The Certstaffix Training blog features free information about topics related to computer training and business skills that we teach in our instructor-led and eLearning classes. We offer training for both individuals and groups.
For many companies, there are no better investments than those that involve workforce development. While the concept's definition can vary between governments, communities, and individuals, among business owners, the gist is simple: Workforce development simply refers to bolstering your employees by giving them the skills and knowledge that they need to perform their jobs well, now and in the future. With the right training... Read More ...
The easiest way to train your employees online is to enroll them in professionally organized and taught online classes. Since this type of training can take many forms, including teaching basic soft skills or advanced technical knowledge, it's important to know what kind you're looking for. If you're an employer who's interested in getting your staff certified to work with software, for instance, consider signing them up for courses that prepare them for certification exams... Read More ...
Veterans have numerous qualities that technology employers find valuable, including discipline, collaboration skills, and the ability to perform under pressure. While these traits can place veterans a cut above the rest, people with a history of military service may lack a key attractive element that the average applicant already has: civilian-level certifications. Read More ...
For many businesses, computer technicians are the technological nerve center of their operations. This is because computer technicians can be responsible for successfully operating the hardware and software that facilitate both production and client interactions. Employees who obtain high-quality training to become computer technicians can become essential to an organization's performance, both inside the office and within a competitive industry. Read More ...
For employers, developing an effective training program can be the source of significant amounts of anxiety. The task can be even more intimidating if they desire to do it from scratch. Fortunately, creating an informative and successful training program for staff can be easy and even fun if you know where to start and what you need. Read More ...
Whether you own a company or simply work for one, the benefits of professional training can't be understated. The tangible and intangible benefits gained from professional training are countless and will nearly always increase the most important number to any business: its bottom line. Read More ...
Successful training requires that employers and staff engage in highly organized, multi-step processes. The degree of the training's effectiveness, however, can hinge on employers' and instructors' foresight and willingness to go above and beyond planning basics. When business owners and instructors view training as a holistic, top-down activity and make a concerted effort to create dynamic educational opportunities... Read More ...
Government employees who work on computer systems often face special challenges when attempting to obtain relevant training. In addition to having to find comprehensive courses offered by reputable companies, they also need to identify classes that comply with regulations, policies, protocols, and laws associated with their occupations. While the type of training that you enroll in can depend on your professional duties... Read More ...
As the job pool widens and industries heat up, what can set an individual applicant or a business's workplace apart from competitors are skills. Professional training can ensure that employees produce better work, help business owners meet their goals, and open up better career prospects for job-hunters. Read More ...
When planning to train employees, one of the most important considerations that small-business owners or corporate entities will have to weigh is the total cost. While many factors can influence the final price tag for training, creating a good budget by assessing practical concerns can ensure that your employees remain knowledgeable assets to your company. Read More ...
The definition of "basic computer skills" can vary depending on individual needs, the industries in which people work, their specific positions, and even current trends in technology. There are, however, certain skills that serve as a solid foundation to perform basic tasks on a computer. A good set of these computer skills often signals to employers that job applicants are ready to perform the tasks of a professional the day they're hired. Read More ...
Computer software training plays a role in almost every industry and among business owners, employers, staff, and even job applicants. Whether the goal is to improve a workforce, hone professional skills, or make yourself more attractive to hiring managers, obtaining computer training can be the first step toward achieving your goals. Read More ...
Creating a better workforce often entails focusing on improving employees' productivity levels. One of the best ways to increase a staff's efficiency is to make them comfortable and competent with using the software. Whether you're looking for on-site, remote, or self-paced instruction, software training can transform an average staff into a phenomenal workforce, sometimes after just a few days of training. Read More ...
Good training is essential to creating great employees. Whether students are learning basic concepts or advanced skills, the best computer training courses always have one thing in common: clear learning goals and objectives. Read More ...
When business owners and employees seek professional software training, they often express interest in determining whether these courses are tax-deductible, but the answer can depend on several different factors, including whether you're a business owner with an educational program in place or an employee looking to improve their skills. Read More ...
Knowing how much computer training will cost can play an important role in planning training programs and saving yourself money. This is true whether you're an employee who's looking to improve their skills or a business owner offering financial assistance to staff for their work-related education. Since no two situations are completely the same, ... Read More ...
Nowadays, computers are used in all areas of business, whether it's ground-level production or upper management. For that reason, knowing your way around a computer can be an essential skill that can make or break your performance as an employee. Business owners who are concerned with their bottom lines can consider paying for employees' computer training to be a direct investment in future profits. Read More ...
To find a satisfactory answer to the question "Why is software training important?" one needs only to understand how ubiquitous computers and software have become in everyday life. These systems and applications can be found in almost every industry, and a staff's competency in using them can often dictate a company's success or failure. Read More ...
As a business owner, investing in online computer training can be one of the easiest and most economical choices that you can make if you want to improve your employees’ skills. If you’re an employee, participating in computer training at your home can take the pressure off of learning new skills in a fast-paced or intense work environment. Read More ...
Technological advances have made several aspects of modern life more convenient, and that includes taking classes. Every day, thousands of employees sign up for online classes to improve their professional prospects, whether they want to climb the corporate ladder, work for a small business, or strike out on their own as freelancers. Read More ...
Teaching your staff how to work with a new computer program involves more than just picking the right employee training software and letting them explore it on their own. As a small-business owner or a corporate employee in charge of training groups of workers, you’ll have to adopt appropriate teaching strategies, foster encouraging learning environments, and keep employees engaged in the learning process to see results. Read More ...
There's a lot more to the universe than just planet Earth. Astronomy is a field of study covering the entire universe, from giant planets to the tiniest flow of energy. The sun is the center of the solar system. Astronomers named this massive star Sol, which is where we get the word solar. Over the course of 4.5 billion years, the solar system has formed into what it is today, part of a galaxy filled with gases, dust, and billions of stars. Read More ...
The world of computers opens up a wide range of possibilities for people of all ages. Through the use of computers we can create web pages and blogs to inform and entertain others, we can use computers to make our lives easier and we can use computers at our job to make our work easier. However, to use computers most people need use of all of their senses. This makes it difficult for people with disabilities to enjoy the convenience of computers and the web. Read More ...
When you use a computer, there are a lot of fun things that you can do. The Internet is a great place to find and play games or chat with your friends. Sometimes, you might even need to use the Internet for school. But the Internet isn't always a fun or safe place. It can also be dangerous or scary, and it can even hurt your feelings and make you sad. That's because people sometimes go online and do bad things. Read More ...
Computer and video games were not originally designed with education in mind. Over the years such games have gotten a bad reputation as distracting kids from more important things such as school. Studies, however, have shown that video and computer games can help kids learn and develop essential skills that will help with academic achievement. Read More ...
As technology continues to change over the years, new types of training become necessary. This is very true for kids today, who are growing up in a time where everything is done on a computer, tablet, or smartphone. While most kids know how to use computers from a young age, there is a lot more to know about computers. Read More ...
Keyboarding is one of the most useful activities that adults and children can use. It is something that can be used for using computers, word processing, texting, and a host of other technology-related tasks. Keyboarding is basically the knowledge of the keyboard layout and the ability to use all ten fingers in using the keyboard. Read More ...
The internet offers many ways to connect with friends, research places to visit, and find out the latest news. Aside from the millions of websites and things to do, the internet can become a pitfall for common users looking to occupy their time. Read More ...
With our increasing amount of reliance and usage, on computers and technology, have come additional problems. With our youth, using video games for prolonged periods of time has brought about problems with adolescent obesity. Even in adults, using computers for prolonged periods of time can lead to a variety of problems. In recent years, computer usage has let to a number of computer related injuries, which can provide pain while using computers. Read More ...
In nearly any business that employs workers, it is necessary to have some form of human resource management on hand. Human resource management is the administrative function of a business that manages the hiring, training and other needs of employees within the company. Read More ...
Using the Internet can be beneficial, educational, and fun but things are not always as they appear. Your bank may send an email explaining that for security reasons you need to change your password which in fact, can prove to be a criminal trying to access your information. Files attached to emails from friends could end up being a computer virus. The new friend your child meets online could turn out to be a child predator. Read More ...
Georges Méliès was filming a Parisian street scene when his camera jammed. This camera jam occurred in 1896, when movies consisted of unedited scenes from real-life scenes, like Locomotives rushing down railroad tracks and busy street scenes. Read More ...
Of the many different types of learning methods, group learning can deliver marked results. It allows group members to help each other in terms of offering support and also learning from each other. Beyond this, it also improves the way students naturally learn new materials. An informal group tends to be a temporary class arrangement for students to work on small tasks together. Read More ...
One of the biggest advancements in education is the use of computers and the Internet. Computers have taken the traditional ideals of teaching through books and brought it to a new level. With computers and the Internet, kids can learn about history, practice writing, view experiments and a host of other uses. The computer has become a helpful tool for educators to supplement the current curriculum using textbooks. Read More ...
What do you want to be when you grow up? A fashion designer? An Italian teacher? A game creator? No matter what you choose, you will surely need to know your math! Don't feel like sitting in front of some math practice books or pouring yourself into some tough word problem? Read More ...
Viruses are nasty, self-replicating parasitic bugs-kind of like the flu-but infecting your computer system. Viruses damage computers because they attach themselves to files, replicate and spread. Some do little more than create an annoyance; some are designed to create serious damage to your computer's programs and performance. Consider all viruses harmful-and like the flu, do what you can to prevent infection, and wipe it out as soon as you can. Read More ...
Physical disabilities present a variety of barriers that can prevent people from performing typical activities. Disabilities may include visual impairments, hearing impairments, speech impediments, and impairments of fine and/or gross motor skills such as writing, hand movement, or walking. Read More ...
Computers have been a huge part of our everyday lives. We use them in schools, at home and in the workplace. We use them for business purposes as well as for pleasure. For most of us, we imagine that computers have existed forever, and can't think of a world without using these machines daily. Read More ...
When writing a research paper, doing the research can be one of the easiest parts of the project. But once you've found reputable sources with relevant information, using that information to write your own paper can be a challenge. Avoiding plagiarism is crucial not only for your grade, if you're in school, but for your reputation. Follow a few basic steps when writing and you can rest assured that your work will be original. Read More ...
While typing was once considered the domain of secretaries and office assistants, today the mass use of computers means that just about everyone needs to be an efficient typist. Many schools are teaching children this skill at a young age, in the knowledge that they will continue to use it throughout their education and working careers. Read More ...
Technology is almost everywhere in the world today. People use technology to learn, to work, to play, and to communicate with each other. These days, people need to know how to use a computer to work and to learn. Computer skills often start with knowing about the different parts of the machine and knowing how to use components such as the keyboard and mouse. Read More ...
Learning how to read and write is very important. As you continue to grow and learn, you will need to show your ability to read, write, speak correctly and effectively. There are many different ways to practice reading and writing. Read More ...
The brain is one of the most vital organs in the human body. The brain controls all motor activities in the body and to function efficiently, the brain needs to be in good working order. People have the opportunity to train or improve the function of the brain through exercises such as activities or games. By exercising the brain, the functionality of the brain can improve when you're young or maintain efficiency while we age. Read More ...
The term "net neutrality" was first coined in 2003 by law professor Tim Wu, and it pertains to the equality of Internet service and traffic for all websites and users. The premise of net neutrality actually dates back to 1934, when the Communications Act was signed into law, regulating interstate telephone services. In 1996, the Telecommunications Act made the Internet subject to this governmental regulation. Read More ...
You are in class and suddenly, the instructor informs you that you need to present a project to the class. The project involves a number of components, such as a written portion, a visual portion, and a spoken portion. While writing and creating a visual presentation is fairly easy, the one part that most people dread is the spoken component. Read More ...
Children have an amazing ability to learn at a young age on a wide variety of topics. It has been said that younger children have an almost unlimited ability to be taught on a variety of topics Read More ...
How children spend their time has a significant impact on them, particularly when it comes to their physical and mental well-being. It can affect how they behave and who they become as they grow into teenagers and eventually, adults. This is particularly true during the most formative years of a child's life. Read More ...
Spanish, also known as Castilian, ranks as the second most spoken language in the world. The United Nations classifies Spanish as one of the six official languages and the European Union and Mercosur use Spanish as an official language. Read More ...
Almost any type of daily necessity has a mobile app that can make it easier. From refilling your prescriptions on a pharmacy app to live-streaming any event at any time, mobile apps can do it all. Read More ...
Chess is a two-player board game in which each player competes to trap the other side's king. It is played on a simple 64-square checkered board with 16 pieces on each side, much like checkers. In chess, there are more than 288 million possible board positions once each player has made their first four moves. Read More ...
Computers and the Internet have impacted almost every aspect of daily life, from the way we communicate to how we shop. As the Internet evolves, cyber security remains essential to keep confidential information safe. Internet users should be aware of the risks that going online can have. Among the many computer security dangers, there is always a risk of predators stealing credit card information, viruses deleting or altering important files, or various other fraudulent activities. Read More ...
For many people today, using a computer is a part of life that we tend to take for granted. This technology is so deeply integrated into modern life that we use it for work, communication and even entertainment. For example, it is quite common for people to spend the majority of their workday in front of a computer, then return home and log onto their personal computers to check email, chat with friends, play games or watch a movie. Read More ...
Computer programming is typically referred to as coding or programming for short. It is the process that begins with designing, writing and testing source codes to debugging and maintaining the code for computer programs. The code is written in at least one programming language, but can also be written in more than one language if the programmer chooses to do so. Read More ...
It may be inferred that programming languages were developed along with the computer, but this information is a misconception. Programming languages outdate computers. In fact, some would say the first programming language was actually developed in Ancient Greece, millennia before the computer was ever invented or even conceived. In Antikythera, an island south of mainland Greece, there had been a mechanism that used gears to calculate the Olympiads and the Metonic cycle. Read More ...