security.

What Are UNIX File System Management Utilities?

UNIX File System Management Utilities are tools that make it easier to manage files, directories, and other aspects of the UNIX file system. The most commonly used utilities include the find utility, the df utility, the du utility, compressing files with gzip or bzip2, creating symbolic links with ln, setting shell limits with ulimit, and archiving files with the tar utility.

The find utility is a powerful tool for locating files in the file system by name, size, ownership, or other criteria. It can also be used to execute commands on located files or directories. The df utility displays disk usage information for mounted file systems and helps identify potential disk space bottlenecks. The du utility provides a summary of disk usage by individual user or other criteria.

Compressing files with gzip or bzip2 is often used to reduce file sizes and save valuable storage space. Symbolic links can be created with ln to create aliases for files, directories, or even other symbolic links. With the ulimit utility, system administrators can set resource limits on user-level processes. Lastly, the tar utility is used for archiving files and directory structures. It creates a single file from multiple files or directories that can be backed up, extracted, or transferred more easily than individual files.

UNIX File System Management Utilities are essential tools for managing and maintaining a large or complex file system. By using the correct utilities, administrators can ensure their systems remain organized, efficient, and secure.

What Are UNIX Communication Utilities?

UNIX communication utilities are tools developed to help users communicate with one another. They allow users to exchange messages, send files and collaborate on projects.

The write utility is a simple command line tool used to send messages from one user’s terminal to another user's terminal in real-time. It allows both parties to type simultaneously while connected in a conversation.

The talk utility is similar to the write command but it allows messages to be sent from one user’s terminal to another over the network. It uses text-based conversations, and each party must accept the request before communication can take place.

The mesg utility is used for controlling access to messages sent to a user’s terminal. It can be used to disable messages, allowing only certain users to send them and disallowing any other access.

Mail is a powerful messaging system that allows users to send and receive text-based emails over the network. Messages are stored in mailboxes on the server and can be read using a text-based mail client. The mail utility is the command line tool used to send and receive emails in this system.

The mailx utility is an improved version of the mail command and provides more features such as support for message attachments, threaded conversations, and automatic formatting of messages. It also supports graphical user interfaces (GUIs) and provides an easier to use interface for users.

UNIX communication utilities are essential tools for collaboration and productivity. They provide users with the means to communicate instantly and securely, allowing them to work together on projects from anywhere in the world. By utilizing these powerful tools, teams can be more efficient and productive than ever before.

What Is the UNIX Shell?

The UNIX Shell is a command line interpreter that allows users to issue commands and interact with the operating system. It is a major component of the UNIX operating system, providing advanced functionality for programming, automation, and control applications. The shell provides an easy-to-use interface for executing programs, managing files, and navigating directories. It can be used to perform system-level tasks such as creating, moving, and deleting files; setting permissions; and scheduling jobs. As a scripting language, the UNIX shell is powerful enough to create sophisticated programs with just a few lines of code. This makes it an invaluable tool for system administrators who need to automate complex tasks or troubleshoot network issues. The shell can be easily customized to meet the needs of any user or organization. By leveraging its flexibility and power, UNIX administrators can make their systems more efficient and reliable. With the right knowledge and experience, users can unlock the full potential of the UNIX Shell to maximize productivity.

What Is UNIX Filename Generation?

UNIX Filename Generation is a powerful tool that enables users to quickly generate multiple files with similar names in one go. It uses several special characters – '?', '*', '[ ]', and '!' – that can be combined to create powerful filename patterns.

The '?' character is used to match any single character, while the '*' character is used to match any sequence of characters. This allows users to quickly generate multiple filenames with similar patterns, such as "batch*" or "report?.txt".

The '[ ]' special characters are used for specifying a set of characters for a certain position in the filename pattern. For example, '[abc]' can be used to generate "reporta.txt", "reportb.txt" and "reportc.txt".

Finally, the '!' character is used to negate a set of characters. For instance, '[!xyz]' can be used to generate filenames like "report1.txt" and "report2.txt", but not "reportx.txt" or "reporty.txt".

Through the use of UNIX Filename Generation, users can create multiple files with similar names quickly and easily. This makes managing large numbers of files more efficient and less time-consuming. With a few simple keyboard strokes, users can generate hundreds of filenames that meet their specific requirements.

What Are UNIX Processes?

Unix processes are the essential building blocks of any Unix-based operating system. A process is a program or application that is currently running in a computer's memory or is ready to run as required. Each process has its own memory space and processor state, meaning that every time an application is initiated, it starts a new process. This makes processes one of the most important components of any Unix-based system, as they are responsible for carrying out tasks and controlling the flow of data between processes. As such, it is essential for anyone working in a Unix environment to understand how these processes function. Processes can be managed using various tools and techniques, which allow for increased efficiency and security. Processes can be suspended or killed, allowing users to manage the resources they have available.

Unix processes are responsible for managing the operation of any Unix-based system and will continue to play a vital role in modern computing environments. Understanding how these processes work is essential for anyone working in the field.

What Is UNIX Shell Programming?

UNIX Shell Programming is a method of automating administrative tasks in the UNIX operating system, allowing users to quickly and efficiently perform repetitive commands. This type of programming lets users access multiple programs from one command prompt, streamline complex tasks by writing scripts, monitor disk usage levels, and automate backups. The shell can also be used to search text files, run other programs, and manage files. Shell scripts are simple to write and execute, making them effective tools for system administration. By automating tasks, UNIX Shell Programming can increase productivity and save time. It eliminates the need to perform commands manually multiple times, reducing errors and saving resources. The use of shell programming is essential for those who work with the UNIX operating system, and it is a critical skill for anyone working in IT.

What Is UNIX Flow Control?

UNIX flow control is the process of controlling data flow and instruction in a computer system. It refers to the techniques used by an operating system to manage and manipulate the data that is sent between components within the system, such as peripherals, processes, network connections, or user input. Flow control enables efficient communication among all parts of a computer system, as well as between the computer and external devices. In UNIX systems, flow control is implemented through a set of commands that allow users to manually or automatically direct data transmissions. There are various methods for handling input/output operations in UNIX systems, including interrupts, signals, pipes, and named pipes. Flow control can also involve other aspects such as scheduling, buffering, and managing permissions.

Flow control is essential for any well-designed system, as it helps to ensure the efficient flow of data and instructions throughout the system. It also helps maintain security by preventing unauthorized access to data or resources. Properly implemented flow control can help speed up applications and reduce overall system latency. It can help reduce the overhead associated with system maintenance and management. By controlling data flow in an organized, reliable manner, system performance is improved and risks of data corruption or security threats are minimized. UNIX flow control provides a powerful tool to manage communication among components within a computer system.

What Are UNIX Variables?

UNIX variables are special symbols used to store information specific to a user's environment. These variables can be used as placeholders or for storing data for use in shell scripts, functions, and applications. Variables allow users to customize their workflows and personalize the way their computer works. Common uses of UNIX variables include setting paths, usernames, passwords, database connection strings, and other environment-specific information. By setting variables in a user's local environment, UNIX users can create a personalized experience while leveraging the power of the operating system to get work done efficiently. UNIX variables can be used in most UNIX-based languages, including Bash and Python, providing an additional level of customization and utility to users. UNIX variables are a powerful tool that allows users to customize their environment and tailor their use of the operating system to their needs.

What Are UNIX Special Variables?

UNIX special variables are environment variables used to store information such as the current user, hostname, and working directory. They are often used by shells, programs, and scripts to determine certain conditions or settings about the system they are running on. For example, $PATH is a UNIX special variable that specifies the location of executables that can be executed from the command line. Knowing and setting these variables correctly is essential for the proper operation of UNIX-based systems. By making use of special variables, users can customize their shell environment to better suit their needs. In addition, scripts and programs often rely on special variables to perform certain functions or provide more accurate output. Because of this, users should familiarize themselves with the types of special variables available and adjust them to their needs.

Related Unix Information:

How Much Do Unix Training Courses Cost?

Public instructor-led Unix course prices start at $2,280 per student. Group training discounts are available.

Self-Paced Unix eLearning courses cost $475 at the starting point per student. Group purchase discounts are available.

What Unix Skills Should I Learn?

A: If you are wondering what Unix skills are important to learn, we've written a Unix Skills and Learning Guide that maps out Unix skills that are key to master and which of our courses teaches each skill.

Read Our Unix Skills and Learning Guide

Is Unix hard to learn?

A: Is Unix hard to learn? It depends on your background and goals. If you're coming from a Windows or Mac environment, there will be a bit of a learning curve. However, if you're familiar with basic concepts like file systems and permissions, then Unix shouldn't be too difficult to pick up. The most important thing is to have a good understanding of what you want to accomplish before getting started. Once you know your goals, the rest will fall into place.

Is Unix and Linux same?

A: Unix and Linux are two popular operating systems that have a lot in common. Both are based on the Unix philosophy of "small, simple, and modular" design. They both use a command-line interface (CLI) for users to interact with the system. And they both support a wide range of software applications.

However, there are also some key differences between Unix and Linux. Unix is a proprietary operating system, while Linux is open source. Unix is typically more expensive to purchase and maintain than Linux. And Linux offers more customization options than Unix.

So, which operating system is right for you? It depends on your specific needs and preferences. If you need an operating system that is stable and easy to use, Unix may be a good choice. If you want an operating system that is less expensive and more customizable, Linux may be a better option.

How many days learn Unix?

A: With Certstaffix Training, you can learn Unix in as little as 4 days. We offer both individual online and group onsite corporate training classes, so you can choose the option that best fits your schedule and learning needs. Our experienced trainers will help you master the Unix operating system, so you can confidently use it for work or personal projects. Browse our Unix training offerings now.

What are the top Unix skills?

A: There are a variety of skills that are important for anyone who wants to work with Unix systems. Here are some of the most important ones:

Top Unix Skills

Understanding the Unix file system and how it works - This is critical for being able to navigate the system and find the files you need.

Knowing how to use the command line - This is the most basic way of interacting with Unix systems, and it’s important to know the basics.

Learning scripting languages like Bash or Perl - These can be used to automate tasks or create custom programs.

Being familiar with common Unix utilities - There are many tools available for working withUnix systems, and it’s helpful to know which ones are available and how to use them.

Understanding security - Unix systems are often used in environments where security is critical, so it’s important to understand the basics of security on these systems.

Knowing how to troubleshoot - When something goes wrong on a Unix system, it’s important to be able to identify the problem and fix it.

These are just some of the skills that are important for working with Unix systems. By learning these skills, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a proficient Unix user.

Where Can I Learn More About Unix?

Unix Blogs

Unix User Groups

Unix Online Forums

Explore Unix Training Classes Near Me:

Certstaffix Training provides Unix classes near me or online, depending on the number of students involved. We offer online courses for individual learners, as well as in person classes at your office for corporate groups. Our trainers are highly experienced professionals with the expertise necessary to help you gain a thorough understanding of Unix concepts and tools. With our courses available online for individuals or in person for corporate groups, it's easy to develop your Unix skills. Start learning today and see how Certstaffix Training can help you reach your goals.



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